The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View

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The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View
The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View

Video: The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View

Video: The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View
Video: 12-я легендарная пограничная застава. Молчат дома - клетка.[DOOMER]. 2024, September

In fact, each of these guys should be told separately, it would be right. There were fates, plans, problems … everything ended in an instant. And at the moment when there was no longer the country to which they swore allegiance and not one of them, the mother did not live on the land that they defended as their own.

Perhaps the feat of our grandfathers in World War II did not allow them to act differently. In the morning at 3.50 o'clock, those sitting in the trench behind the booth of the cattle, noticed people walking from the direction of Gun-Dar. since In principle, an attack was expected (at the outpost the last half of the year they even slept with weapons), everyone rushed to the command "To battle!" The spirits noticing the movement, they simply methodically began to shoot from the heights (Sarigory is translated as a pit in the mountains, and it was so: an outpost on a plateau - a circle of heights) from recoilless and helicopter nourses. Main goals: office, weapons room, communication room, dormitory, DOS. The warehouses of ATV and PFS were kept at gunpoint in order to profit later. The outpost fought against the regular Afghan army. The number of attackers was over 250 (five times the number of the outpost.)

And it is our duty to remember their names and carry their feat through life.



On the clashes in the area of the 12th pogz of the Moscow border detachment, which took place on July 13, 1993

14 groups of up to 200 people (mortars - 2, recoilless guns - 4, RS installations - 5-6, RPGs - up to 30, machine guns - 10-12) took part in the armed action against the 12th pogz of the Moscow border detachment. Corey Hamidullo provided direct leadership.

Promotional video:

During the period of hostilities in the area of the 12th POGZ, 10 radio correspondents worked on the air. Analysis of the incoming data and the tactics of the enemy's actions indicate that the main purpose of the armed action was the destruction of the 12th POGZ and the creation of a bridgehead in the 11th and 12th POGZ sectors for a further large-scale offensive in the Kulyab direction and the implementation of the plans of the "government of the Republic of Tajikistan in exile "Aimed at accelerating the process of withdrawing the Russian military contingent from the Republic of Tajikistan, which would allow them to overthrow the legitimate government in the Republic of Tajikistan in the near future. A series of similar actions at the border will cause a political resonance among the public of the Russian Federation.

At the time of the attack on the 12th pogz, there were 48 people: officers - 2, extra-conscripts - 2, soldiers and sergeants - 41, of which 3 were servicemen from the rifle regiment of the 201st MRD.

At 4.00 a border detachment on the southeastern outskirts of the strongpoint discovered the enemy's passage to the outpost. In this situation, the frontier post was raised on the command "For battle". At the time of the occupation of the defense personnel at the border outpost, fire was opened from RS, RPGs and small arms. During the ensuing skirmish, an infantry fighting vehicle was knocked out, the SPG-9 was damaged, the head of the frontier post, Lieutenant M. Maiboroda, was seriously wounded, several border guards were killed and wounded. The enemy also suffered losses. At 4.05 am from the area of the mill at the position of the 5th branch, up to 26 people broke through. The frontier post was simultaneously fired upon by rockets, RPGs and group weapons. As a result of the ruptures, the barracks and other premises of the outpost caught fire. AT 7.40 from the 13th pogz, the reserve of the Moscow frontier detachment of Lieutenant Colonel V. Masyuk left the area of the border outpost, consisting of: 105 people from the border detachment, 12 people from the KNB, 1 T-72 tank and 1 infantry fighting vehicle from the KNB, 2 infantry fighting vehicles from the 149th MSP of the 201st MSD. A 120-mm mortar, which approached a bend in the road at 09.25, was fired upon by rockets from small arms. The sapper group found mines on the road that they could not destroy due to strong fire cover. Despite the infliction of air missile strikes (from 8.00 to 11.30), the enemy fired intensively at the reserve of the border detachment and did not give an opportunity to clear the road and advance to the 12th pogz.25 at a bend in the road, was fired upon by small arms rockets. The sapper group found mines on the road that they could not destroy due to strong fire cover. Despite the infliction of air missile strikes (from 8.00 to 11.30), the enemy fired intensively at the reserve of the border detachment and did not give an opportunity to clear the road and advance to the 12th pogz.25 at a bend in the road, was fired upon by small arms rockets. The sapper group found mines on the road that they could not destroy due to strong fire cover. Despite the infliction of air missile strikes (from 8.00 to 11.30), the enemy fired intensively at the reserve of the border detachment and did not give an opportunity to clear the road and advance to the 12th pogz.

