How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View

How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View
How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View

Video: How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View

Video: How Jews Fascize Russia Through The Destruction Of Education - Alternative View
Video: How Jews in Germany live with anti-Semitism | Focus on Europe 2024, September

"Children is our future." This dictum sounds quite natural to every normal person. What does it mean? Depends on the context. But in the most general case, children are the future of our Motherland.

Then it turns out that if someone denies the wording of "our future", then such a person separates himself from the people of Russia. The latter assumption is confirmed if, moreover, it is said directly: “I do not like the wording“children are our future”. Children have their own future, I have mine”.

Moreover, for a child-lover - our future, this formulation is something like a life credo, for this phrase is quoted publicly with approval by him and its author is indicated: Zalman Afroimovich Khrapinovich, better known to the people as Zinovy Gerdt.

But that's not all. Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress, Director of the Federal State Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FIRO), Deputy. and the First Deputy Minister of Education of Russia, etc. Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov throughout the post-Soviet era has been pursuing the above credo into real Russian life. He equips the future of our children. By dividing them into categories: elite, hard workers and subservient. The plans are to carry out such a thing starting with the nursery. And today this is already being actively promoted in schools. He started from Transbaikalia, now he works with hundreds of schools in Moscow.

Those. prepares the future for children in full accordance with the idea of Zalman Khrapinovich: to each his own. By the way, this very slogan was hung on the gates of Buchenwald.

The question arises: when will a disgusting Jew named Asmolov receive his own? Together with the other disgusting Jew V. Pozner, who is giving him full support?


Promotional video:

Werewolves from minobra. Education for the "elite"

The Constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to general education - regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, social and property status.

It would seem that this completely excludes the possibility of segregation or social stratification.

However, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, children are openly divided into those who deserve a good education, and those who, instead of a certificate, will receive a certificate and replenish the cohort of “lower human resources”. A similar program has already been launched in Moscow.

I would divide the problem of what is going on in the field of education into two components - the organization and the content of education.

As for the organizational "reforms", the example of Moscow clearly shows what the authorities are trying to achieve. The first is a sharp reduction in government funding for the educational system as such. At the expense of allegedly "optimization of management structures" now they are merging schools and kindergartens into some "educational centers", removing from them the administrative apparatus, head teachers, deputy directors for AHP and security, leaving only the heads of structural divisions. But in fact something different is happening: they create uncontrollable monsters from 6-7 educational institutions with several thousand students. The head of such a "center" cannot control the situation in all his subdivisions, he is really cut off from life. Parents cannot get through to him for an appointment. Previously, each director had a visiting day, parents signed up,came and discussed the problems of their child. And now the leader has become the “big boss”.

The second and most important problem is that the head of the Moscow Department of Education, I. I. Kalina - and he himself repeatedly voiced this at meetings - actually usurped the procedure for appointing the directors of these centers. Previously, in relation to the director of the educational institution, the educational department acted as the employer. There are 10 districts in Moscow, and school directors were appointed by the head of the district administration, who more or less knew the staff. Basically, 99.9% of school principals are former teachers, head teachers who were connected with the school by the “umbilical cord”. Now the tendency is that the heads of the centers, including structural divisions, appoint the so-called "city managers" who are not connected with the education system at all, have not worked a day at school, do not know the specifics of work, the characteristics of the teaching staff,have no idea how many hours on a particular subject are given in classes.

In our country, according to the legislation, the so-called FGOS (federal state educational standards) are left at the mercy of the educational institutions themselves. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation avoided this by creating only general principles for the formation of federal state educational standards. And the specific content, the content of these "standards" both programmatically and hourly, is given to the educational institutions themselves. And it turns out that the director of an educational center, for example, in Maryino, develops one federal state educational standard, under which an hourly schedule is made and a labor collective is recruited, and in the neighboring area - another federal state educational standard, with its own hours and personnel. This is absurd!

But all this is done not out of ignorance and ignorance, but quite deliberately. Today, it is known step by step who and how destroyed the entire education system, and these data are presented in the book “Destruction of the future: who and how destroyed sovereign education in Russia” by Olga Chetverikova. All this was done within the framework of globalization processes and in the interests of transnational corporations.

