Do Not Swear, But Pray - Alternative View

Do Not Swear, But Pray - Alternative View
Do Not Swear, But Pray - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Swear, But Pray - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Swear, But Pray - Alternative View
Video: The Law You Won't Be Told 2024, July

Sofia Blank is the head of the Bion Research Center in the United States (another Bion branch is located in Kazakhstan). The Center is headed by a Kazakhstani biophysicist, professor Viktor Mikhailovich Inyushin.

On the basis of the Kirlian camera, he created a device - a plasmograph, Sofia Blank, who emigrated to the United States ten years ago, conducted amazing research there, explaining many of the mysteries of human life. In America, she purchased a conventional Kirlian apparatus with one added detail that makes it supersensitive. This device has allowed for amazing discoveries.

The Kirlian effect is the appearance on the surface of an object placed in a high-frequency electric field, the glow of an electric discharge.


“Kirlian photography lasts a fraction of a second,” she says. “My camera captures not only the aura, but also other energy structures: parallel forms of life that intersect with the physical world, which constantly interact with us. I have a small lens, and usually I fix the field around my fingers. But even here you can see a lot of amazing things.

I have always been extremely interested in how the healing takes place by prayer, application, candle flame and other methods practiced since ancient times. And Kirlian's photography showed that a sick person most often has an open field, breaks in the aura through which energy flows. And when a believer reads prayers over a patient with a candle flame, the energy is replenished, the gaps in the aura are closed, and the person recovers."

Too easy? But this is the most popular explanation. In fact, everything is much more complicated, the Kirlian images showed that there is a huge number of energy structures next to and inside the aura. Some of them are very aesthetic, like snowflakes, flowers, butterflies, ladybirds, elephants. There are a lot of birds in the pictures. These positive structures were conventionally called angels.

Promotional video:


Experts have determined their positivity with a dowsing frame. And then they checked it with other devices that exclude the subjective factor. In a similar way, it was determined that other structures are negative. Even their appearance causes rejection: they are fixed in the pictures in the form of snakes, sometimes two-headed, various monsters or stumps of their bodies, amorphous creatures that cause unpleasant feelings. Such structures are conventionally called demons.

Sophia Blank says: “I am always afraid that something seems to me, and I constantly double-check myself. Fearing self-delusion, I turned to other people who own the dowsing frame. The results of their testing were similar. But I understood that this was not the final proof, but only a reason for reflection and further research, more objective.


The American Hubble Telescope took pictures of space creatures from rarefied matter, and astrophysicists called them angels. And I saw that they are completely identical to those structures that are fixed in my Kirlian photographs."

The question arises: but those space objects were tens of meters across. And on the Kirlian photographs, structures up to several centimeters are fixed next to the aura of the fingers, i.e. thousands of times smaller than cosmic angels. So why are they completely identical?

Yes, but what are these images? As Sophia Blank explains, she got the impression that angels are holographic, they are present here and there, they can appear in photographs, large and small.

And there are things that cannot be interpreted in two ways. For example, studies have shown that prayerful religious attributes such as the Christian Cross, the Jewish Star of David, and the Muslim Star and Crescent are sources of colossal energy. When they are held in hands, the gaps in the aura are reduced, health is improved. And when a person prays, amazingly harmonious, beautiful energy structures - angels - are fixed next to his aura. Can Prayers Attract Demons?

But sometimes they show up in pictures. Kirlian photography confirmed that demonic possession and the placement of demonic entities in the physical field of a person are absolutely real things. Faces of people or demonic structures are very often fixed near or inside the fingers. And sometimes horned heads are just visible. The idea of demons as horned people was confirmed in Kirlian's photographs. What's interesting: demonic structures appear in the torn fields. And if a person has a dense ring of aura, then there are no negative structures in it.

It turned out that prayers create a dense frame of positive energy around a person, unacceptable for demons. These vampiric entities do not strive for a dense aura, because you need to make an effort to break through it, and the circle is full of leaky fields into which you can easily penetrate. When a person is not protected, he becomes freely permeable, comfortable for demonic influence …

What is the energy of the human physical field spent on? On physiological processes. The digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system - nothing in the human body works without energy. But we get it not so much from food as from the energy field, the very aura that surrounds us. Science confirms that man does not live by bread alone …

And this is true. A person can really feed on the energy of prayer, the word of God. Through prayers, these amazing angelic structures appear in the human field, which have a very beneficial effect on him.

