To The 50th Anniversary Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Tragedy At The Pass Of The Dead Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View

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To The 50th Anniversary Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Tragedy At The Pass Of The Dead Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View
To The 50th Anniversary Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Tragedy At The Pass Of The Dead Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View

Video: To The 50th Anniversary Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Tragedy At The Pass Of The Dead Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View

Video: To The 50th Anniversary Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Tragedy At The Pass Of The Dead Will Never Be Solved - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, September

In the photo: All that remains of the tent. Snapshot from the place of advent.

January 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of one still unresolved tragedy in the Ural Mountains. In early 1959, a group of students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute climbed to the height "1079" (or Mount Kholatchakhl) of the Subpolar Urals. However, at the agreed time, the group did not get in touch

The deadline passed, but there was no radio signal. When the rescue teams - an analogue of today's Ministry of Emergency Situations - arrived at the location of the group, they found that the entire group died almost simultaneously under very mysterious circumstances. At the same time, the detachment consisted not of inexperienced beginners, but of experienced tourists.

There were nine of them - then this number will be remembered when one of the versions is put forward. The group was headed by Igor Dyatlov. In addition to the leader, six more men entered it - Nikolai Thibault-Brignolle, Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon (in other sources - Alexander) Zolotarev, Rustem Slobodin, Yuri Doroshenko, Yuri Krivonischenko, and two women - Lyudmila Dubinina and Zinaida Kolmogorova. Six died from hypothermia, and only three others were seriously injured - Dubinina had a bilateral rib fracture, Zolotarev had a one-sided fracture, Thibault-Brignolle had a severe cranial injury. The search engines came to the conclusion that on the night of February 1-2, the Dyatlov group was forced to leave hastily. parking place, abandoning not only skis, but also basic necessities (medicines, food): most of the members of the group left barefoot, as if something scared them very much. But after all, after the panic subsided, the most logical thing was: to make a fire and sit out until morning, and not wander through the night mountains one by one, like inexperienced beginners, and in the morning send the shod ones to the place of the former overnight But the actions of experienced tourists are simply fatal: the decision to return blindly to where

something strange happened just recently cannot be considered quite reasonable - it is the barefoot ones who are trying to return to the camp - why, what happened? Quarrel? Or External factors, as a result of which three of the group are seriously injured?

The group broke up, which in no case should be done under force majeure circumstances, and even more so in the night mountains, in winter, or did these circumstances come later? Two (Krivonischenko and Doroshenko) were found at the remains of the fire pit, the leader of the Dyatlov group, Kolmogorova and Slobodin - somewhat at a distance from the fire and from each other. Presumably on the way back to the tent. All five died from hypothermia. Four others (Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignolle and Kolevatov) were lying separately, in the bed of the stream under a thick layer of snow many meters long. They were found later, in mid-May. The first three died from severe injuries, and Kolevatov - from hypothermia (according to the results of the examination). The relatives of the victims swear that the secret pathological and anatomical report says that the injuries were received by Dubinina,Zolotarev and Thibault-Brignole as a result of the blast wave.

At the same time, Zolotarev got into Dyatlov's group at the last moment. Initially, Yuri Yudin was supposed to go with the group. He claims that he was able to read the materials of the criminal case. According to him, “the investigation was conducted very carelessly, a lot of facts were falsified,” the telephone messages allegedly disappeared that traces of strangers' boots were found near the tent.

»Considering the absence of external bodily injuries and signs of struggle on the corpses, the presence of all the values of the group, and also taking into account the conclusion of the forensic medical examination about the causes of death of tourists, it should be considered that the cause of the death of tourists was a natural force, which the tourists were not able to overcome - with this wording, the criminal case on the death of Dyatlov's group was terminated. At the same time, the criminal case was immediately classified, and a secrecy stamp was imposed on it. The mother of Yuri Krivonischenko said that the parents of the deceased children were individually summoned to the party organs of different instances and recommended to agree to bury their son or daughter in Ivdel, they were also forced to sign an agreement not to disclose the fact of their death. Why?

Before the campaign Dyatlov was warned by geologists: "We do not recommend you go there." Since not long before that, first several local hunters perished in these places, and then a geological exploration party. What kind of curse hangs over this mountain?

