A Strange Wardrobe In The Shchelkovo Apartment - Alternative View

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A Strange Wardrobe In The Shchelkovo Apartment - Alternative View
A Strange Wardrobe In The Shchelkovo Apartment - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Wardrobe In The Shchelkovo Apartment - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Wardrobe In The Shchelkovo Apartment - Alternative View
Video: INTERIOR DESIGNER Moves Into Her New Home 2024, September

In November 2013, members of the poltergeist research sector at Cosmopoisk, together with a representative of the NZP group, visited one of the apartments in Shchelkovo near Moscow, the residents of which faced unexplained phenomena.

The main events, which, by and large, did not so much interfere with life as alarmed, began to occur around August this year. Four people live in the apartment - Nadezhda B., her husband Yevgeny and two children - Andrei, 14 years old and Yulia, who at the time of our arrival was 2.3 years old.

Apartment plan


Over the course of several months, Yulia began to notice the presence of some outsider "uncle" in the apartment. Since she was not able to clearly describe the person, she, as a rule, pointed her finger at him, saying where he was and what he was doing. At the same time, the parents emphasized that their daughter completely distinguishes between female and male figures. Most of all, this man resembled a black shadow, which was favorably located in the corridor and in the children's room in almost the same place.

Hearing about this, a woman from a neighboring entrance volunteered to help the family, who came to read a prayer about a month ago. During this kind of "exorcism" session, everyone heard how something began to rumble and fall in the closet in the hall. When they opened the door, they saw that everything was in place, no visible damage to furniture or things was also revealed. Observations, meanwhile, only briefly weakened, and then resumed on a regular basis. The sensitive Oleg also tried to help the family, who remotely on the plan of the apartment drew places where "there is otherworldly energy" and this supposedly coincided with the places where the child "saw" this ghost.

We have already dealt with similar cases, for example, in one of the apartments in Minsk, where earlier there was a murder. The child also saw a ghostly silhouette there. Then, near the place where the image was fixed, members of our group revealed increased values of the low-frequency electromagnetic field. In Shchelkovo, the history of the dwelling was not fully known: earlier there was a library of one of the factories, after the apartment was rented out, Nadezhda and her husband moved in here five years ago.

However, the possible prerequisites for the current anomalies could be several deaths that occurred this summer: one of the close relatives and a familiar neighbor. Most likely, they indirectly had to influence the family, worsening the psychological climate in it. As confirmed by a number of studies, stress and discord can fuel psychophysical processes, which ultimately result in a complex of abnormal phenomena, which today is called a poltergeist. This assumption was partly confirmed during the survey. The fact is that the conflicts reached their climax just in the summer: it almost came to a divorce, and the husband went to his family.

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Among the indirect factors that should also be considered significant, one can single out the coding of Evgeny B. from alcoholism (i.e., conducting a hypnosis session with him using the Dovzhenko method), as well as the fact that among the close relatives of Nadezhda B. there is a person who previously, in her words, "removed the damage." The connection between the poltergeist and hypnosis was examined in detail by V. T. Isakov. In addition, the scientific group of Isakov put forward the assumption that a person in the apartment (psychic, hypnotist) can thus hypnotize its tenants so that they will not notice him. Then we can talk about an induced poltergeist, but in our case no additional arguments in favor of this version could be found.

Were identified and "harbingers" of the paranormal, which are often noted by researchers in the study of the poltergeist process. Throughout the year, someone periodically called the apartment, but they could not find anyone outside the door. The child who noticed the "uncle" also began babbling something in his sleep, although no more pathologies or disorders were noticed for him, except for the increased subfebrile temperature observed in many focal persons (at the time of our visit - 36.9 °). The rest of the residents have no complaints either, except that Nadezhda B. complained of mild migraines and arrhythmias. Among the "victims" there was only a cat (10 years old), which began to wither in the last six months and almost refused food, but we have an exact connection with the August events. here also failed to establish.

Skeleton in the closet

In the process of examining the apartment, our expert group used a mobile measuring complex, which made it possible to identify some deviations from the SanPiN standards for residential buildings ( in terms of the levels of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range, electric field strength and magnetic induction. Due to the fact that the measurements were not carried out within the framework of GOST, we can only talk about preliminary results.

The radiation background in the apartment was normal (18.1-22 μR / h), the measurement was carried out with a dosimeter assembled on the basis of an SBM-20 counter (developed by the Analyit group). The error of the device is 30%, measurements were made in tenfold repetition. Also, using a pyrometer (ADA TemPro 300), no areas with abnormally high / low temperatures were detected in the rooms, and the MAK-14i infrasonic detector did not show us any significant sources of infrasound.

