Russia Is The Only Empire Of Antiquity! - Alternative View

Russia Is The Only Empire Of Antiquity! - Alternative View
Russia Is The Only Empire Of Antiquity! - Alternative View

Video: Russia Is The Only Empire Of Antiquity! - Alternative View

Video: Russia Is The Only Empire Of Antiquity! - Alternative View
Video: A new view on Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812: a lecture by historian Evgeny Ponasenkov 2024, September

From school, they put in our heads a lie about the alleged recent appearance of the Slavs. Allegedly, the Russians are the most backward people of Europe, which all the surrounding peoples enlighten, teach its entire history, and we even have to subscribe tsars from abroad because our bright minds are dumb … Once I watched the transmission of the well-known translator of the Goblin films, where he invited one "historian" to visit him in order to condemn (precisely condemn) the maps of Tartary that did not fit into the canons of official history. And these two notorious Russophobes, buried in the map, are carefully examining it, exchanging stinging ridicule. And suddenly, the Goblin notices the inscription - Russolan (Russian Plain) and in an uncertain voice says something like - "This is where the Russians probably lived", to which the "historian" replies - "Yes, what kind of Russians, Slavs did not even exist,the Slavs came only in the 6th century !!! "…" Hand-face … "is the only thing that comes to mind after such statements by pseudo-historians who vehemently hate everything Russian … Where did the Slavs come from in the 6th century? Who then lived before in these territories and where did the Slavs "put" them? Where did the Slavs materialize from in the 6th century ??? 10-12 thousand years ago, all of Europe was in a glacier and unsuitable for life, and at that time there were thousands of Russian cities on the territory of Russia, and at the same time some ugly worm broadcasts that "the Slavs came in the 6th century.." This is "hand -face"…what comes to mind after such statements by pseudo-historians who vehemently hate everything Russian … Where did the Slavs come from in the 6th century? Who then lived before in these territories and where did the Slavs "put" them? Where did the Slavs materialize from in the 6th century ??? 10-12 thousand years ago, all of Europe was in a glacier and unsuitable for life, and at that time there were thousands of Russian cities on the territory of Russia, and at the same time some ugly worm broadcasts that "the Slavs came in the 6th century.." This is "hand -face"…what comes to mind after such statements by pseudo-historians who vehemently hate everything Russian … Where did the Slavs come from in the 6th century? Who then lived before in these territories and where did the Slavs "put" them? Where did the Slavs materialize from in the 6th century ??? 10-12 thousand years ago, all of Europe was in a glacier and unsuitable for life, and at that time there were thousands of Russian cities on the territory of Russia, and at the same time some ugly worm broadcasts that "the Slavs came in the 6th century.." This is "hand -face"…

In general, I do not even want to dwell in detail on these nonsense of official history, give counter-arguments … and enter into long discussions, this was all done before me by the smartest people of their time - and there was no sense, those who do not want to see - never will see.., as one of the most luminous people said - "to prove something to them is to carry a lantern in front of the blind …"


Let's move on to the very essence, in fact, the question of the emergence of Russians is very ancient. As far as I know, Lomonosov spoke about at least 40,000 years, but I believe that everything is much older, perhaps the Russians are the most ancient people on the planet, but at least the Russians set the pace and vector of development of civilization at its modern stage, and we will talk about this.

The Russians appeared in the north of modern Russia, they came there from the place that the ancient Greeks called Hyperborea. (I will talk about where this Hyperborea was later, in other publications.) The Russians settled in the central and northern part of Eurasia, and from here they began to spread throughout the world. At this very time, the poles of the earth had a different location. the climate was different, all of Europe was covered with glaciers and was uninhabitable. After a certain period of time, the polarity of the earth shifted, the Gulf Stream emerged, thanks to which Europe began to thaw, and Russian settlers moved west to develop new lands - this is how modern Europeans appeared. The Russians also occupied the entire Middle East, North Africa, most of Asia, China to the Wall of China, Japan, came to India, establishing a caste system there. There is overwhelming evidence of the presence of Russians in North and South America. This is how the civilization of white people came into being, the whole modern white race. A single empire was founded, which was ruled by the Tsar - Tse-YAR (the Sun, the sun, the embodiment of the divine will on earth) That is why the king's power had the form that it had, it personified the entire globe. After some time, natural processes began to occur - the influx of emigration of non-indigenous people from the periphery to large cities and the displacement of the indigenous population, the deformation of the language and the emergence of new languages as a result of natural and artificial reasons, mixing of races began to occur, new peoples began to desire self-identification and independence from other peoples, in places the princelings-korolki began to desire power, then here,then there were attempts to seize this power and secede. In fact, all the tales of the official history about certain empires are a description of one Russian empire and the struggle for power in certain territories within it. In addition, ideological strife began to occur - religions arose, everyone wanted his religion to cover as many territories and peoples as possible. The very essence was lost - Russian Vedism, not religion, but science and the system of knowledge about the world and values, which formed the basis of all religions, but Vedism itself was directly exposed as "paganism, idolatry and barbarism …", because it revealed the essence of the universe and the essence of all religions, the essence of the very existence of people on this earth, therefore it was subjected to destruction and prohibition, by fire and sword … There are prerequisites to considerthat at first the empire split into two ideological parts - the Roman (western) and the Vedic (eastern), followed by a long confrontation, as a result, the empire collapsed, leaving behind what is now. There is another version that cannot be voiced - perhaps the collapse of the empire was largely facilitated by a planetary-scale catastrophe, which is concealed from us and it is possible that it arose as a result of the use of nuclear weapons or weapons unknown to us. Descriptions of wars with the use of such weapons are found in various ancient sources. But regardless of the reasons, the periphery eventually separated from the center, many independent states arose, and modern Russia is just a remnant of the territories that were before, the center has lost its outskirts,and these processes do not stop to this day - even native Belarusians and Ukrainians are mentally and ideologically separated from us, self-identification is imposed on them, the separation of their consciousness from the Russians, new languages are created (Ukrainian is an artificial remake), Russians are not exhibited as part of a single them of the people - but as enemies, aggressors who want to seize "their" territories … 20 years ago, I would never have believed it if I had been told about the events that are now taking place in Ukraine, how Ukrainians will treat Russians … They have already forgotten that they are Russians themselves …who want to seize "their" territories … 20 years ago, I would never have believed it if they told me about the events that are now taking place in Ukraine, how Ukrainians will treat Russians … They have already forgotten that they themselves Russians …who want to seize "their" territories … 20 years ago, I would never have believed it if they told me about the events that are now taking place in Ukraine, how Ukrainians will treat Russians … They have already forgotten that they themselves Russians …

And so, after the collapse of the empire, "historians" from the periphery, reaching the tsarist libraries in Russia, destroyed all historical evidence of the past, writing their own version of events, substantiating the current state of affairs and exposing in an unsightly light those who gave rise to the entire white race and the entire modern civilization, those who gave rise to a huge empire and ruled it. The entire official history of mankind is a lie, and the history of the emergence of the Russian state is especially false …

Thank you for reading my article to the end, I recommend reading my past articles:

  • What is Russian really?
  • What does the word "RUSSIAN" really mean?

Well, in conclusion, I recommend that you watch an interview on this topic, taken from the great bright Russian woman, candidate of historical sciences Zharnikova Svetlana Vasilievna. See you in my next publications, good to you.

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