Alien Star Map - Alternative View

Alien Star Map - Alternative View
Alien Star Map - Alternative View

Video: Alien Star Map - Alternative View

Video: Alien Star Map - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: STAR PORTAL DISCOVERED IN HAWAII (Season 14) | History 2024, September

Scottish scientists intend to unravel the plan of the ancient artists, who covered a stone slab in West Dunbartonshire with mysterious signs. The slab, known as the Kochno stone, was found as early as the 19th century and then reopened in 2015. To study the symbols depicted on it, The Cochno Stone project program was launched.

In 1887, archaeologist James Harvey discovered the mysterious artifact. The plate, which is about 5 thousand years old, was covered with lines, points, spirals and circles. Neither in the 19th nor in the 20th century, scientists managed to understand what exactly is depicted on the stone. In 1965, the slab was buried to preserve it for posterity. In 2015, they decided to study the artifact again.

Experts from the University of Glasgow intend to completely clear the 18 by 9 m stone from the ground, and then transfer about 100 of its mysterious symbols into 3-D format. The images of the slab will be disseminated among other scientists, thus, the authors of the project hope, joint efforts will bring closer the solution to the secrets of the Kochno stone.

According to various assumptions, the images on the stone can be a map of some area or a ritual object. Ufologists suggest that aliens left the letters, depicting distant stellar worlds for earthlings.