The Word Can Revive A Dead Cell. Proven By Scientists - Alternative View

The Word Can Revive A Dead Cell. Proven By Scientists - Alternative View
The Word Can Revive A Dead Cell. Proven By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Word Can Revive A Dead Cell. Proven By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Word Can Revive A Dead Cell. Proven By Scientists - Alternative View
Video: New findings have physicists questioning reality 2024, July

It has been experimentally proven that human speech can affect DNA.

Scientists Enrico Fermi, Ulam and Pasta, while studying nonlinear oscillatory systems, discovered structural stable waves, which they called solitons. Later, Soviet scientists traced the path of these waves in the DNA chain. It was found that passing along the chain, solitons read the information contained in DNA. And not only read, but also transmit it.

It has been proven that DNA contains not only the program of protein synthesis, but also the construction of the organism in space and time. All changes taking place in our body are due to this program. It turned out that these changes occur according to the commands of solitons. Having left DNA, they penetrate into neighboring cells and transfer them the "baggage" of wave information. As a result of the repeated exchange of such messages, the cells coordinate their development.

The question arose - why do solitons behave like this, and who gives them such a command?

Since sound is also a wave, we tried to influence solitons with human speech, and found that solitons react to acoustic vibrations, showing activity.

The experimenters went further. A generator of soliton processes that develop in DNA was created. The researchers named it the Fermi-Pasta-Ulom generator.

The first experiments were carried out on wheat grains irradiated with a large dose of radiation. The seeds were considered unviable because the DNA strands were destroyed by radioactive radiation. They were processed with solitons carrying information of human speech, and the grains began to come to life and sprout. Through the microscope, it was seen how chromosomes destroyed by radiation were restored in the affected grains.

Scientists who took part in the experiments claimed that ordinary words were used to create the audio recording, but arranged in a special order creating an unusual rhythm resembling a prayer. The phrases were built in different languages - Russian, German, English, but each time the solitons acquired healing properties. However, when the rhythm was broken and meaningless phrases were spoken, the result was zero.

Promotional video:

As a result, the growth was significantly accelerated and the quality of plants improved. Experiments were carried out with animals, after exposure to them, an improvement in blood pressure was observed, the pulse was leveled, and somatic indicators improved.

It was also found that with the help of structured speech, solitons are formed that affect water molecules and create structures similar to DNA from them.

As a result, it was concluded that DNA is quasi-speech, and human speech is quasi-DNA. In this regard, it is worth remembering the first line of the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" …