Support detachment from the 201st MRD (tank - 1, BMP - 2, armored personnel carrier - 1, "Shilka" (ZSU-23-4) - 1). The senior of the armored group was the deputy commander of the regiment for educational work, Sergei Fedorovich Marchenko. Three tank crews, three BMP crews, three 2S1 crews (self-propelled artillery installation) were transferred by helicopter to Kulyab from Dushanbe.

At 13.40 he passed the 13th pogz and at 14.50 approached the reserve of the Moscow border detachment.

By 14.30 the enemy was suppressed by fire from all available weapons. At the command of the head of the Moscow border detachment, the personnel of the 12th pogz - 23 people (of which 11 were wounded), under the command of the deputy head of the outpost, Lieutenant A. Merzlikin, under minor enemy fire, retreated to the reserve of the border detachment.

With the support of aviation, mortar fire (at 16.00, one 120-mm mortar was delivered by a helicopter), after the discovery and destruction of three landmines and two anti-tank mines by a sapper group, at 18.30 the reserve of the border detachment and the armored group of the 201st MRD occupied the village of Sarigor. Later, advancing under enemy fire, at 20.10 they occupied the 12th pogz.

As a result of the clash, 25 people were killed (three of them were servicemen of the 149th MRR N. NIKOLASHKIN, A. USUNBAEV, G. KHAMITOV). The enemy lost up to 70 people, 35 bodies of militants, 5 machine guns, 2 RPGs, 1 machine gun, 20 rockets, ammunition for small arms were found on the territory and near the border outpost.

A sapper group at the outpost discovered and defused 10 antipersonnel mines.

All the premises of the border outpost burned down.


Sergeant Yevlanov, after parting with Ivan Mayboroda, defended his position behind the barracks. He did not see where they were shooting from - bullets whistled around, mines and shells exploded. One after another, his comrades fell and did not get up anymore … One thing only lived in his soul - to take revenge, to destroy the "spirits" as much as possible. Behind him, from the outpost, he heard clear Russian speech over the loudspeaker: “Russians, surrender. Get out, this is our land. You will end here anyway!"

In the trench between the DOS and the barracks, there were six to seven of them. Torn off, bleeding … Two by two, several times ran down to the stream and back, shooting through the bushes - thus preparing their way to retreat … After the second walk, returning to the trench, Yevlanov saw Merzlikin among a handful of fighters, clasping his head with both hands - concussion. As he could on his fingers, the sergeant explained to the lieutenant: now, they say, I'll throw a grenade, go to bed. With a well-aimed throw, he destroyed the enemy's machine-gun crew, with a burst from a machine gun he removed two observers-spotters of fire from a nearby hill …

Private Nikolai Pukhov with Ivan Mayboroda defended at the position of the strongpoint behind the barrel. Pukhov from a machine gun hit the enemy machine gun at the gates of the outpost. Ivan also confidently launched short bursts from the automatic machine at full height of the militants.

Here one fell like a knocked-down one, then another “, There was a deafening explosion: a shot from an RPG pierced through the metal container. Pankin defended not far from them.

“Look, lads,” he pointed to the Zastaska flagpole, “the" spirits "are taking down our flag!.. We moved our fire there.


Private Hurshet Valiev, a machine gunner, was wounded in the legs and arm by shrapnel from a grenade.