The EMR-20 meter (frequency range 100 kHz-3 GHz), when it was first turned on, began to emit a signal that the EMF norm was exceeded, although there were no signs of its increase on the screen. Only after the sound signaling was turned off was the normal work of the operator with the device resumed. Subsequently, the device showed 2.60 V / m in the area of one of the shelves of the cabinet, which does not exceed the standard SanPiN standards for this frequency range (no higher than 10 V / m and 25 μW / cm²). Electrosmog analyzer ME-3951A (frequency 5 Hz - 400 kHz) in the area of the same shelf, recorded a magnetic field induction of 30 nT, which also does not exceed the standards (SanPiN no more than 100 μT).

The Soeks "Impulse" electromagnetic field indicator (measuring range up to 2 kHz) in the "EMF from FEMV" mode indicated a 2.1 nT magnetic field in the cabinet and an excess of SanPin standards for an electric field in the region of 40 V / m, then as a norm of 25 V / m (such an excess was recorded once). After receiving these readings of the device, an attempt was made to record possible bursts of modulated infrared radiation from this area of the cabinet with a self-made detector of the "Analit" group, but none were noted.



Thus, the excess in the same cabinet from which the roar of an unclear genesis was heard were recorded once and only by the level of the alternating electric field. The excess is most likely due to the wiring in the wall.

However, another oddity has not yet been unambiguously explained. In the course of measurements, we identified a rather powerful source of microwave radiation in a closet among clothes, from 0.3 to 0.8 mW / m², which exceeds the SanPin standards by 20-30 times (25 μW / m²). At this level of microwave radiation, pain should arise during the period of irradiation (which we have not noted). For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that studies of radiation from cell phones carried out on the basis of the ATT-2592 device indicate that radiation at peak values at the time of dialing or establishing a connection can fluctuate in the range from 3 mW / m² to 800 mW / m². …

With similar background measurements, such indicators were not recorded, even near a working microwave oven. Measurements were carried out with a DVMEMF microwave detector (Velleman). The clothes were taken apart and it was found out that in this way the phonit is an ordinary … cap. The DT-1130 magnetic flux power meter also reacted to it, which showed values from 50 to 1000 µW / m². As Nadezhda B. explained, the headdress was purchased this summer on vacation. The hood from the women's jacket and the children's Pokemon toy also showed a slight excess of the background.

In the course of a possible explanation N. Tomin put forward the assumption that although during the examination the apartment was de-energized, however, during the measurements, the group members had mobile phones working. Theoretically, even at a significant distance from the device, they could create conditions for exceeding the above indicators, as noted in the study. Although this does not fully explain the maximum values of several devices only next to the cap and some other wardrobe items. It is also possible that the neighbors have a Wi-Fi point or some other powerful household appliances, which could create such field overshoots. So it is too early to consider the cap as an effective source of alternative energy.

Despite the above, the cap was taken for further analysis, but subsequent measurements did not reveal any oddities.

Instrumental measurements of taken out clothes


It should be noted that according to N. S. Novgorodov, head of the rapid response group of the Siberian Research Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (Tomsk), local researchers managed to record microwave radiation at the sites of poltergeist development. They had a high intensity, were of a pulsed nature, and were recorded at frequencies of 720 and 764 MHz. In some cases, N. S. Novgorodov, emitted the newly displaced objects. Several other researchers also mention microwave radiation in poltergeist apartments. True, these measurements were carried out in the early 90s of the last century, when the number of microwave radiation sources in ordinary apartments was much lower.

Another oddity is worth noting. After some time, it was discovered that the DHG lens protect (67 mm) on the camera lens with which the shooting was carried out (Canon EOS 7D EFS 18-135 mm) cracked for an unknown reason. The camera was not subjected to mechanical stress, at the same time the lens cover was strongly pressed inward, and it was possible to remove it only with great effort.

Damaged protective filter of the camera


In the course of further conversation with the tenants, it was possible to find out that the jacket with the "phonon" hood and the toy were presented by the same friend, who had not come to visit for a long time. It also turned out that one of her relatives not so long ago suddenly died under mysterious circumstances: according to the official conclusion of the pathological examination - from alcohol poisoning.