The “Bologna Process” was launched in higher education and simultaneously in primary and secondary schools - the so-called “variability of education”.

Who in our country stood at the origins of "variability"? Alexander Asmolov. For almost all of the 90s, he was a kind of shadow minister of education. E. Dneprov, E. Tkachenko, V. Kinelev, A. Tikhonov replaced the ministerial posts, and A. Asmolov was always their first deputy.

A graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, everywhere he calls the psychologist L. Vygotsky (1896 -1934) as his teacher and spiritual guru. The same one who in the 1920s stood at the origins of the so-called Soviet pedology. At that time in our country pedagogy was recognized as a "pseudoscience", "bourgeois pseudoscience", and pedology came to replace it.

It was based on the social-Darwinian, racist, - in fact, fascist principles - developed by Darwin and the American psychologist Granville Stanley Hall, and Vygotsky was the successor of their ideas. (The term "pedology" was coined in 1893 by the American researcher Oscar Chrisman - ed.)

What was the meaning of pedology? Its supporters in the education and training of children gave priority to genetics and anthropology. From their point of view, the ability to learn is genetically determined in a child. Children coming from a certain social environment, pedologists believed, were incapable of perceiving educational subjects in full, and they were assigned to special classes. Moreover, the "scientists" did not hesitate to carry out anthropometric measurements. Just as the Nazis in Germany determined racial characteristics by skulls, they determined the mental abilities of children by the size of the skull.

Psychological tests were widely introduced into pedological practice. And after that there was sorting according to classes - for "advanced" and "mentally retarded". And this happened at the national level.

In 1927, the First Pedological Congress was held in the USSR, in which A. Lunacharsky, N. Krupskaya, N. Bukharin took part - those who actually determined the cultural and educational standards of Soviet Russia. But N. Bukharin warned at the congress that a passion for anthropology and racial approaches could become the basis for accusations of Nazism and fascism.

Under Stalin in 1936, pedology was banned. They returned to pedagogical theories, tests and pedological practice of teaching in cycles, and not by subjects, were stopped - then they did not study mathematics, history, literature as such, but, roughly speaking, "lumped everything into one heap."

60 years later, in 1997, the journal Pedology was published with a foreword by A. Asmolov, who wrote that the publication of the journal marks the "rehabilitation of the outstanding science of the upbringing and education of children slandered by the Stalinist totalitarian regime." Among the authors of this journal were G. Oster, V. Pozner - what do they have to do with pedagogy?

But back to A. Asmolov. In the Soviet Union, there were several research institutes that dealt with problems of education at various levels: the Research Institute of Higher Education, the Institute of General Education, the Institute for the Development of Professional Education, the Institute for the Development of Secondary Vocational Education, and the Institute for National Problems of Education. In 2005, all these five institutes were merged into a single Federal Institute for the Development of Education (FIRO), the director of which was A. Asmolov.

Everything that the Ministry of Education and Science is doing now is based solely on the expert opinions of the FIRO. A. Asmolov himself declares that he was the first of the educators in 1991 to introduce the concept of “variability” and for twenty years fought “for life and death” against opponents of this theory.

As a result, in 2011, “the many years of struggle ended in victory, and now we can state that the ideas of variability have taken possession of the masses”.

What is “variability”? These are precisely the very ideas of pedology. That is, relatively speaking, there is a certain community of children. On the basis of pedological approaches, we will divide them: morons, half-morons, But if it were only in theory! Now this is being implemented in practice.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the program "Modernization of the Children's Movement" was launched: children, who in the documents are called "participants in the market of educational and developmental services", are divided into three castes: "the chosen ones" (who will enter the "creative class"), "the proletariat and the peasantry", and also the "service class". 20% of the “chosen ones” will receive secondary education according to the highest standards, and it is they who will apply for admission to universities.

