Return Of The Cattle Slayers - Alternative View

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Return Of The Cattle Slayers - Alternative View
Return Of The Cattle Slayers - Alternative View

Video: Return Of The Cattle Slayers - Alternative View

Video: Return Of The Cattle Slayers - Alternative View
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The biggest newspapers in Great Britain recently came out with the headlines "Aliens are killing our sheep". London The Telegraph dated April 5 this year. reported: “Due to a series of strange incidents in Shropshire, farmers are talking about alien attacks on livestock. Near Shrewsbury, they saw a UFO beam cut a sheep. Farmers associate the unexplained incidents of removing the brains and eyes of animals with strange orange lights in the sky

In Shropshire, sheep with organs removed have been found more than once, with the brain removed through a small hole in the skull. The impression was that it was not taken out, as during the autopsy, but turned into a liquid and sucked out. Some sheep have had their eyes or flesh removed, usually on the left side of the carcass.

Philip Hoyle, 53, spent nine years investigating the deaths of livestock at the hands of extraterrestrial predators. He concluded that the aliens were using a 50-mile-wide "corridor" between Shrewsbury and Powys in South Wales to kill animals. According to him, "all but one of the farmers there have experienced either the unusual disappearance of their livestock or their death from strange injuries." Other UFO "hunting grounds" are Dartmoor and Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

Hoyle and 15 members of his Animal Pathology Field Study Group saw a UFO "at work" in March 2010 on a farm in Wales. Globular UFOs emitted not only rays, but small copies of themselves.

- It was more like an episode from the movie "Star Wars" - said Philip Hoyle in an interview with reporters. “The technique used in their attacks causes fear. Fires and balls are definitely not terrestrial, they are created by an alien mind according to their technology.

Well forgotten old

However, everything new is well forgotten old. In May 1810, someone was slaughtering sheep in Ennerdal, near the border of England and Scotland. Sometimes eight heads a night. Beginning January 8, 1874, for four months, someone killed up to thirty sheep per night in Cavan, Ireland.

The London Daily Mail published an article on November 1, 1905, entitled "The Riddle of the Sheep Extermination at Badminton." There were described cases when unknown intruders bled animals, and the meat was left almost intact. The police sergeant then stated:

- I myself saw two corpses and I am sure that the dog will not do that. Dogs are not vampires, they do not suck blood from a sheep, and indeed they do not leave the body of a killed animal almost intact.

In October 1925, Edal County in Derbyshire was shocked by a terrible event. Someone killed animals and then broke their bones, tore off their spines, tore apart their muscles. Then the blame was blamed on dogs, wolves and jackals, but they could not prove anything.


Remains of sheep. Completely drained of blood.

Many years later, this phenomenon was repeated. In Dartmoor County in the summer of 1977, fifteen dead ponies were found with crushed bones and severed arteries. Their bodies decomposed to skeletons extremely quickly - in 48 hours.

March 1979 saw the deaths of eight animals at the Newquay Zoo, Cornwall. All animals were decapitated, bled, and their remains had an increased radioactive background. One wallaby (animal of the kangaroo family) was taken out of its pen by someone and carried through several barriers.


alien killings aren't just about pets. In 1991, thirty killed seals were found on the shores of the Orkney Islands. Their heads were neatly cut off. The veterinarian who examined the seals said:

“We're not even guessing what killed these animals, but whatever it is," it "has knowledge of the anatomy of seals. The wounds are very clean, with sharp edges, and they were made exactly between the vertebrae without any noticeable damage to the bones. The complete loss of blood is somehow explainable if they are killed in the water, but if on the shore, then the absence of blood is inexplicable.

By the way, numerous decapitated carcasses of seals were found in 2008 on the shores of the Galapagos Islands, and in 2002 about 100 harp seals were found on the shores of the Barents Sea with their heads cut off and flippers. Then everything was blamed on poachers, although for some reason the poachers did not touch other parts of the bodies, and everyone was surprised that someone could have done such a thing without being noticed by anyone.

In 1991, in the Scottish village of Kainlohave, more and more corpses of sheep were constantly discovered, slaughtered in the same way - through a small hole in the skull near the ear. The animals were completely drained of blood, but there was no blood on the ground. The veterinarian summoned to the scene commented on the incident:

- I have never seen anything like it … The wounds were with such clear edges, as if the animals had been shot in the head. And yet it does not look like the result of the shot.

In August 1993, a horse was discovered in Oxfordshire, the skin from which had been cut in squares. 1960s pop star David Jones discovered two mutilated horses on his farm in July 1992. In response to the death of horses, special insurance policies were introduced in 1993. Stan Forbes, CEO of one insurance company, said:

“The number of unexplained homicides is growing at such a rate that even many policies will not cover them.

A terrible scream, a blinding light The

death of a sheep in the wasteland of Bodmin Moor in July 1996 happened almost in front of eyewitnesses. Two tourists set up a tent there, hoping to rest in a secluded place. But their expectations were not met.

- Early in the morning we were awakened by a terrible cry, followed by a very bright bluish-white light flooded the tent, - said one of them. - We were very scared, but nevertheless threw back the tent curtain. The entire wasteland around was lit. The light was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it. There seemed to be an object hanging over our heads, and there seemed to be a terrible sound coming from there.

Suddenly the sound stopped, the light went out … My friend and I left the tent and with horror saw the remains of a sheep lying on the lawn. The hair was preserved only on the head, the front legs were missing, and there was not a drop of blood anywhere! Her spine was oddly curved. A friend took some photos and said that we had to get out of here. We did just that.

In the afternoon, what happened seemed to us a dream. We told a few friends about the remains of a sheep, but completely forgot about the light and screams. I remembered everything when I developed the pictures. I ran to show the pictures to a friend, and his reaction was the same. Without prompting from me, he asked, "What kind of light was that?" I said, "What about screaming?" Since then, we have not returned there.


Heavenly Dog

Ufologists have found out that in the 1st century BC. Chinese scientist Sima Qian described a mysterious luminary called the Heavenly Dog: “It has the shape of a huge shooting star and makes a terrible noise. Sometimes it reaches the ground, its outline resembles a dog. Wherever it falls, fire flares up everywhere; it is like a fiery light, like a flame that rises to the sky. It is round, pointed at the top and scatters yellow light for a thousand li; it is capable of defeating armies and destroying generals."

It seems that the huge round body made it look like a dog four legs - "paws" on which the UFO stood. And most importantly, the Chinese associated his visit with death, exsanguination and the abduction of internal organs from animals and people. The History of the Southern Dynasties says: "In the 13th year of Tianjian (514), in the sixth month in the capital, there were rumors that cheng-cheng (?) Were stealing the liver and blood of people and feeding them to the Heavenly Dog."

Similar cases are known in almost all countries of the world. Ufologist John Keel once ironically remarked: "Maybe while our astronauts are collecting stones on the Moon, UFOs are collecting animal ears on Earth?" Until we know the exact answer, this thought remains no better and no worse than other hypotheses.


Secrets of the 20th century № 21 2010

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