Private Saibjon Uraimov, who was sitting in the same trench with him, was pulled from Turg by a sniper's bullet … Private Makhmadullo Dzhumaev was thrown with grenades. Medical instructor Sergeant Sergei Sushchenko fought bravely. He threw grenades at the enemies surrounding him and blew himself up with them last …

Solid smoke hung over the outpost, sandwiched on three sides by mountains. The barracks and the house of the outpost commander were practically broken down to the foundation. The earth was burning …

The continuous battle had been going on for the seventh hour. The border guards were waiting for help. After all, a reconnaissance helicopter flew in, they heard its roar. There was practically nothing to defend with - cartridges and grenades were running out. Everyone who was still alive was wounded or shell-shocked. At some point, Merzlikin remembered that there should be another zinc with cartridges under the bed at home. But how to get there? After all, snipers, even here, in the trench, as they say, do not allow their heads to be raised. And only the remaining skeleton reminded of the house … You still need to try. He wanted to make a jerk himself, but the subordinates in one voice - no need, Comrade Lieutenant. If something happens to you, they say, then we are all finished …

Private Mirbako Dodikolonov crawled behind the cartridges. On the way back, when, crouching low, ran with zinc pressed to his chest into the trench (he found it!), A sniper's bullet hit him in the shoulder blade. But Dodik, as his comrades affectionately called him, managed to crawl to his own. It was a salvation for those who still lived and hoped. They took an efka grenade from the “spirit” lying in position, unfastened the bayonet-knife and opened the zinc with it. Having divided the cartridges, Merzlikin realized that a handful of his subordinates could no longer hold the outpost. The cartridges were running out, almost all were wounded, and the help, which he hoped for so much and about which he had been talking to the border guards all the time, did not come. Merzlikin began to guess why. From the other side, where the border guards more than once cast a glance with hope, the echoes of the battle came. Help is near, but cannot come …

He gathered the survivors. In total, together with him - 18. He explained: we will break through in groups of 2 - 3 people, the rest - in cover. One of the last to leave his native piece of land, abundantly watered with the blood of his comrades, was Yevlanov, who was covering the retreat. A fragment of the exploding shell pierced through the left side of his chest, almost hitting his heart. They grabbed him by the arms and dragged him down towards an old abandoned mill, where a stream flowed under the outpost. Dick the Shepherd followed them out of nowhere.

Passing down, along the crevasse, the border guards suddenly noticed that Dick tensed like a string, and was staring at one point. "Ambush!" - the guess flashed at everyone. From all the trunks they hit the bushes … When they came closer, they saw the prostrate body of an Afghan machine gunner …


The foreman of the outpost Renat Akhunov and the instructor of the mine-search service of dogs Sergeant Dmitry Ponomarev continued to fire from the trench towards the river until they noticed "spirits" walking around the outpost, cheerfully talking, walking around. At times there were short bursts and explosions of hand grenades. “We must try to leave unnoticed,” Akhunov decided.

As soon as they got up from the trench, they opened a furious fire from machine guns. With a strong jerk, they rolled head over heels out of the trench. Shooting on the move, covering each other, they retreated into the crevice in front of the mill. They spent almost a day in it. At dawn, they began to climb to Iola. Between the first and second plateaus we saw a pillar blown up by an overhead charge - here was a communication line with the 13th outpost …

On the way, they met three dushmans, who immediately opened fire, Ranili Ponomareva. The border guards lay down.

- Soldier, come out, no one will shoot! - the Mujahideen shouted to them. They were dressed in a tricolor Pakistani field uniform, with triangular caps on their heads, and dark bands on their foreheads.

Black storks, thought Akhunov. They had some wild eyes, bulging out when they again opened aimless fire at the border guards. The foreman decided to go into the cave, as Ponomarev felt very bad: his right hand refused.

The next day, they heard the noise of helicopters, and somehow crawled out of the cave on all fours. Akhunov began waving his undershirt, but they were not noticed.

After consulting, we decided to crawl … to the outpost, in the hope that ours were already there.

At about 2 pm, the border guards connected with the mannered group of the border detachment moving to their rescue.

Only 18 people escaped from the small garrison of the outpost, all were either wounded or shell-shocked. In the battle, 22 border guards and three contract servicemen of the 201st motorized rifle division were killed. On the territory of the outpost and around it, the bodies of 35 killed mercenary fighters were found. According to the intelligence data obtained later, the militants lost up to 70 people killed, the corpses of their Afghan tribesmen were taken to the adjacent territory.


Sergey Nikolaevich Borin (1973-1993) - machine gunner of the 12th border outpost of the Moscow border detachment of the Group of Russian border troops in the Republic of Tajikistan, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Born on October 14, 1973 in Izhevsk. Russian. He graduated from high school and vocational school number 9 in Izhevsk. Worked as a turner at Izhevsk

mechanical plant.

