Russky Island - Alternative View

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Russky Island - Alternative View
Russky Island - Alternative View

Video: Russky Island - Alternative View

Video: Russky Island - Alternative View
Video: Russky Island 2024, September

Russky Island, located in the Pacific Ocean, got its name from the light hand of Count N. N. Muravyev-Amursky. Over the centuries-old history of the island, everything has happened - ups and downs, prosperity and decline. Until recently, Russky was closed for visits, as there was a military base on its territory. Today, it attracts many lovers of the mystical - because of the strange and terrifying events taking place on it.


Back in 1905, the island was chosen by the military. Then it became the base of the Pacific Fleet, which existed there until the end of the last century. Access there without special permission was strictly prohibited. Since 2012, Russky Island has become quite modern. A bridge was built here, which has no analogues in Russia, which connected the once isolated territory with Vladivostok. Now hotels, a business center, a university campus of the Far Eastern University, and an oceanarium are open in Russkoye. About 5 thousand people live on it.

On the island located in the water area of the Peter the Great Bay, the climate is rather severe. Strong winds are constantly blowing, summer does not spoil with warmth, and winters are cold and dry. Nevertheless, they plan to organize a resort in Russky. According to the authorities, the pristine nature of the island, its unique landscapes, will attract many tourists here.

In addition to natural beauty, Russian, as it turned out, is rich in artifacts. Recently, during archaeological excavations, tools of labor, fragments of arrows and axes, jewelry in the form of shell pendants dating back to the 1st millennium BC were found. e. Finds of this kind were first discovered in Primorye. On the basis of this, scientists concluded that people lived here long before the Middle Ages, as was previously believed.

Everything would be fine if not for some strange things happening on the island, which many consider cursed. Too many accidents for the intended resort location.

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In late summer 2011, local newspapers erupted into a sensation: "Near the Russian island, man-eating sharks attack people." The local population was in shock, since no one had ever seen these predatory fish here. Only a few daredevils dared to swim. And in vain! Soon, the first victim appeared - a 25-year-old young man entered the water in Telyakovsky Bay, and he was attacked by a shark, causing serious injuries to the guy. A little later, another shark almost bit off the hand of a 16-year-old boy. Both brave men were sent to the hospital, but they could not save their hand.

Neither biologists nor the Ministry of Emergency Situations could explain what led the terrible predators to the shores of the island and why they behave so aggressively. Therefore, residents and guests of the island were simply advised not to get into the water. It soon became clear that there were neither one nor two, but a whole flock of man-eating sharks. Local residents, who know a lot about fishing, equipped a small fishing detachment, made special hooks and went to exterminate the predators. Every day about ten ships went out to hunt, but the fishermen came across only herring sharks, which are not dangerous for humans, which you will not surprise anyone here. But those who attacked people were never caught.

According to researchers of paranormal phenomena, the current situation is not just hunger that drove sharks to the shores of the island. Their invasion can be the realization of a terrible curse, a sign that too much negative energy has accumulated here.


Despite the closed nature of the island, rumors that something was wrong there, every now and then seeped through the wall of secrecy. In the winter of 1993, 4 recruits died of hunger here, and another 250 were hospitalized with a diagnosis of dystrophy. And this is at the end of the twentieth century!

Hunger and hazing made the service of soldiers and sailors on Russky Island a real hell. The first to approach the distribution of food were the old-timers, and the recruits most often had only boiling water. The already meager stock of food was still being plundered by the officers, whose salary was delayed.

Out of boredom, the "grandfathers" forced the "young" to wash the windows in the barracks with a cloth the size of a box of matches tied to a pound weight. If at the same time the glass was broken, the guilty party was beaten half to death.

Here, on the island, there was a disciplinary battalion, which was known throughout the USSR. The guards were obliged not to leave the soldiers who were in it for a minute, as they kept trying to commit suicide. The secrecy and closeness of the Russian made it possible to reliably hide these war crimes. True, one person to blame for the deaths of hundreds of young sailors from hunger and bullying was nevertheless found - the midshipman of the communications school. Moreover, he got caught on the fact that government products were found at his house.

In the summer of 1993, parents who pounded the doorsteps of military commanders' offices with requests to see their children finally succeeded. The officials were simply forced to allow the meeting, as the parents staged a real riot. Special lists were drawn up of who can and who is not allowed. The lucky ones were shown well-fed, well-fed sailors, quite satisfied with the service. Only this was not the entire composition of the military base. The dystrophics were transferred to other places and hid. And those who stayed for the bride were rumored to have been pumped with hormones to make them look fat.

This chaos was not limited to people. All the picturesque bays of the island have been turned into a dump of scrap metal, rusty shipwrecks and toxic waste. The most polluted was Truda Bay. More than a million tons of metal waste covered with a layer of fuel oil have found their last refuge here. True, then the Ministry of Defense sold the ship graveyard to those who were interested in metal waste.

But that's not all. In the summer of 1997, one of the garrison officers shot himself from a machine gun. According to the official version of the investigation, this happened due to the fact that he simply had nothing to live on, the salary was not paid. But they also say something else. Allegedly, the lieutenant heard a strange voice ordering him to do this.

In the winter of 2004, the sailor Yuri Polezhaev disappeared, having served here for 1.5 years. His remains in decayed form were found only two years later at the bottom. It turned out that he did not drown: a colleague inflicted a fatal knife wound on him and threw him into the water. And again, as in the first case, the guy insisted that some voice made him kill his comrade.

By the way, the military have repeatedly mentioned the voices forcing them to do certain things.


It is surprising in this island that it was not on the Chinese and Manchu maps, and on the Russians it appeared only in the 18th century. They say the reason is that the island was once a haven of hunghuz - Chinese pirates. They ruled the coast even after it became Russian. The fact is that they were attracted by the gold that was mined on the island of Askold. They kidnapped him there, and hid him in Russian. And on the gold treasures, as a rule, spells were imposed. Maybe it was because of them that the island became cursed. And not every psychic can cope with such a curse. Esotericists believe that any construction on the island can trigger the curse mechanism.

Isn't that why man-eating sharks appeared here just at the time when the grandiose construction of various facilities for the Eurasian Union summit was started? Many accidents are said to have occurred during this. As for the bridge, this is a separate topic altogether. According to researchers of paranormal phenomena, any bridge is a transition to another world, the construction of which requires sacrifices. And this huge one, more than 1000 meters in length, will definitely want human blood. And so it happened. Riots, strikes, accidents. And nature itself seemed to be against it. Moor winds tore away heavy temporary shelters and carried them out to sea, and with them people. In 2009, one of the construction managers took his own life, saying before his death: “Construction is being conducted with gross violations. I don't want to be the one to blamewhen the bridge collapses and there will be a mass of corpses."

Of course, everything that happens on the island can be considered coincidences, explained by climatic conditions, but all the same, all this has its own oddities. Perhaps something terrible happened here once, which we do not even suspect.

Alexandra ORLOVA