Naturally, the data obtained by Sophia Blank is not the ultimate truth. But thousands of studies have already been conducted that support its concept.

Why do these angels enter our body? The point is that they are our energy donors. When angels appear in a person's field, the glow of his aura intensifies, its gaps close. Moreover, in some people these positive structures are fixed in the form of balls, in others - as stars. Apparently, it is no coincidence that they say that a person is experiencing his finest hour. Moreover, the subjects, which include asterisks, are very kind, honest, clean people - real sources of light energy.

Of course, another question arises: maybe these angels and demons are not independent beings from another world, but a product of human thought, the so-called. thought forms? After all, many modern physicists believe that our thoughts are material, they are "woven" of thin matter, literally hover in the air and affect other people. But Sophia Blank works with people who have no idea about thought forms. And for those who know, they represent some kind of invisible abstraction.

But Kirlian's photography shows: this is not only their ideas, but also some kind of matter, recorded by instruments. Not so much a psychological phenomenon, developed by the intellect, as an energetic given that has a very strong effect on people.

Studies have shown that demonic structures are present in the physical fields of almost all patients. The most terrible picture is presented by the fields of the damned people: there are solid tangles of snakes!

But these structures … do they only look like snakes or are in fact some kind of reptiles from the subtle world?

Sophia Blank explains: “We see them energetically, in the pictures they are captured as cobras or snakes. Moreover, in a series of photographs one can see in dynamics how the “cobra” is walking through the human field.

There is a medieval lithograph, which depicts the "insides" of a sinner: he is literally stuffed with toads, crayfish, snakes and other reptiles. And the righteous man purified himself with prayers and fasting, everything is clean inside him, only a large cross is visible where he always holds his hand during the sign of the cross. But, judging by the photographs obtained, this is not an artist's fantasy, but a picture painted from life, visible in the frequency range where objects of the subtle world are fixed.

Moreover, that artist was probably a clairvoyant; he distinguished the energy structures that we record with the Kirlian camera. For example, I sometimes see cancer in the fields of cancer patients. Such objects have a real resemblance to material crustaceans. Imaging of these energetic structures can be a very effective and cheap method for the earliest diagnosis in oncology. After all, such a photo costs only a dollar, but for ordinary tests you need a lot of money.

The reasons for the rupture of physical fields and the penetration of demonic structures into them are very curious.

Children are often brought to the center with severe fright. The shooting shows that they have not just a torn, but a deformed field. In a child, in a normal state, fingerprint lines are visible inside the finger and an even glow around it, and in frightened children, only small fragments of this aura are visible, sometimes it is absent altogether. And very often, objects similar to cobras or the heads of dragons are recorded next to these eerie fields.

Such chimerical structures in the fields of frightened people resemble famous characters in ancient myths and fairy tales. An interesting conclusion suggests itself: scary characters are not something fictional, but real inhabitants of the invisible world. But there were people endowed. the ability to see these structures. And they expressed their vision in fairy tales and drawings. Otherwise, they conveyed not the fruits of their imagination, but the results of visual observations.

So after all, psychiatrists will tell us that they have a lot of patients who see horned, tailed, snake-like and other creatures around them …

“It's very interesting,” says the researcher, “that Kirlian photography documents such pictures. If earlier it was assumed that these are the fruits of fantasy, then a physical device does not have hallucinations, it fixes what is."

It also turned out that swearing, especially mate, deforms the aura very powerfully. Theologians have long written that obscene words are the names of demons or demons. If a person says them, they immediately attack him and the one he scolds. Kirlian photography confirmed this point of view.

On the energetic level, demonic structures are constantly with us and in huge numbers. They usually cannot harm us. But, having uttered an obscene word, we feed the energy of the demon bearing this name, and he will try to penetrate into our field and into the field of the person whom we "sent" to this demon. Demons are vampiric creatures, they cannot live without energy supply. And ignorant people do them a great service by swearing. Demons also love to evoke negative feelings in people: melancholy, despondency, fear, horror. They feed on the energy of these experiences. This is clearly seen in the breaks of the aura and the introduction of negative structures into it.

