About Energy Bodies And The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

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About Energy Bodies And The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View
About Energy Bodies And The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: About Energy Bodies And The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: About Energy Bodies And The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View
Video: Science Of The Soul - Full Documentary 2024, September

About energy bodies and the structure of the soul

A short excerpt from Dayana Stein's book - "Karmic Healing", excerpt is given without accompanying illustrations.

Etheric body

The first energy layer from the physical body is called the Etheric Body. This layer of the aura contains the energetic twin of the physical body, known as the Etheric Twin. Everything that happens in the physical body takes place primarily in the etheric body, and the Etheric Twin is the mute infant consciousness of one's own Self. The healing of the etheric body manifests itself in a change in physical health. The Kundalini chakras are located in the etheric body, and the Ka Matrix connects the physical and etheric bodies. The root chakra of the Kundalini energy line connects the perineal chakra with the Hara line, thus creating a bridge between the etheric body and the next energy level.

The seven chakras of the Kundalini are the most studied part of energy anatomy. In humans, these chakras are located in a vertical line along the spinal column. I will briefly describe them.

The root chakra is located in the sacrum and is associated with life force energy, physical personality and survival instincts. Its color is red. This is the first outlet for energy and the foundation of the etheric body.

The belly chakra, located below the navel, regulates the creative, sexual and fertilizing energies. It is orange in color. This is the second chakra from the bottom - the energy converter of the etheric level.

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The third chakra is located between the lower ribs and is the solar plexus chakra. It is colored yellow. This is the third from below and the last exit of the etheric body. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for consciousness, rational thinking, and psychic perception.

Then comes the heart chakra, located in the center of the sternum, indicated in green or pink. The heart chakra passes the downward energy of the astral / emotional body through it and connects the Hara line and the emotional body through the thymus chakra of the Hara line. The Astral Twin enters through this pair of chakras of the emotional and etheric bodies. The heart chakra is the center of compassion and universal love, a sense of the connection of oneself with everyone else.

The pale blue throat chakra is located in the same place as the physical throat and is the first exit of the spiritual body. This chakra is responsible for the ability to express truth, create and empathize. It is the most complex of all chakras, as it perceives the consciousness of many personal selves and contains the complete project of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

The next chakra of the spiritual body is the third eye. It is located in the center of the forehead and is indicated in blue. The third eye is responsible for psychic vision, telepathy, and clairvoyance. It is also a "step-down transformer" that connects the crystal lattice of the individual's mind, the crystal grid of the earthly mind (collective planetary consciousness) and the crystal grid of the Universal Mind (galactic or universal consciousness). It is at this level that karmic cleansing and liberation takes place, extending to the four lower bodies.

The third (last) chakra of the spiritual body is located at the crown of the head and is called the parietal chakra. It is usually described as violet, and it is above psychic consciousness and spirituality. With any deep healing of the soul, when work is being done on balancing energies, clearing matrices and correcting DNA, the entrance is carried out through this chakra.

The strongly lowered energies of the Essence Self and the Oversoul are perceived at this level, although both of them are far from ordinary consciousness.

These are the Kundalini chakras. Here it should be said about the other side of the chakras. They are as functional as the outlets on the front of the body and are receivers of external energies. In particular, the dorsal outlet of the heart chakra is where the Astral Twin and the Etheric Twin converge, where the Higher Self merges with the Astral Twin, where the Essence Self (Star Self) merges with the Higher Self and where the Oversoul (Divine Self) infuses its energy into the Essence I AM.

The personal goddess (or god) of a person also enters him through this center. Below will be given more detailed information on these energetic selves. The dorsal outlet of the heart chakra contains the Silver Thread.

Emotional / Astral Body

The energy level following the etheric body is called the Emotional Body. It connects the outer energy level of the astral plane with the Astral Twin. The emotional body consists of the Hara line and its chakras connecting with the etheric body and Kundalini directly in the perineal (root) chakra and thymus (heart) chakra, as well as in the transpersonal point - the parietal chakra. The Etheric Matrix connects the etheric body to the emotional (astral) body and also connects the thymus and heart.