In December 1991 he was called up for military service in the Border Troops. He served in the Moscow border detachment of the Group of Russian border troops in Tajikistan.

At this time, a civil war was going on in the republic, and spooks constantly penetrated the borders, providing support to the Islamists in Tajikistan. Early in the morning of July 13, 1993, the sentries of the 12th frontier post discovered the militants secretly approaching the outpost and entered into battle with them. After the first shots from the surrounding mountains, powerful fire was opened at the outpost. More than 250 dushmans rushed to the attack. 42 border guards and 3 servicemen of the 201st motorized rifle division took the fight.

Machine gunner Sergei Borin repelled several attacks, shooting dushmans with machine-gun fire point-blank from a distance of several tens of meters. Three times he was wounded by explosions of mines and grenades. The surviving participants in the battle later said that he was thrown into the air by a grenade explosion and turned over, but he continued to fire at the same second. Only having bypassed him from the rear, the spooks shot him in the back with machine guns.

25 soldiers were killed in the battle, 17 border guards broke through the enemy's battle formations. There were no surrendered prisoners. The spooks suffered significant losses and were forced to retreat to Afghan territory, failing to break through the border.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded posthumously by decree No. 1050 of July 19, 1993.

Buried in Izhevsk. In 2003, the name of the Hero was given to the institution of primary vocational education "Mechanical Lyceum No. 9" of Izhevsk. A memorial plaque is installed on the building of the Lyceum.


Sergey Alexandrovich Sushchenko (1973-1993) - border guard of the 12th outpost of the Moscow border detachment of the Tajik-Afghan border, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Born on April 28, 1973 in the city of Dalmatovo, Kurgan Region. He graduated from eight classes of the Dalmatov secondary school No. 2. He studied at the Shadrinsk technical school of physical education.

Drafted into the Armed Forces on December 18, 1991 by the Dalmatov military enlistment office. He served at the 12th outpost of the Moscow border detachment of the Tajik-Afghan border.

At that time, a civil war was going on in Tajikistan, spooks constantly penetrated the border with Afghanistan, who provided assistance to the Islamists.

On the morning of July 13, 1993, up to 250 militants attacked the 12th outpost of the Moscow border detachment. Among the attackers was the then unknown terrorist Khattab.

At the time of the attack, 48 people were at the 12th outpost: two officers, two conscripts, 41 soldiers and a sergeant, three of whom - from the regiment of the 201st motorized rifle division - the crew of an infantry fighting vehicle (BMP). At 4.00 a frontier detachment on the southeastern outskirts of the outpost stronghold found bandits who were climbing the slopes. The outpost was raised at the command "In the gun!" The militants opened fire on the outpost from mortars, mountain guns, grenade launchers and small arms, they managed to knock out an infantry fighting vehicle, disable the SPG-9 easel grenade launcher. The chief of the frontier post, senior lieutenant Mikhail Mayboroda, was seriously wounded, several border guards were killed and wounded.


The battle lasted over 7 hours. While repelling the attack, Sergeant Sushchenko covered the retreat of a group of surviving border guards and held back the enemy's onslaught until he was killed.

In the battle, 22 border guards and three servicemen of the 201st division were killed, the militants lost up to 70 people.

Buried at the cemetery of the city of Dolmatovo. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded by decree No. 1050 of July 19, 1993

of the year.

On July 13, 1993, at the 12th frontier outpost of the 117th Moscow frontier detachment were killed:

Mayboroda M. V.

Sych S. V.

Elizarov V. F.

Kusyubaev A. S.

Kologreev Yu. V.

Nikolashkin M. N.

Sushchenko S. A.

Borin S. N.

Verevkin A. A.

Dkhumaev M. S.

Kolotygin S. A.

Karimov A. N.

Kulikov M. G.

Magamaev R. M.

Mukhin A. K.

Nikonov D. L.

Petrochenko A. V.

Soidulaev T. A.

Ulybin L. V.

Uraimov S. R.

Umarov N. G.

Filkin I. V.

Khairutdinov A. S.

Khalitov R. A.

A. V. Chashin