The Ghost On The Window Of A Subway Car - Alternative View

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The Ghost On The Window Of A Subway Car - Alternative View
The Ghost On The Window Of A Subway Car - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost On The Window Of A Subway Car - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost On The Window Of A Subway Car - Alternative View
Video: Ghost the Musical Live- Subway Station 2024, October

This video, captured by a surveillance camera in one of the carriages, was leaked on the Internet thanks to a subway employee who wished to remain anonymous

The video shows that the girl's face begins to appear in the nearest left window of the train. Within a few seconds, this face appears and disappears repeatedly. Then, upon closer inspection, a ghostly subtance is seen rising up the glass. Judging by the timecode of the recording, these mysterious events took place on September 9 last year, immediately after midnight (that is, 09/09/09).

There has long been a legend among the employees of the metro that in one of the cars of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line a girl's face appears in the window. This happens every 9th September of every year. It all began in 1999, when 5 epileptic seizures occurred in this carriage within six months, all of them girls aged 12 to 18. Medical examination of the girls showed that none of them was sick. They tried to hush up the incidents, and they did not receive much publicity in the press, but since then there has been a rumor about a damned car in which "bad" things are happening. And now this story has received documentary confirmation.

According to the person who sent the video, the leadership of the metro even conceived of asking for help from the clergy for the ritual of exorcism (in Latin "exorcism"). The ritual should take place on September 9, the day when inexplicable things happen in the subway car.