Yellowstone Volcano: Latest News For October - Alternative View

Yellowstone Volcano: Latest News For October - Alternative View
Yellowstone Volcano: Latest News For October - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone Volcano: Latest News For October - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone Volcano: Latest News For October - Alternative View
Video: Yellowstone Super Volcano. Checking The Magma Flow.. 7/11/2021 2024, September

The Yellowstone volcano is preparing to erupt and this could turn into a global disaster. Seismologists are constantly talking about this. In September, they recorded record high boiling rates for the caldera.

According to experts, the volcano began to "wake up" after the recent earthquake at its base. By the end of the summer, the number of magma eruptions increased, so scientists are sounding the alarm and urging to solve this problem together.


The Society of Geologists of the United States previously predicted that the volcano could "come to life" not earlier than in 20 thousand years. However, recent events have led the experts to change the date. However, they assure that the eruption will occur very soon.


There are enough reasons for such conclusions:

- geysers that have not worked for many years have woken up;

- in all reservoirs, the water temperature has increased; in some, it has even reached a boil;

Promotional video:

- the animals began to leave the park.

- there are constant tremors on the caldera of the volcano, and this causes the appearance of cracks in the earth's crust;

- gas corresponding to volcanic eruptions began to appear in the park;

- sensors that monitor the movement of magma are simply off scale;

- the planet's seismic activity has noticeably increased.


According to scientists, in the event of a volcanic eruption, ash and dust will enter the atmosphere and the sun's rays will not be able to penetrate through it. Scientists predict that the entire North American continent may be completely destroyed, and the planet will plunge into a state of "nuclear winter".


According to experts, the Yellowstone volcano is many times stronger and larger, ordinary volcanoes and destruction can bring many times more.