There are thirteen Hara chakras in the emotional body. Below is a brief description of them.

The transpersonal point, or "Star of the Soul", is located above the crown. It is transparent, and its center carries the energy of life force to the outer body, which feeds the system, which is close in its characteristics to physical energy.

This is followed by a pair of visual chakras located behind the eyes. These chakras are colored silver, and thanks to them the eyes can be used as lasers for healing.

The causal body chakra is located at the base of the skull. Its color can be either bright scarlet or silvery blue. This is the center of channeling and manifestation. We can reach our Higher Self through the causal body chakra and the third eye (Kundalini chakra). We communicate with our Higher Self through the throat, and it connects with the physical Self through the Astral Twin of the heart chakra.

The Hara thymus chakra is located on the sternum, just above the Kundalini heart chakra. It is the main connecting link between the Hara and Kundalini energy bodies. Access to the astral plane (outside the emotional body and the Astral Twin) is made through this pair of united chakras. The thymus chakra is aquamarine in color, it is responsible for the release of emotions and the functioning of the immune system.

Then comes the diaphragmatic chakra, located between the solar plexus and heart chakras (Kundalini). The diaphragmatic chakra has a lemon color and is responsible for detoxification and emotional change.

Below the navel, between the root chakra (Kundalini) and the chakra (Kundalini) of the abdomen, is the Hara chakra. Its color is orange-brown or gold, and its function is to manifest the purpose of life. The perineal chakra is located between the anal passage and the vagina on a non-physical emotional level. Its color is brown, and its purpose is to go beyond the physical I. In this center, the etheric and emotional bodies also unite.

Two pairs of smaller chakras are located next to the Hara line. The first pair is called the movement chakras. Situated above the knees, they help progress along the path of life. They are colored forest green or brown. A pair of brown grounding chakras are located on the feet. Their goal is to connect with the spirit during physical reincarnation. The last chakra of the Hara line is the Earth chakra, or "Earth Star", located below the feet. It has a brilliant black color, and its purpose is to stabilize the connection of a person with the planet.

Through the emotional body it is possible to enter the astral plane, where the soul gets the opportunity to travel to the outer spheres. The Astral Twin also dwells here. The free spirit of the child's Self (not to be confused with the Infant Self of the Etheric Twin) has a developed awareness that may (or may not) open up to our consciousness. The Astral Twin is distinguished by tenderness, vulnerability, vulnerability and great curiosity. Perhaps this gave rise to the idea of "a child within each of us."

Having healed from the traumas of the distant past, the Astral Double merges with the Etheric Double, while their mutual strengthening takes place and they become part of the conscious spiritual awareness. Another Matrix, Keteric, connects the emotional body with the mental body, as well as the third eye of the Kundalini with the causal body chakra of the Hara lineage.

Mental body

The next level is the mental body, which gives access to the crystal grid of the mind, the crystal grid of the Earth and the crystal grid of the Universe. Buddhist philosophy states that all reality is created by the mind, and the crystalline grid of the mind is where the concept of reality is stored and developed. The Crystalline Mind Grid is perceived as a golden screen of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. Where thought forms are absent or the thought process is stalled, the grid appears to be dark, with tangled lines. Karma is stored in the crystalline grid of the mind - and is healed in it - since karmic beliefs and stereotypes are programmed here. Most accurately, the crystal lattice of the mind can be compared to a computer.

The Earth's Crystalline Grid is made up of collective thoughts, beliefs, and planetary consciousness. The crystalline grid of the individual mind intersects with the crystalline grid of the Earth, which looks extremely confused in some places.

The energy overload of the Earth changes has caused temporary damage to the Earth's crystal lattice, which makes the energy screen appear to have collapsed in some places. Communication and clarity of thought on Earth will suffer until the crystal lattice is repaired (hopefully, this will remove many obsolete thought forms).

Purification and healing of individual karma causes changes in the crystalline grid of the Earth. This indicates that earthly changes are taking place at the individual level.

