Bishop Mitrofan: “A Swearing Person Attracts Black Energy” - Alternative View

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Bishop Mitrofan: “A Swearing Person Attracts Black Energy” - Alternative View
Bishop Mitrofan: “A Swearing Person Attracts Black Energy” - Alternative View

Video: Bishop Mitrofan: “A Swearing Person Attracts Black Energy” - Alternative View

Video: Bishop Mitrofan: “A Swearing Person Attracts Black Energy” - Alternative View
Video: Nick Timothy: England is Denied a Voice by Elites who regard Englishness as Dangerous & Embarrassing 2024, July

The Russian army recently announced a campaign against obscene language, promising to issue a manual on polite people etiquette.

In turn, the publication "AiF" interviewed the author of the study "Truth about Russian mat", Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin) of the North Sea.

Maria Pozdnyakova, AiF: - Vladyka, before taking monastic tonsure, you served in the navy for 26 years, commanded ships of various classes. Your father, grandfather and great-grandfather were naval officers. Has swearing always been the "calling card" of our army?

Bishop Mitrofan: - My great-grandfather, Stepan Badanin, served for 12 years in the Imperial Navy under the command of the famous Admiral Makarov, went with him two round the world. For him, the most terrible curse was the word "chumichka", which means "cook". The maximum that my great-grandfather could say: "Oh, chumchka!"



And now dirty swearing has become everyday. This bastard language is terribly incongruous with the manly beauty of naval service.

The "tradition" of mating has been going on since 1917, when the revolutionary masses - the urban lumpen and rabble - stepped out of barracks and drinking establishments into the streets. To become at the head of the unbelted element, to show his “non-noble origin”, he had to swear.

Promotional video:

This principle was especially evident in the camps of the NKVD. Academician Likhachev recalled: “In the camp those who did not swear were shot first. If a person does not swear, it means that he has his own opinion and it could be expected from him that he would resist."

Can a mate affect the combat effectiveness of the army?

- By swearing, a person worships the prince of darkness, which means he deprives himself of divine help. But a battle is always a clash of light and darkness. Let us recall one of the most significant battles in the history of our Fatherland - Kulikovskaya. The battle was preceded by a fight between the Tatar-Mongol hero Chelubey and our Alexander Peresvet, a monk who received the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Chelubey was considered invincible: he mastered the practice of combat magic - "bon-po" (translated as "school of combat magic speech"). He possessed spells that attract demonic powers. As a result of such magic, a person turns into a symbiosis of a person and a demon.


Chelubey was in armor, and Peresvet was in monastic vestments and with a spear in his hand. Therefore, he received a severe wound from Chelubey. But he killed the "immortal". This caused confusion among the Tatar army: the immutable laws of the pagan world were shaken before their eyes.

The name of Peresvet in Tibet is still pronounced with trepidation. In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, founded by the Monk Sergius, there is a monk who in his youth was fond of oriental martial arts and was with a friend in Tibet. When the Tibetans learned that Russians were in front of them, they began to talk, and the word "Peresvet" sounded. It turned out that the name of the Russian monk is written in the book, where events that fall out of the usual course of things are recorded.

Returning to the present, I will tell you a story that I know firsthand. In Grozny, during the first Chechen campaign, our guys were surrounded by militants shouting "Allah akbar!" There were no reinforcements, there were almost no cartridges left.

And then our people decided that they would be on "Allahu Akbar!" answer: "Christ is Risen!" With this cry, they rushed into hand-to-hand combat. Every single one broke through. Then they were surprised: usually in critical situations they yelled obscenities, but here, when death breathed in the face, an insight came: we need to call on God for help, not dark forces.

Is it true that swearing deprives man's strength?

- Russian obscene language is a legacy of pagan beliefs. The most powerful energy has always been possessed by the procreation instinct. And there were corresponding helper spirits, the so-called phallic cults. They were based on attracting the help of the gods through sexual orgies.

The word combinations preserved under the name "swearing" were used in these rituals to attract unclean spirits. It must be emphasized that these words could only be used by men and no more than a few days a year.

So the swearing "stronger sex" does not even suspect what danger he is exposing himself to. There is no doubt that the energy of sexually abusive curses is real. According to research, the swearing person experiences an influx of male sex hormones (androgens) into the bloodstream, which causes a surge of strength, courage, and then an inevitable "rollback", despondency and weakening of the sexual sphere, which cannot withstand constant, exhausting hormonal exploitation. It is noticed that swearing people grow decrepit faster.

Speaking about the growing problem of impotence in modern Russian men, doctors testify that before the revolution, when society considered swearing a sin, this problem did not exist. As a relic of paganism, mate in the Russian Empire was prohibited. So, in the decrees of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of 1648, it is said about the inadmissibility of "shameful words of obscenity and any inappropriate barking."

You compare the utterance of dirty words with a drug …

- A swearing person attracts black energy, which excites him. But the payment for this doping is prohibitively high - depriving oneself of God's help. It's scary that mate is spreading to the teenage environment.

Swearing teenage girls are no longer uncommon. But, by swearing, the girl curses her family - yes, this function is also embedded in foul language. It's time for society to change its mind. Checkmate cannot be the norm.

And in the army and navy, abusive scolding from the commander should become synonymous with unprofessionalism. If you do not return to the notions of high honor of a warrior-defender, then it may turn out that modern weapons will not help either.

Different opinion

Eduard Limonov, writer, politician:

- I want to repeat what I have already said many times. Swearing is a colossal revitalization of the language. There are only four bases, but give up on them and you will become poorer. Who, willingly, will give up what he owns, what we inherited?


I am considered a foul language. This is mistake. Mat is not an end in itself. In most of my books, you simply do not find this. In the early days, yes. But there people, heroes, were in such circumstances that it could not be otherwise.

Actually, since such a case, described in the story, really saved my life. I am 17 years old, I am a high-altitude installer, we are building a tank factory workshop in Kharkov. I didn't fix the ladder, it was blown off by the wind, and I hung on my hands. Height - 30 meters. The brigadier from below scolded me with the most terrible obscenities, and I was so angry that I forgot about my fear.

I pulled myself up. I did not lose it. So all this struggle to eradicate the mate will lead nowhere. It does not come from the mind, but from the emotions. And emotions cannot be eradicated. Trying to forbid obscenities is like forbidding a person to laugh or cry.