What Is Russia Rich In Besides Oil And Gas? - Alternative View

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What Is Russia Rich In Besides Oil And Gas? - Alternative View
What Is Russia Rich In Besides Oil And Gas? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Russia Rich In Besides Oil And Gas? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Russia Rich In Besides Oil And Gas? - Alternative View
Video: What does Russia give to the world besides oil and gas? 2024, September

Repeating the mantra that Russia is on an oil needle, we forget that Russia is rich not only in the notorious oil and gas, but also in many other resources. The share of Russian oil on the world market does not exceed seven percent.


What? Forest is one of the main natural riches of Russia. We have the largest forests in the world. Forest occupies about 45% of the territory of Russia and makes up about 24% of the reserves of the entire planet.

Most of the forest is in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in the European north. There is a lot of forest in the Irkutsk Region and the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, the south of Yakutia, in the Yenisei part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Komi Republic, the Vologda Kostroma and Perm Regions.

How many in Russia? The area of our forests is more than 800,000 hectares, and the total timber stock is 80.7 billion m3, which indicates that forests in Russia are more mature and productive than in other countries.

Where is it used? Forests play a huge role in the Russian economy as a source of timber and many types of raw materials.

How much is? A cubic meter of wood in Russia costs more than $ 100.

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What? Coal is a mineral that is mined in Devonian-Pliocene sediments. Basically, coal is carbon. In terms of coal, Russia ranks third in the world after the United States and China. Russia has always been a "coal country", and coal itself was not only the first fossil fuel discovered by man, but also became the engine of scientific and technological progress.

How is it mined? Coal mining methods depend on the depth of its occurrence. If the depth of the coal seam does not exceed 100 meters, then the development is carried out in an open pit. If it exceeds, a mine is built. The deepest mines in Russia produce coal from a level of just over 1200 meters.

How many in Russia? Proved coal reserves in Russia for 2014 are 49,088 million tons. For comparison: the USA has -108501 million tons.

Where is it used? Coal is used throughout the industry as a fuel, and artificial graphite is made from coal.

How much is? The cost of coal is floating and depends on the quality and price of transportation. In general, in Russia, prices range from 60-400 rubles per ton (2000) to 600-1300 rubles per ton (2008). On the world market, the price reached $ 300 per ton (2008), and then dropped to 3500-3650 rubles per ton (2010)


What? Uranium is extracted industrially from uranium ores. It is contained in the sedimentary shell of the earth's crust and in the granite layer. There is not so much uranium in the world: its content in the earth's crust is 0.002%.

Russia ranks third in the world in terms of the total explored reserves of uranium raw materials. There are more than 50 uranium deposits in the country. Their total supply will last about 40 years.

How is it mined? Uranium ores are mined by open-pit or mine methods, as well as by underground leaching.

How many in Russia? 550 thousand tons, which is slightly less than 10% of its world reserves

Where is it used? The main application is the nuclear industry.

How much is? $ 90-130 per kilogram.


What? Nickel-metal. In terms of nickel reserves, the Russian Federation ranks 1st in the world (33%).

How is it mined? Nickel is mined in magmatic deposits located in the Norilsk ore region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and on the Kola Peninsula.

How many in Russia? 6 600 thousand tons - proven reserves, 7 300 thousand tons - general reserves. The share of Russia in the world is 13.2%.

Where is it used? Nickel is the basis of most superalloys; it is used for nickel plating, in industry, medicine, and chemical production.

How much is? As of 2012, nickel prices ranged from $ 15,500 to $ 17,600 per tonne.


What? Diamonds are carbon, just like coal. Diamonds are formed in geologically stable regions of the continents, at depths of 100-200 kilometers, where the temperature reaches 1100-1300 ° C, and the pressure reaches 35-50 kilobars.

How is it mined? Currently, diamonds are mined from two types of deposits: primary (kimberlite and lamproite pipes) and secondary - placers.

How many in Russia? Russia is the second largest diamond producer in the world after Botswana. In value terms, the volume of diamonds mined in 2014 in Russia was $ 3.733 billion.

Where is it used? In the jewelry, nuclear and watch industries, in microelectronics, in the production of drills, cutters.

How much is? $ 140-190 per carat.


What? Gold-metal. Today, in terms of gold reserves, Russia shares with Canada the 4th (after South Africa, the USA and Australia) place in the world.

How is it mined? More than 200 primary 114 complex deposits have been explored in Russia. Most of them are in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Gold is mined from ore and placer deposits.

How many in Russia? Gold in Russia is about 3.5 thousand tons. In terms of predicted resources, Russia ranks second in the world, followed by South Africa - 25 thousand tons.

Where is it used? Everywhere in industry, in jewelry, as an investment product.

How much is? $ 1200-1300 per ounce.

And also in Russia there is a lot of palladium, chromium, manganese, potassium salts, iron ores and aluminum, and amber deposits in the Kaliningrad region account for at least 90% of the world.
