Ancient Objects In Peru, Which I Find It Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

Ancient Objects In Peru, Which I Find It Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View
Ancient Objects In Peru, Which I Find It Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Objects In Peru, Which I Find It Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Objects In Peru, Which I Find It Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View
Video: History of Peru 2024, September

It's about strange bulging objects on ancient buildings. At the beginning of the article, you can see a photo with an illustrative example.

Earlier I heard many different options for explaining them, but recently I came to the conclusion that at this point in time they simply cannot be logically explained. Now let's explain my position to you.

They cannot be a characteristic feature or a natural anomaly of the breed, because only ancient megaliths and structures with an exorbitant level of processing or fitting accuracy have such protruding elements.

And scientists would not have missed the opportunity to shove all the oddities onto some natural feature of rocks. Well, since it was not nature that did it, then these elements were made purposefully.

Suppose the Incas found a way to easily handle and move huge stones with high precision. Bulging lumps could be a side effect of this technology.


However, similar protruding elements are found not only in Peru, but also in Egypt, China, India and other countries, and the Incas could not have anything to do with them, since they appeared much later than them.



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Thus, we already understand that these elements may indeed remain from the influence of unknown technologies, but judging by the scale, they were not used at all by the Incas.

And now I will tell you more about the objects in Peru, which are difficult for me to compare with the official history in any way.

These objects are protruding elements on the quarry walls!

Can you imagine what needs to be done in this career so that these formations remain on the walls? No matter how you cut or knock out solid blocks from the quarry, such traces simply cannot accidentally remain.


The most interesting thing is that I have not yet seen any photographs of such formations in the opposite direction. After all, if such bulges remain in the quarry, then holes of a similar shape should have remained in the blocks, but there are simply no such blocks!

Moreover, these recesses are also more exclusive, if you can call them that. I found for you a couple of the most interesting photos from Peru.


By the way, according to the official versions of history, all these objects and burrs created ancient civilizations on whose territory they are located. Unfortunately, no one wants to see coincidences with convex formations, well, or sees, but cannot talk about them due to circumstances.

Therefore, I am now sure that in antiquity there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, whose ruins we are now looking at and studying.