Their favorite technique is to cause a person to be attracted to alcohol. After all, alcoholism is also an addiction: the green serpent from the bottle, which is depicted on posters and cartoons, is not something abstract, but a concrete “snake” that has penetrated into the human body and requires alcohol, a kind of vampiric creature that feeds on the energy of wine vapors and negative emotions.

One of the photographs shows that next to a drunken person there is not a snake, but the head of a horned creature … There, instead of an aura, there is a goat, partly similar to a green snake. Everyone knows what the horned man is called.

There is also such an observation. Wise old men used to say: “Do not swear with a black word,” they say, otherwise the horned one will come to you. And this popular wisdom has now received scientific confirmation: the literary name of a horned creature (black word) acts like a mat - it makes a person vulnerable to evil spirits. However, any hooker can confirm this. "Well, you goat!" - he says to the drinking companion, in the field of which we fix the horned creature. And many other nicknames have specific images that appear during Kirlian photography.

In other words, swear words are some kind of prayers for calling out demons. If you pronounce the name of a horned or other demon, then he immediately stands out from the evil that literally swarms around us. At the call, he appears to you in all its glory. And he only needs one thing - to receive human energy. The worst thing is that not only the swearing person loses it, but also people who hear him, especially those whose field is torn. Children suffer the most from abuse, because their fields are just being formed and are very vulnerable.

Kinship also plays a role here. Our children are in our fields, we are a source of energy for them. If the father or mother practices foul language, their fields are inhabited by demons. And with these demons they feed their children. Rather, on the contrary, they feed the demons with their children. Such children cannot develop normally, they do not have inner balance, they experience constant anxiety, are hot-tempered and aggressive. In addition, quite often, but not always, such children grow up mentally retarded. For some children, life is a kind of punishment, admonition, but in any case, in these families, children are unhappy …

There is a very unkind sign: the photographs show that the field of swearing is either fragmentary or completely absent. They voluntarily become an arena for demonic forces.

Hence drug addiction, hence alcoholism. The field of such a person becomes open, he has no protection against demonic entities. The dark forces are very smart, sophisticated and attack everyone from whom you can profit. And the foul-mongers himself calls them and gives them his field to be torn apart. Even when he becomes sick, he continues to feed them with his energy. After all, having made himself defenseless in front of a demonic entity, a person voluntarily obeys his will.

In fact, there is violence against a person, which is not physically visible, but quite real.

The researchers are convinced that the excommunication of the inhabitants of the USSR was a real tragedy. After all, prayers are energy, and energy is health, not only spiritual, but also physical. Having disaccustomed people to pray, they were robbed of their health, made them foul language, alcoholics and drug addicts.

The classic question arises: what to do? The resettlement of demonic entities in the intra-field space of unbalanced and mentally ill people suggests that they need to be treated not only and even not so much with medicines, but by cleansing the field. But unfortunately, our psychiatrists lack this understanding. As a result, a person who has become the prey of demonic forces is unable to resist them: he himself does not know how to deal with them, and doctors cannot suggest anything. Modern science confirms the effectiveness of religious methods. The simplest form of healing and protection is prayer.

Sofia Blank says: “It is difficult for us even to imagine how closely we interact with other worlds. But the Kirlian photosystem shows this: it objectively activates the laws that are reflected in myths and fairy tales, in religious ideas. This is an invaluable device that can convince any “unbeliever Thomas” of what is happening in other worlds, how the laws that are transmitted to us by the faith of our ancestors work. I admit that we may be wrong in explaining some of the phenomena. But there are absolutely obvious things that do not admit of any other interpretation. They are the basis of our concept."

For example, in Christianity there is such a ritual - gathering, when during prayer a person is anointed with a brush dipped in myrrh. And amazing research has been done to show how it works.

It is known that myrrh is an oily liquid flowing down from some icons. They can be written on wood and even on paper, there is nothing that oozes moisture. But from this "nothing" oil flows with an unusually pleasant smell and colossal energy.

In Michigan there is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which has been streaming myrrh since 1096. It is carried all over America. In 1998, this icon was in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Lakewood, New Jersey. And Sophia Blank took a delegation of Christians and Jews there. Moreover, some very much resisted: they say, this is a Christian shrine, and we, the Jews, should not worship it. Somehow we managed to persuade them to make this trip as part of a scientific study.

