Anomalous Zones Of The Earth - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zones Of The Earth - Alternative View
Anomalous Zones Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: There Are A Lot of Gravitational Anomalies on Earth 2024, September

There are many clearly anomalous zones and places on our planet. There, according to ufologists, UFOs are very often observed. In addition, they appear in those places where major industrial disasters, natural disasters and violent rampages of the elements occur.

But often "flying saucers" also show a special interest in certain areas, cities, settlements and individual objects, where at present no incidents visible to observers are noted.

* However, following the logic of UFO behavior, in these cases it is nevertheless necessary to look for some terrestrial anomalous phenomena *. So, for example, over the past 10 years, reports have appeared several times in central Ukrainian newspapers that, as soon as any minor malfunctions occur at the operating power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a "flying disk" immediately hangs over it (according to the station operators) and disappears only when the work at the facility returns to normal.

Mysteries of the Medveditskaya ridge

Among the steppe in the Volgograd region lies the Medveditskaya ridge, which is an anomalous zone. Several years ago, scientists found that this natural object performs, in particular, the function of the intersection point of the so-called three-star UFOs.

Back in 1993, researchers managed to find here quite impressive marks from the landing of the mysterious "triangle". Its "footprint" is an isosceles triangle with sides 80x80x50 meters. Now it is overgrown with bushes and tall grass, and therefore stands out very sharply among the field with solid sunflower. At first, local farmers wanted to plow the "trail", but every time they approached it, the tractor engines stalled. Now locals simply bypass it around the perimeter.

Various anomalous phenomena occur on the Medveditskaya ridge and in its immediate vicinity. People living in the surrounding villages have long been not surprised, much less frightened by UFOs that often fly over their heads. People also observe an abundance of ball lightning here. On the ridge itself, there are sections of forest literally riddled with lightning. On them there are many trees with burnt, burnt through and bizarrely twisted trunks and, moreover, with burnt rhizomes. On the steppe open spaces and country roads, vertical trunks with a depth of up to 6 meters or more with melted edges are quite often found in the soil itself. These are the most convincing marks of ball lightning penetrating directly into the soil.

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More recently, researchers have discovered mysterious tunnels running underground along the Medveditskaya ridge. They are straight in direction and round or partially oval passages with a diameter of 7 to 20 meters. Since local residents have repeatedly witnessed that luminous flying objects flew directly into the body of the ridge and flew out of it, scientists quite reasonably believe that it is UFOs that are most directly related to underground tunnels.

On the same ridge, a large concentration of geopathogenic zones is recorded, which manifests itself through various, most bizarre forms of growing trees, sometimes even completely dropping foliage and exposing ugly bent bitches, as if warning all living things that it is better not to approach them.

But in the presence of a whole bunch of anomalous phenomena on the Medveditskaya ridge, the radiation background does not exceed the norm. And therefore, none of the specialists still can explain what kind of energy so disfigures trees.

UFO pacifies the blizzard

This happened in St. Petersburg on November 15, 2001. There was a blizzard then. The hurricane force of the wind raised such high waves in the seaport that the ships, which were at the pier, fought against each other. And the oil tanker hit the stone side of the berth so hard that a crack formed in it.

Pulkovo airport has been closed for several hours. A large number of passengers accumulated in the terminal building, and by the evening they became witnesses of the miraculous phenomenon.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, through a thick snow veil, people suddenly noticed a powerful flash, and a few seconds later they saw a bright flying object, which they took at first for some strange signal rocket. But that was not her, but a luminous ball of reddish color, increasing in size as it approached the observers. Upon reaching the runway, the luminous ball-shaped object hovers over it. The ball, emitting light around itself, seemed to be waiting for this. It immediately began to rotate around its axis and at some point, swaying somewhat like a child's top, released a ring that immediately sparkled with multi-colored sparks in the light constantly emitted by the ball. For a short time observing all this it seemed that Saturn himself was hanging over them. A few seconds later, the blizzard over the airfield suddenly subsided. There was complete silence and calm. Only sparse snowflakes fell slowly and silently. People contemplated this sight as if spellbound.

At the same time, over the city of Peter itself, the bad weather continued to rage.

The unusual event over the runway lasted for several minutes. As they passed, the ball sucked in a sparkling ring and in a matter of seconds soared up and dissolved at the zenith. After his disappearance, a severe blizzard immediately resumed and the wind rose again, knocking people down.

UFO in the vicinity of Tynda

On November 11, 2001, in the evening, a UFO was observed in the vicinity of the city of Tynda, Amur Region. The installers were the first to notice him, returning home by car after carrying out repairs at the radio relay station. They were at that time on the territory of the village of Anosovsky, which is 80 km from Tynda. Before people suddenly appeared such a picture: high in the sky and towards them a large fireball flew. It even seemed to those watching him that the spherical object was moving directly towards them. But he, not reaching the car about one kilometer, quickly dropped to a height of 100 meters above the ground and completely silently disintegrated into many sparks that melted in the air.

At the same time, in Tynda, the street lamps faded for a few seconds, for for a short time the city was flooded with bright unnatural cold light, which caused the townspeople a feeling of unconscious anxiety and panic fear.

Ufologists who studied this case came to the conclusion that the scattered glowing ball was a UFO. However, what anomalous phenomena he signaled to the people of this area remained a mystery.