Mayan Calendar - Deciphering Earth's Past? - Alternative View

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Mayan Calendar - Deciphering Earth's Past? - Alternative View
Mayan Calendar - Deciphering Earth's Past? - Alternative View

Video: Mayan Calendar - Deciphering Earth's Past? - Alternative View

Video: Mayan Calendar - Deciphering Earth's Past? - Alternative View
Video: The Shocking Truth About The Mayan Calendar - Decoding Baqtun- Mayan Documentary 2024, October

Great catastrophes have been shaking the Earth from the time of its inception to the present day. Many of them fall on the time of the existence of Homo sapiens, many happened by historical standards quite recently

The colossal Gobi-Altai earthquake of December 4, 1957, floods in Bengal in 1737 and 1876 with thousands of victims, the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, the tragedy of Pompeii in 79 - all these events are clearly dated. However, as you go deeper into history, the dates of such shocks quickly lose their clarity. Already the eruption of a volcano on Santorini Island, which happened one and a half thousand years before our time, is dated with an error of about 100 years, what can we say about more ancient cataclysms?

"Travels" of Atlantis

The dispute about the time of the death of Atlantis is more than one century old. The place of its geographical position is often questioned. The unfortunate island-continent is sometimes moved to the Aegean Sea, then thrown into the Arctic or Antarctica, then thrown into the "endless expanses" of Lake Titacaca, then identified with some island in the Pacific or Indian Ocean. No, Atlantis was located in the Atlantic, behind the Pillars of Hercules, it is painfully great for Titmkaki or the Aegean Sea, and Plato at one time spoke about the place of its position unequivocally.

Amazing find in the ocean

As for the time of her death, many facts put the date given by the ancient Greek author (9000 BC) into question. In particular, deep drilling of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean by the research vessel Glomar Challenger showed that near the mid-ocean ridge, where Atlantis may have been located, exclusively carbonate deep-sea sediments are developed, the thickness of which reaches several tens of meters. This indicates that not only 9000 years BC, but also 5-10 million years ago, there was no land in the central part of the Atlantic. The Thulean land - another likely location for Atlantis - also sank under water over 5 million years ago.

"Space Year" - alautun

Supporters of the hypothesis linking Atlantis with the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization and the eruption of Santorini, suspect Plato of the fact that he, either by malicious intent, or for some reason, added an extra zero to the date of the death of the legendary island, and not fading back in several centuries - the case of the Egyptian priests, who told the Greek this story.

Suppose that Plato was wrong, but not with zeros, but … over the years. It is known that the ancient Egyptian priests, like their overseas "colleagues" from the Mayan priestly castes, used special, secret calendars, in which various kinds of "cosmic years" were present for periods of many centuries, or even thousands and millions of years. The ancient Egyptian calendars seem to have sunk into oblivion, but the Mayan has happily survived generations, conquests and upheavals. It begins with the sacred year "tun", which lasts 360 days. 20 tuns make up one kagun, or 20 years according to modern chronology. 20 katuns is one baktun, or 400 years. 20 bakguns equals one pictun, or 8000 years. 20 Pictuns is already one Kalabtun, or 1,600,000 years. 20 calabtuns are equal to one kinchilbtun, or 3.2 million years. Finally,20 kinchilbtuns add up to the largest Mayan "space year" - alautun, equal to 64 million years. Approximately as much, according to modern data, our Sun spends on one revolution of the center of the Galaxy.

The first giants appeared on Earth 18,000,000 years ago

So, if we multiply one baktun by 9,000, we get 3.6 million years, which is close enough to the age of the Tulane land. Multiplying the same number by one pictun gives 72 million years, which already far exceeds the age of carbonate sediments in the mid-oceanic ridge of the Atlantic. This hardly fits with generally accepted ideas about the age of mankind, but, nevertheless, this may not be an extreme date on his age scale.