“We arrived at the site, and 30 meters from the cathedral, I took pictures of the fields of all the subjects. And in very uncomfortable conditions: the Kirlian camera was in the trunk of the car. Surprisingly, despite the tiring trips, all the people had better fields than we had in New York. However, what happened next exceeded all expectations.

Both Christians and Jews attended the liturgy, which, together with the unction, lasted 4 hours. Everyone defended the service, although many were over 70. It was assumed that such a long standing would physically tire us greatly, and this will be shown by Kirlian photographs. Imagine our surprise when the glow around the fingers of all the subjects turned out to be several times brighter and wider than before the liturgy.

You understand? This is not a psychological factor, but an energetic one. Whether you like it or not, the holy places charge you with their energy beneficial to health. This is an absolutely obvious fact that cannot be interpreted in another way."

Of course, skeptics here too can find reasons for doubts. Like, it still needs to be proven that increasing the glow around the fingers improves health. But these doubts are dispelled by other studies.

One woman refused to chrismate, and she has a doctor in kind with a diagnostic computer. So we decided to test on it how the world works on people. Sophia Blank brought myro from Lakewood, but very little - it had to be heavily diluted. But, despite the insignificant concentration in the solution, myrrh acted very beneficially.

Miro was bred to 1 g per 100,000! These were already homeopathic information doses, but their effect was just as strong. In any concentration, the world equalized and brought to the norm all human functions. In the course of these experiments, it became clear that in terms of the therapeutic effect, Miro simply has no analogues in the world of naturopathy and pharmaceuticals. And when a person undergoes anointing with oil, he is energized with the help of the carrier of higher light energies - myrrh. For comparison, experiments were carried out with a wide variety of aromatic oils, but none of them could be compared with miro in terms of effectiveness.

Studies have shown that the healing effect of light forces on a person through myrrh, prayer, shrine is much higher than any medical effect.

Do you understand how ignorant we are, how we do not understand what is happening around us? We do not know what can benefit our health, we rush for scarce drugs, but they cannot help us while we have an open field. Until the holes in the aura are patched up, nothing will help us.

1 - aura in a state of harmony; 2- aura under stress


But thousands of years ago, forms of real help and treatment were transferred to mankind - these are prayers and other sacraments of the church.

But this is one side of the matter. And how do destructive methods - blasphemy and curse - work on a person?

So, it turned out that the curse destroys the human field completely. The glow around the fingers disappears and snake-like structures appear.

Why do damned people not live long or live in torment? Because they have no vitality. Their aura is so destroyed that it does not keep the energy flowing out like from a sieve. As the saying goes, what you radiate is what you get. You radiate an egoistic desire to take away energy, you will receive its loss: someone will take it away from you.

Why can't you break through the energy protection of a true believer? His field is so positively charged that negative energies bounce off him and hit the one who directs them.

The fact of the matter is that a true believer does not pray for himself - he asks God to help others. Research has shown that altruism is the most beneficial position from an energetic point of view.

Sophia Blank says: “I took pictures of a field of people before and after various prayers. Let's say in one person the aura around the finger was initially 2-3 mm wide. When he prayed for himself, it became one and a half times wider. But if I asked him to pray for others, then literally in a minute the aura increased 2-4 times. When we pray for ourselves, we have one level of energy. And when we pray for others, even for those who do not understand that it is necessary to pray not only for ourselves, our energy level becomes 2-3 times higher. In short, humanism and altruism are immediately rewarded.

But does an inveterate self-interested person who is trying to snatch from others as much as possible without giving anything in return is doing well for himself? He cannot make himself better, even considering himself good and doing the right thing.

Why, by the way, are the oligarchs physically sick, although they spend huge amounts of money on treatment? Because they are unable to heal - their energy field cannot be healthy. While doing evil, they are readable at the field level and cannot receive those energies that bring health, both physical and mental. These people make themselves defenseless against demonic forces.

If you have deceived even one, then you cannot be completely healthy and happy. When a person has harmed another and experiences joy from it, in vain he thinks that he felt good. This is bad, first of all, for him, and secondly, for his loved ones, especially for children.

You know: in order to defeat the enemy and make friends, you need to know their philosophy. So, I am studying the philosophy of enemies and friends, their interaction with us. I objectify this knowledge so that people themselves can draw the right conclusions from it that will help them in life."

Source: “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №8 2012