The galactic, or Universal crystal lattice is the crystal lattice of "mind" and other planets. Although the crystal grid of the Earth is in contact with the Universal crystal grid, most people are not aware of this unity. However, this awareness is growing as more and more alien healers and assistants are sent to Earth to provide services to earthlings during the period of Earth changes.

The mental body is connected to the next level - the spiritual body - through the Heavenly Matrix, which also plays the role of a "downward transformer" between the parietal chakra and the transpersonal point.

Spiritual body

The spirit body is made up of several energy layers, forming a cocoon surrounding the lower energy levels. The Higher Self resides at this level of energy. This is the Virgin in the Divine Trinity. The Higher Self can be brought to levels close to the physical, thanks to some practices. When the Higher Self is attained, it merges with the Astral Twin and Etheric Twin to enhance spiritual growth and awareness. His energy has an ecstatic quality, as does the energy of all other selves.

Causal (causal) body

The causal body is above the level of the spiritual body and is connected to it through the I-Am Matrix. It consists of two layers - the level of the Essence Self / Stellar body (lower layer) and the level of the central soul / Oversoul (outer layer). Each of these energy layers opens up access to the personality twin, the Essence Self / Star Self (at the lower level) and the Divine Self / Oversoul (at the highest level). The Essence Self, or Star Self, is the center of our spiritual consciousness. It has developed from our central Self over the course of many reincarnations. At the level of conscious energy, it is represented as an angel (the angel is our Essence and Divine Self) and the Mother in the Divine Trinity. Upon reaching it, it connects and merges with the Higher Self (which has already connected with the Astral Twin and the Etheric Twin). The lower and upper levels of the causal body,The Essence Self and the Oversoul are interconnected by the five galactic chakras and the three Galactic Matrices.

The Divine Self, or the Supersoul of the highest level of the causal body, is the last known energetic shell of earthly incarnations. This is what we are with the full disclosure of the energy of the life force, when we do not descend to the energy vibrations of the body near the physical level. The five chakras of the causal body and the three Causal Matrices, accepting the Divine Self / Oversoul, connect the Oversoul with the Essence Self. This is the level of wisdom of the Old Woman in the Divine Trinity that can be reached by us consciously. After this has happened, the Divine Self unites and merges with the Higher Self, the Astral Twin and the Etheric Twin. When these energies are fully integrated into consciousness (transformed so that our consciousness can integrate them), we become a Goddess.


1. KA: connects the physical body and the etheric body, connects the root and perineal chakras.

2. ETHERIC: connects the etheric body with the astral / emotional body, connects the heart chakra with the thymus chakra.

3. KETERIC: connects the emotional body with the mental body, connects the thirds of the "eyes and chakras of the causal body."

4. HEAVENLY: connects the mental body with the spiritual body, connects the parietal chakra with the transpersonal point.

5. I AM: connects the spiritual body with the Higher Self, Essence Self / Star Self, Central Soul and Oversoul / Divine Self through the Galactic Chakras (outside the body).

6. Three Galactic (matrices): carry the Star body / Essence I to the levels of the Spiritual Body, connect the Star I with the Higher Self.

7. Three (matrices) of the causal body: carry the Divine Self / Oversoul inward, connect the Oversoul with the Essence Self, link with the Goddess.

Energy bodies (described here in ascending order) are a continuous and interdependent process of existence. They are usually described as a layer cake rather than a vertical staircase. With the development of awareness, access to more and more information about the nature and function of these bodies opens up. After all the energy selves merge and integrate, the Goddess herself gets the opportunity to enter and fill our energy with herself at all levels.

Animals also have these energy levels and energy selves. For example, my dogs have an integration of the Etheric, Astral, Higher and Essence Selves. Their agenda is the integration of the Divine Self. While the rest of the Selves are certainly dogs (and dog angels!), The Divine Self has a purely human nature in both humans and animals. Pets also have the Kundalini and Hara lineage chakra systems, but unlike humans, they are not vertical. It is possible that parts of human souls are also reincarnated in animals working next to humans. We have to learn as much about the energies of animals as about our own.

The connection between these complex energy structures and karmic healing will be revealed to you as you read the subsequent chapters of this book.

From the book: "Karmic Healing" by Dayana Stein