The same thing is happening in Moscow. The Higher School of Economics has an Institute for the Development of Education, which is headed by Irina Abankina, and is supervised by Lev Lyubimov, HSE Deputy Academic Supervisor E. Yasina. Head of the Department of Education I. Kalina, by agreement with the institute, handed them 37 educational centers in three districts of Moscow - Maryino, Kapotnya, Nekrasovka, including 224 schools and kindergartens. All of them were included in the "University-School Cluster" program. And there is now being introduced a system of testing and distribution according to the above "classes" - not only for children, but also for teachers. In fact, this is nothing more than outright segregation, prohibited both in the Constitution and in the main international acts on human rights.

But L. Lyubimov is not embarrassed by this: he speaks directly and frankly about this, in particular, in an interview with the portal Here is the essence of his reasoning: why issue certificates to everyone? Whoever is able to study will receive a certificate, and whoever is not able to - we will give him a certificate that he “attended the course”. “A hundred years ago,” declares this pedologist, “a small percentage of the population received general education; it was difficult and not accessible to everyone; and this is correct, it should be."

The bad news is that the general public is unable to grasp the scale of this problem. In 2012, German Gref, speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (live TV broadcasts were conducted throughout the country), hesitated nothing, and bumped into arguments that we now have a problem of governance in society, and this is due to the general availability of knowledge and education: “People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. Why was society more manageable in ancient times? But because among the Confucians or Kabbalists, only a select few possessed secret knowledge, who could control the masses. If we want to stabilize the process, - said this preacher of total ignorance, - then we must take an example from them.

So now the task of all these gentlemen is not just to destroy the content side of education, but also to destroy the unity of the educational process, to turn society into an estate caste structure. There will be 20% of the “chosen ones” (it’s not hard to guess whose sons and daughters they will be), who will be subject to all the benefits, including a good education, which in the future guarantees both career growth and prosperity. The rest 80% - "cattle", which will serve their interests.

And all this goes in the general paradigm of globalization for the benefit of transnational corporations, which do not need smart, thinking, adequate people capable of analyzing. They need a gray mass of "office plankton".

Academician Vladimir Arnold in his memoirs recalls a dialogue with one of the scientists in the United States. He directly tells him that literate people are not needed for today's society. - And why? - You see, a literate person has different priorities in life. He will go to the theater, read books, travel. He will think less about purely consumer tasks. And for a person with a low level of education and intellectual development, the first place will always be the purchase of a new car, kettle, apartment. And this is a stimulus for the development of the economy on the scale of the whole state, and the development of the economy brings us colossal profits and dividends.

There is spiritual and physical food. The current Russian "masters" need to raise only those who are interested in bodily food in order to fill their pockets. And this has been done for twenty years, and now there is still a little bit left - perhaps even five years. The older generation of teachers will leave, and they are already being replaced by a crowd of “lapdogs” (generations of the Bologna process), pedologists with incomplete higher education. Because higher education went under the knife in the first place. Secondary school is already being actively developed, and now they are taking on preschoolers. And the head of the working group on the development of the standard for preschool education was the same A. Asmolov.

Food for thought:

Extract from the Passport of the program "Modernization of the children's movement in the Trans-Baikal Territory":

“At the second stage (before the end of the 9th grade), the system for the production of human capital should conduct a deep assessment of the professional abilities and preferences of schoolchildren, and then invite them to divide into three“production lines”: - those who will be associated with intellectual work and go to the ranks of the "creative class"; - those who will make up the modern class of the industrial proletariat and the class of workers in agricultural production; - as well as those who will join the largest serving class today.

From an interview with L. Lyubimov:

“I passed the exam below 40, here is a certificate that I used my constitutional right. - How do you feel about the fact that there are more and more paid services in schools? - Right. It should be so."

From G. Gref's speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (2012):

“The great Minister of Justice Confucius started out as a great democrat, and ended up as a man who invented a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society. Strata. And great thinkers, such as Lao Tzu, came up with their theories of Tao, encrypting them, fearing to convey to the common people. Because they understood, as soon as all people understand the basis of their "I", self-identify, manage, that is, manipulating them will be extremely difficult. People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In the Jewish culture of Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, it was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient, how to manage them. Any mass control implies a manipulation element. How to live, how to manage such a society,where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly."

Evgeny Spitsyn