What Happens Inside The Body When A Person Is Sleep Deprived - Alternative View

What Happens Inside The Body When A Person Is Sleep Deprived - Alternative View
What Happens Inside The Body When A Person Is Sleep Deprived - Alternative View

Video: What Happens Inside The Body When A Person Is Sleep Deprived - Alternative View

Video: What Happens Inside The Body When A Person Is Sleep Deprived - Alternative View
Video: Sleep Deprivation and its Weird Effects on the Mind and Body 2024, September

What happens inside the body when a person is sleep deprived? This was told by a specialist from the American Board of Sleep Medicine. Sleep deprivation has a global impact on the brain and body, whether it's sleep deprivation or chronic sleep deprivation. Health, safety, relationships, work suffers.

Although lack of sleep is not the only factor in weight gain, scientists have shown that when you don't get enough sleep, your weight definitely increases. And this does not take much time, one week of sleep less than five hours a day can lead to two extra pounds.

Sleep deprivation leads to changes in hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Leptin suppresses appetite, ghrelin makes you feel hungry, but when a person does not get enough sleep, the normal balance is disturbed, the amount of ghrelin increases.

Sleep deprivation alters food cravings by increasing the cravings for fatty and sugary foods. A minimum of sleep is reflected in the brain by the fact that it cannot make rational decisions, which provokes impulsive desires associated with the use of unhealthy foods, such as fast food and desserts.

Increasing the amount of sleep significantly reduces sugar intake (by about ten grams) per day, which is significant, since the recommended maximum sugar for a given time period is about forty grams.

Hardly anyone wants to look and feel older. You need to get enough sleep, and then you will avoid it. During sleep, the body carries out repair work in the body. If you don't get enough sleep, you risk losing this chance of natural rejuvenation. Also, sleep deprivation adversely affects the condition of the skin, reducing the production of collagen and protein.

Whether you're at home, at work, in the gym, or driving, lack of sleep increases the risk of accidents because it doesn't affect cognitive performance in the best way. The consequences of the effect of lack of sleep on the brain are in many ways similar to the effect of a large amount of alcohol consumed, so in vain "sleepy driving" has not yet received as much attention as drunk driving. Drivers who sleep even an hour less than usual are at higher risk of being involved in an accident.

And the longer the sleep deprivation, the higher the risk. Drivers who slept less than four hours a day were much more likely to exceed the speed limit. The workplace is also not as safe as it would be if people get enough sleep. The risk of an accident increases dramatically.

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Sleep is even more important than nutrition when it comes to healing. Scientists set out to test how nutrition can speed up wound healing, even with sleep disturbances. Instead, they found that healthy sleep, rather than nutrition, accelerates healing, and that lack of sleep slows it down.

Healthy sleep has a powerful effect on the immune system, so it is not only about wound healing, but all forms of recovery from illness and injury. All the risks associated with illness are higher when you are sleep deprived and take longer to recover.

Both sleep and wakefulness are regulated by circadian rhythms. But it is only in sleep that immune activity is activated, producing more fighting cells, repairing damaged cells, and fighting diseases. If you are sleep deprived, you not only weaken your immune system, but also deprive yourself of time when the body naturally tries to heal and repair itself.

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