Hypnopedia - Sleep Learning - Alternative View

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Hypnopedia - Sleep Learning - Alternative View
Hypnopedia - Sleep Learning - Alternative View

Video: Hypnopedia - Sleep Learning - Alternative View

Video: Hypnopedia - Sleep Learning - Alternative View
Video: Learn ADVANCED English While You Sleep! 8 HOURS 2024, September

When the press reported in the mid-1960s about hypnopedia - the possibility of learning from sleep - it seemed to many that one more step - and the amazing results of loners would be available to all. A fantastic prospect was opening up. The time that a person senselessly loses in a dream could become rich and fruitful.


The method of learning during sleep has been known since ancient times. So, Indian yogis, to train their memory in a dream, remembered the most difficult texts that were read to them by their "colleagues". The fakirs of India also taught them during sleep in order to develop observation, attention, memory in their students.

In Ethiopia, the lebash (detectives) in a state of sleep were listed in detail the signs of a criminal. By the way, in our country this method was beautifully presented in the feature film "Big Change", where the role of the student was played by Yevgeny Leonov.

For the first time in the XX century, it was allegedly in the USA that they began to teach in a dream. Here is what a Paris-based reporter Yves Pichon wrote about this in the popular French journal Science et Vie (Science and Life) in 1960. “Hypnopedia was born recently. In 1922, a radio engineering teacher at the American Naval Base in Pensacola first used this method to train officers in the telegraph code. For this, the students put on headphones at night."


In fact, there was nothing of the kind. Simply a science fiction novel by American Hugo Gernsback was mistaken for reality. So hypnopedia was at first only an imaginary method of teaching in a dream, but from the pages of fantastic books it gradually migrated into real life.

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The world's first scientific experiment on hypnopedia was staged by Professor Svyadosch in 1936. The scientist proved that during sleep a person is able to perceive speech (foreign words, texts of technical, philosophical and other content), and after waking up to reproduce it. It turned out that it is capable of being retained in memory no worse than that perceived in the waking state.

People who listened to the texts in a dream (for an hour for six days in a row) showed no signs of fatigue. Moreover, one of the researchers of the method of hypnopedia, Bliznichenko, believes that fatigue in the perception of speech during sleep is even less than in the waking state. Anything can be. However, Professor Svyadosch warned that inept experimentation with hypnopedia can be harmful to health.


How does information get to our brain when we sleep? This is not an idle question. After all, if a person hears any sounds, he does not sleep. And if he is immersed in sleep, then it would seem that he should not hear anything.

Professor Svyadosch believed that during sleep we hear, but are not aware of it. For example, a tired mother may sound asleep next to her child and not react to extraneous noise. But if the slightest rustle comes from the child, she will immediately wake up. A soldier can sleep without reacting to loud sounds of gunfire, but will instantly wake up when he hears an alarm.


All this is possible in cases when areas of wakefulness are formed in the brain during sleep, forming the so-called sentry post. It is through him that a person in the kingdom of Morpheus can maintain contact, rapport (from the French rapport - "connection") with the world around him.

Curiously, the phenomenon of rapport is not unique to humans. They are also found among representatives of the animal world. The cephalopod octopus has a change of sleep and wakefulness. He lies on the bottom of the aquarium, picks up his legs around him, closes his eyes and sleeps.

But of eight legs, he leaves one on duty. Seven legs are entangled around the body, and the eighth sticks up. If you touch the foot on duty, he will wake up and release black paint. Undoubtedly, during sleep, the octopus retains a guard post through which contact with the external environment occurs.


In the mid-70s of the last century, quite a lot of experiments in Moscow technical schools and institutes were carried out by the Educational Experimental Laboratory of Foreign Languages of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

At 22 o'clock, the trainees went to bed in specially equipped rooms. Before going to bed, they read texts in a foreign language. As a rule, during the night, more precisely, during the evening (only the initial phase of sleep was used), the students learned several dozen new words. At dawn, the same words woke them up. To consolidate the material during the day, students were provided with self-study hours. The training course lasted for about a year.

The conducted experiment revealed some inconveniences of using hypnopedia. It turned out that sleep learning requires expensive equipment and specially equipped sleeping classes. It also turned out that such training cannot replace the natural pedagogical process.

It turns out to be useful only for fixing certain types of information in memory, for example, mathematical formulas, foreign words. Thus, the individual successful sleep learning outcomes advertised in print in the 1960s have been modest when scrutinized.


Researchers believe that sleep was given to a person by the Creator for the inner work of the brain in isolation from the outside world.


Dreams are probably necessary for us to function normally. What does hypnopedia do? It systematically disrupts our sleep. Will it not cause irreparable harm to our health? Quite possible.

The famous Swiss sleep researcher, Professor Borbeli, once remarked: “When dealing with sleep, every time you come face to face with a phenomenon that, on the one hand, seems extremely simple, and on the other, it constantly eludes scientific understanding”.

Therefore, one should be very careful about sleep learning. Our level of knowledge in this area, despite the enormous advances in physiology and medicine, is still insufficient.

In 1965, in Russia, under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, a special laboratory was organized to study the methods of hypnopedia. The results turned out to be quite good, and there were no deviations in the health of the subjects.

After the first two lessons on the hypnopedia program, the person memorized and reproduced 80-85% of the information in a foreign language, and the number of errors compared to the usual rules of language learning became four times less. But gradually the technique of learning foreign languages with the help of hypnopedia came to naught. The period when it was just in vogue among those who wanted to learn foreign languages or other subjects gradually passed.

Special studies have shown that in terms of the effectiveness of language learning, the method of hypnopedia and the method of traditional learning are comparable. However, if you do not want to risk your health, then it is better to study in the usual way, since the human brain is more than thin matter.


By the way, the effect of the 25th frame, quite well-known today, is a related method of hypnopedia. And the attitude of specialists towards him is rather negative than positive. After all, any technique should be applied to a person, taking into account his individual characteristics, including mental ones.


It's the same story, scientists say, with hypnopedia. Its methods have the disadvantage that it interferes with the sleep-wake cycle, and sleep disturbance can cause serious illness.

So today, experts, just in case, warn people against mass enthusiasm for the effect of the 25th frame and hypnopedia.

Of course, when using any techniques, one must first of all remember about a sense of proportion. After all, even the most useful medicine in excessive doses becomes poison. And within reasonable limits, science does not refuse hypnopedia at all. In the Israeli army, for example, there is a psychological relief room, which provides an intensive training process for the military, including the method of hypnopedia.


At one time, hypnopedia arose on the basis of the idea of Alexander Luria that each subsequent information coming to us slows down the memorization of the previous one. Learning in sleep, in his opinion, is learning in a state where there is no inhibition, that is, information is memorized better than in a waking state.

However, academician Wayne, being the largest specialist in somnology, argued that it is impossible to teach a sleeping person anything, since Morpheus's embrace gives us complete isolation from access to information from the outside. The short moments before you fell asleep are another matter. They are very fruitful indeed. No wonder children intuitively learn a school poem at night. It is good for business and does not harm health.