Several versions of the reasons for the death of tourists have been put forward. We will immediately sweep aside the version of "cleansing" the allegedly secret territory by the then special forces. Firstly, all routes in those days were approved by high authorities, with the participation of "competent comrades" who would simply have prohibited unauthorized persons from entering the area. Secondly, only three of the nine bodies were injured, and not fatal. All the people died almost simultaneously from the chill, and the non-injured tourists died before the injured. And thirdly, this version emerged in the late 80s and is more of a opportunistic and political nature: what kind of dogs were not then hung up on the Soviet regime.

Promotional video: The

criminal version, and 100 kilometers from the designated place was "Ivdellag", we will dismiss it for the same reason. This is not how they kill - all the more so, criminal elements or, what is even more implausible, Mansi hunters. Moreover, all the expensive things remained with the victims.

The third version of the "Secret Weapon" claims that the military bombed this place by mistake, and just when the students were there. But the question is that vacuum bombs (Volume Detonating Ammunition), which can kill without causing any major damage to the body, began to be developed in the USSR only at the end of the 60s - these data have now ceased to be secret. And the missiles simply could not fly from the proving grounds then available to those places.

The fourth version - “avalanche - is, in principle, very close in explaining the causes of the tragedy, if not for two“but”. “But” the first thing: the search engines did not find any traces of the avalanche at the scene, although they were looking. "But "second and foremost: a specific area does not have any signs of avalanche activity, they were not observed either before the tragedy or after. We saw only the breakdown of the" cornices ", which immediately stopped without causing further snow movement. Moreover, only in March-April, but never in February.

The fifth version is mystical. Eyewitnesses allegedly claim that they saw lights of unknown origin in the area of the tragedy. And that the tourists were killed by UFOs or "the underground forces of hell." This mountain in the Mansi language is called Holat Syakhyl - the Mountain of the Dead, and the legend about the cruel goddess of death, which requires a sacrifice - 9 birds, 9 deer, 9 young hunters is associated with it. The second name of the mountain - Otorten - is also not very pleasantly translated: “don't go there”. Ufologists say that the locals call this place: "the mountain where the light flashes" or "the mountain of fireballs." However, philologists have found out that the exact name is translated rather as "Mountain on which nothing grows" or as "Mountain without grass". Agree, it's not exactly the same thing. Nevertheless, at that time there were exactly nine people in Dyatlov's group - seven guys and two girls.

terrain map "Mountain of the Dead"


The most interesting and, in my opinion, plausible, version is the version of Infrasonic resonance, which occurs either at sea in complete calm (remember the Bermuda Triangle), or in the mountains under certain weather conditions (wind combined with temperature and precipitation). This version explains the almost simultaneous death of the entire group, because in the case of a strong influence of infrasound, human behavior will become uncontrollable. The effect of infrasound in nature is an extremely rare phenomenon. The results of such a phenomenon may be different, depending on combinations of conditions, but long-term exposure with a combination of the most unfavorable weather conditions can lead to human death. In this case, the "resonance of the heart" could, if not kill the group immediately, but significantly weaken the body, when the immune system could no longer resist the elements,and frost, wind and snow completed the "dirty deed". It is the infrasonic wave that can explain the causeless panic and the ridiculous behavior of experienced people. Moreover, certain frequencies of the infrasonic range cause resonant oscillations of the heart, leading to its arrest. It is known that infrasonic oscillations occur in the mountains with strong winds, as well as for tectonic reasons. The cliffs in the area of the Otorten-Holatchakhl peaks are still called "singers" by the locals. The cliffs in the area of the Otorten-Holatchakhl peaks are still called "singers" by the locals. The cliffs in the area of the Otorten-Holatchakhl peaks are still called "singers" by the locals.

Finds its explanation and "blast wave" indicated in the cause of death of three victims: most likely, it was provoked by a fire. This is possible if an explosive mixture of methane and air has accumulated under the snow. Methane is produced by biological processes in bogs (anaerobic fermentation). Since the processes in the depths of the bog stop much later than on the surface, it is likely that methane will accumulate under a layer of ice or dense snow. The bonfire destroyed the cap covering the air-methane mixture and provoked an explosion of this mixture. The explosion scattered a fire, so the guys were left without fire. It is possible that even if there were no explosion, the infrasound would “kill” the students in their sleep.

It is also worth saying that for 50 years this place has been officially called "Dyatlov Pass" ("Pass of the Dead").

Alexander BAZHANOV