Attempts to question the youngest daughter about who the “uncle” whom she sees looked like led the child to point to one of the books on the shelf, on the spine of which someone's face was painted. Later, when the child and his father went for a walk, we examined this book, and found among the pages a photograph of … a deceased relative ("Uncle Vanya") of this friend.

After reading the text in the book, on the pages where the photograph was lying, it was possible to establish that it was a matter of murder: “Are you sure this Robinson is a murderer? Does he have a blue yal? Whom did he kill? There were two people on that yacht …”and“Of course Robinson has a yal, dark blue. It roughly matches your description. In addition, his mistress died under mysterious circumstances. She was pregnant. Robinson tried to kill her husband yesterday. It seems to us that he had an accomplice ….

Nadezhda B. had no idea that she had this photograph at home. She also did not remember the contents of the book. It has not been opened for a long time, especially since it has not been read or given to the child.

Photo lying in the book


Pages in the book where the photo lay


The photo was shown to the child in the presence of the parents, asking whether the person depicted on it resembles the one he sees. It was difficult to parse the child's answer, the parents were more inclined to the version that yes, it was similar. When asked to show where in the apartment she saw this "uncle", Yulia constantly pointed her finger at the photograph, then she got up and went into the corridor, pointing to the place where the book stood. The child did not know that it was in this book that a photograph was found (the fact that the girl was aware of the presence of a photograph in the book is unlikely, although this cannot be ruled out), she could also have been attracted by an empty space on the shelf with a book on the spine of which she I saw a "terrible face".

To reveal the hidden abilities for extrasensory perception of family members with all of them (except for the young Julia), the Zener test was performed. The test results are as follows:

Nadezhda B. - 13/50 (26% of guesses);

Evgeny B. - 19/50 (38% of guesses);

Andrey B. - 11/50 (22% of guesses).

Performing the Zener Test


It is believed that any number of guesses significantly exceeding 20%, demonstrated during more or less prolonged experimentation (50-100) repeated testing cycles), indicate the inclusion of some additional factors that demonstrate the psychic abilities of the tested [4]. The threshold value is 36% (9 guesses out of 25). A single test cannot be considered reliable, but it preliminarily revealed that Eugene B.'s guessing threshold was exceeded.

The mental fatigue test was carried out only with Andrey B. and did not reveal any deviations from the norm, i.e. there is no fatigue. The experiment on remote rotation of the turntable, proposed by A. G. Lee, which we conducted in turn with each of the family members (except for Yulia), as well as with all family members at the same time (including Yulia), did not give any results.

Certain visions of strangers in the apartments of young children are quite common and we have recorded many times. Sometimes they are associated with the closet.

For example, Daria from Moscow said: “It's the second day my son is pointing his finger into the void and saying 'aunt'. Yesterday, shouting "aunt" I ran into the kitchen and started waving (like saying goodbye), today he points to the closet and says "aunt". I have a tremor, I ask what my aunt is doing, and he says aunt "aaaa" (like sleeping) … Further - more. The washing machine does not turn on all day, or rather, it starts and stops washing, well, a brain explosion occurred when I turn on the TV, and it turns itself off …”. And Nadezhda Osipova from Moscow writes: “My son saw [a ghost] until he was two years old. He assured and was angry that I did not see. Now the aunt on the closet, then the uncle in the corner on the ceiling, etc."

Preliminary findings

The search for the natural causes of loud noises in the closet did not come up with any comprehensive explanations at first approximation. People sometimes only claim that glass containers can explode there spontaneously. For example, a glass in the closet of one woman from Nizhny Novgorod exploded on its own, which was there. In other cases, cans of seaming or half-empty bottles of alcohol may explode inside cabinets. However, all this leaves behind numerous material traces and cannot be considered as the cause of the noises noted by the residents.

Thus, of the objects examined by us, the closet deserves the most attention, since it is in it and near it that readings of some devices that are not typical for other areas of the apartment are recorded. However, they are most likely due to the wiring behind the cabinet. Some things taken from the closet (a cap, a hood from a jacket) were initially considered by us as sources of unidentified radiation, however, the presence of 4-5 mobile phones in the apartment at that moment before more thorough measurements were taken puts this version into question.

Some factors suggest that either we are dealing with a poltergeist environment gradually developing in an apartment (against the background of deteriorating relations), or there is hypersensitivity in the perception of children, when the latter can observe certain entities.

From the information received from Nadezhda B., it follows that visions are noted at elevated low-grade fever, mild coughing and slight malaise of the child, which can be considered as a kind of painful or hallucinatory images. The case requires further evaluation by specialists in various fields.