To Each According To Superpowers - Alternative View

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To Each According To Superpowers - Alternative View
To Each According To Superpowers - Alternative View

Video: To Each According To Superpowers - Alternative View

Video: To Each According To Superpowers - Alternative View
Video: Extra Superpowers All Speedsters Have 2024, September

The so-called abilities beyond the usual, in fact, are natural for any person. There are more people who discovered them in themselves than we think. The rest do everything to keep the magic switch in the off position. Self-knowledge and spiritual self-improvement practices are designed to help us reach our potential. Today our notes on this topic are commented on by respected experts.


I remember when I was still in school I attended one near-esoteric festival. At one of the stands, psychics invited everyone to test their superpowers. A number of exercises were proposed: "feel" the suit of cards with your hand; determine under which glass the red ball is hidden; try to say the name of the neighbor. It was necessary to concentrate and, as it were, snatch the answer out of thin air. Almost everyone succeeded. Information always exists in space, it only needs to be “read”. In life, we often hear this timid voice inside, the "sixth sense", intuition. By the way, ladies are more mystically receptive. However, some cynically refer to this as "feminine logic."

Shaman and parapsychologist Dardo Cousteau comments:

Yes, indeed, women have much better intuition than men. These skills are recorded at the genetic level, since women have been associated with childbirth from time immemorial. After all, in order for a baby to grow up strong and healthy, one must be able to understand him without words. Caring for babies is the best training for the development of intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and other magical abilities, including healing.


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Many abilities are a by-product, like a free addition to spiritual achievements in the process of practice, for example, yoga. Thus, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairvoyance are revealed. This is extremely inspiring. However, it is understood that a spiritual person is cleansed of egoistic aspirations and will not use his abilities and knowledge to harm.

Vedic shaman Andrey Dondukov comments:

In the Vedic tradition, superpowers are called "siddhis". They arise as a result of regular practice of self-improvement of the body, feelings, will, thoughts. Just as an athlete, exercising, can lift weights, so a spiritual practitioner is able to produce psychophysical effects, referred to by people as superpowers. There are lower and higher superpowers. The former come from the ego of a person, therefore, all spiritual teachers are recognized as obstacles on the spiritual path. When a person gives up egoistic motivation, he has higher siddhis (mahasiddhis). Then, through him, the Spiritual forces of the Universe influence our human world. This is often called enlightenment or holiness.


Various superpowers can also be revealed in ordinary people. Typically, this can be facilitated by stressful situations, shock, and a one-way application of intention. The director himself is not a superpower!

The Slavic witch Olga Angelovskaya comments:

Everyone has superpowers. Here the key word is different. Everyone has the abilities that he has developed in past lives through spiritual practices, through the experience of worldly life. People on Earth have different vibrational levels of physical and subtle bodies. Taken together, all this gives those abilities that have been developed, which a person is ready to "pull". Now it has become very fashionable to play magic. People often try to break into where they don't need to be. And they either break down and go crazy. Or, not getting there (which is most often), they begin to pretend to be sorcerers, yogis, shamans, sorcerers.

Everyone must do their job. Tailors sew, teachers teach, cooks cook. And each of these abilities is your personal superpower. No need to try to push yourself out and forcibly open something in yourself. The memory of all your lives and all your abilities is stored in your Heart. Follow the call of the Heart, and this will be your best materialization.


Miracles are always a challenge to everyday human values. This is another dimension, the secret of life. The one who shows them must be ready to accept responsibility for the people who see them. These personalities are great teachers, saints, elders. They are popularly called "miracle workers". By and large, they cannot be called people. This is already Spirit incarnated in matter.

Vedic shaman Andrey Dondukov comments:

The word "miracles" has a more ancient form - "kudesa". Hence the word sorcerer. The Slavic root "kud" means life energy, identical to Japanese Ki, Chinese Qi. In the history of different nations, there have existed and still exist people capable of accumulating and emitting powerful spiritual energy, which heals, changes destinies for the better, bestows true knowledge about the world. As the great Saint Seraphim of Sarov used to say: “Acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved”. This is what it means: accumulate divine energy in your soul with the help of virtue, and this will improve your environment. We must clearly understand that the source of miracles is not a person, but divine energy that created this world and maintains harmony and happiness in it.


An adept of one mystical school came to a friend with the aim of attracting him to the teaching. Talking about what he was doing, he entered a certain state and felt that if he started throwing plates from the table into the sink through the kitchen now, none of them would break. He demonstrated this with pride, to which he received the question: "Are you there, they are preparing for the circus?"

There is an unspoken ethic among the masters that superpowers should not be demonstrated without good reason.

Shaman and parapsychologist Dardo Cousteau comments:

The saying “When the student is ready, the teacher comes by himself” does not exist by chance. You can not impose your help on people if they do not ask for it. Otherwise it can harm both the master and the student. Personal mastery techniques should be appropriate and contextualized. Then the student will have a desire to repeat the action, to achieve the same result. There will be motivation for training and professional development. And when the “masters” demonstrate their skills for no reason at all, then a running line is immediately read on their foreheads: “upstart”. Real masters don't do that. They remember the main magic rule: don't ask - don't help! A master who demonstrates his abilities for no reason, begs for a compliment, for praise, this is an indicator of professional dissatisfaction and self-doubt. Otherwise, he would not have asked himself to evaluatebegging for praise. “Never ask for anything! Never and nothing! They themselves will offer everything, they themselves will give everything! " (Woland, "The Master and Margarita").


As long as a person has an ego, a false personality, he will ascribe all achievements to himself. After all, it is very difficult to voluntarily give up omnipotence (even if false), from the feeling of superiority over others. Great teachers, saints used superpowers only to teach disciples and help living beings. They have always tried to do it as discreetly as possible. But what is magic if not Love?

The Slavic witch Olga Angelovskaya comments:

I do not see anything wrong with the ego and do not consider it a "false person". The golden mean is good in everything. Is it good, having given up the ego, to sit and trust in God? God knows everything, will decide everything. And yourself? Trust in God, but do not blunder yourself. We are created in the image and likeness. Means what? We are creators too! And it is we who create our own reality. We alone are responsible for what we have done. Only we can take and fix everything. And instead of spending hundreds and thousands of hours on prayer, shaking the air: “Oh, I'm a sinner, I'm sorry, I'm sorry….”. Take and do something kind, light.

Yes, magic is Love. And what the great teachers did is the Magic of Love in its highest manifestation. In the wisdom of the Heart, love for oneself and the Universe, the greatest miracles happen!

Interviewed by Masha Moskovskaya