Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View

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Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View
Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View
Video: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016) - Free Full Documentary 2024, September

Over the past hundred years, science fiction has promised us a future filled with hoverboards, force fields, invisibility cloaks and moon bases. Many technologies from science fiction have already become scientific reality, such as cell phones and super computers. Then why not laser swords?

Unfortunately, our dreams of commuting to work and home in our own aircraft are likely to remain dreams, but many might be surprised how close we are to creating many futuristic technologies that could not even be imagined yesterday.

Individual jetpack

Ever since Germany attempted to use them to traverse minefields by soldiers during World War II, the use of jetpacks has largely been limited to classic English spy films and astronauts. This device may be one of the first to be removed from the list of unfulfilled fantasies, as Martin Aircraft from New Zealand just signed a multimillion-dollar deal that should open the way for their commercial use.


The virtual reality

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Of course, to some extent this has already been implemented, but we are now talking about the level of the "Matrix", that is, about the direct flow of information into the human brain. However, given the progress that has been taking place in this area over the past few years, it will not be long to wait.


Food in pills

As tempting as it may be to one day be able to get all the nutrients you need instantly, without any chewing, it is likely that this item will remain on the list for some time. On average, our body needs about 2 thousand calories a day, but even if we turn them into super-calorie, full of all the necessary pills, you still have to swallow about 300 grams of this food before going to bed. Hope remains, though, as scientists say they’re about to invent a chewing gum that somehow mysteriously simulates a three-course meal.



Depending on how you define this concept, cyborgs may or may not be recognized as reality. In fact, there are already numerous cases where people, having lost a part of the body, replace it with mechanized versions. As for the Robocops guarding the streets from criminals … this will have to be postponed for now.


Laser pistols

If in the future everything becomes bulletproof, the victory will be for the man who has a laser pistol in his hands. Of course, the military already have laser cannons, but they only fire with invisible beams, which means we'll have to wait. After all, in any case, no one will know that you are a good guy with a laser pistol, of course, until we find ourselves in a bulletproof future.


Force field

The point of bulletproofness is that the material is protected from destruction. Science fiction has long recommended that everything of value be simply surrounded by force fields. However, seriously, a similar technology is already being used in the military field. Some tanks are protected by an approaching projectile detection system. They release an electrical charge that surrounds the vehicle, which deflects the missile's trajectory.



Not to be confused with cyborgs! Androids are 100 percent machines, without a single human body part. However, there is something in common between them - both are very close to becoming a reality, thanks to the colossal successes achieved in recent decades in the field of artificial intelligence.


Underwater cities

Ever since Plato mentioned Atlantis two and a half thousand years ago, humanity has been eagerly awaiting the discovery or creation of giant underwater empires. Unfortunately, our dreams of an underwater kingdom have collapsed many times. The water pressure in the ocean is too great for anything except specially designed submersibles. However, as a consolation, there are plenty of underwater resorts around the world.


Flying cars

Nobody will seriously be upset that we still have not mastered technologies such as time travel or teleportation. But the lack of flying cars is really a big disappointment. Moreover, it cannot be said that we do not have such technologies. After all, if you think about it, an airplane plus a car is a flying car. So, it remains to assume that the authorities are hiding them from us for the time being. Don't trust, however.


Igor Abramov