After all, American scientists found at the turn of the nineties of the last century in the Easter Island region traces of civilization over 12.5 million years old. Such data were obtained using radiocarbon analysis. And the legends of the indigenous inhabitants of this island, lost in the ocean, say that humanity appeared on our planet 18 million years ago. They were giants 18 meters tall. The Tibetan occult tradition as interpreted by H. P. Blavatsky and her followers. Needless to say, there are a number of anomalous archaeological finds that make it possible to calculate the age of erect bipedal humanoid creatures on our planet as hundreds of millions of years.

Codex Vaticanus

Legends about gigantic people are not only among the inhabitants of the Ashi and civilized occultists, but also among many tribes of Africa and America. According to the legends of the Aztecs, four human epochs were successively replaced on Earth before the modern era. "Codex Vaticanus" - a true monument of Aztec culture - says that the first race on Earth were giants, and they died of hunger. The second era with a similar humanity fell victim to a gigantic fire. Some of these creatures, according to legend, were able to survive, creating tunnels and fortified chambers underground. It is curious that traces of branched underground structures, whose age can hardly be estimated, are found in many corners of our apanet.

They are also found in South America, and in the African Sahara Desert, and in India, and in Western Europe. Russia is no exception. On the Samara Luka, there are legends about the underground inhabitants of the Zhiguli, that some creatures in ancient times built mysterious shelters under the Zhiguli mountains. There are people who claim to have been there, in underground halls with ancient animals frozen into ice crystals and very tall people with six fingers on their hands.

The third "humanity" of the Aztec myths were intelligent monkeys, who also fell victim to some kind of cataclysm. The fourth race was similar to modern people and perished from the global flood. The fifth, modern, lives and develops to this day.

Did the Aztecs confuse the years?

Similar views on the history of mankind are contained in the Codex Rios and the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, which are rewritten in Latin script in the Aztec language from earlier, pagan, documents. They also mention four past human ages, although their alternation and causes of death are somewhat different from those given in the "Vaticanus Codex". They are as follows: giants (lived 4008 years, died from the flood), giants again (lived 4010 years, died from a hurricane), monkeys (lived 4601, the cause of death was a fire), the fourth era was quite similar to the modern era.

Why not assume that the Aztecs, when they corresponded documents of more ancient and educated peoples, confused something over the years? Having made this assumption, we can compile a worksheet for dating the disasters mentioned using the "space years" of the Mayan calendar. To do this, let's somewhat roughly round off the lifetime of the mentioned eras to 4000 and multiply it by all these “baktuns” and “kalabtuns”. And then let's see if the dates obtained do not coincide with any real or hypothetical disasters. However, we will not bore the reader with a working table, but will go straight to the marked matches.

Incredible coincidences

80,000 years (4,000 hwtuns) ago.

Some scientists do not rule out the possibility of the existence of some kind of intelligent Neanderthals. They could be exterminated by their unreasonable brothers or some kind of cataclysm. Why not then?

160,000 years (8,000 katuns) ago. Fossil elephants and horses died out in America around this time. This age (150-200 thousand years), the Peruvian professor Javier Cabrera estimates the sensational Ica stones, which depict mysterious large-headed people and their activities, including, for example, heart transplant surgery.

32 million (4000 bakgoons) years ago. The beginning of rough mountain building on Earth and the Antarctic glaciation. There are medieval maps, copied from ancient Egyptian sources, which depict Antarctica without ice cover and with an shifted South Pole, as well as depicted in great detail other continents, as they were about 25 million years ago.

84 million (8,000 bayuuns) years ago. Extinction of the dinosaurs. This event seems to have nothing to do with people, but in 1945, clay figurines of dinosaurs were discovered in Mexico. In the United States, in the state of Texas, in the Valley of the Giants and the Palaxi riverbed, in the petrified sandstone next to the tracks of various dinosaurs, humans are almost everywhere. Back in 1935, the American geologist Burru reported the findings of human footprints in layers that were … 250 million years old.

1 billion years 920 million (12,000 calabtuns) years ago. Oddly enough, even this date may have some meaning. From 2 to 2.8 billion years old, metal balls with notches, which are clearly of artificial origin, discovered in South Africa are dated. They have one mysterious distinctive feature: lying on a shelf in a museum, they make a revolution around their own axis during the day. By themselves. What mysterious creatures with equally mysterious technologies created them?