Paul Craig Roberts: Another Step Towards Armageddon - Alternative View

Paul Craig Roberts: Another Step Towards Armageddon - Alternative View
Paul Craig Roberts: Another Step Towards Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Paul Craig Roberts: Another Step Towards Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Paul Craig Roberts: Another Step Towards Armageddon - Alternative View
Video: 'US: Israel's puppet government' - Paul Craig Roberts 2024, September

A few days ago, the US military-industrial complex took another step towards Armageddon. The Pentagon has prepared its new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), a package of documents defining the criteria for the possible use of nuclear weapons by the United States. From now on, NPR gives nuclear weapons the green light even in response to a completely non-nuclear attack.

As Reagan and Gorbachev understood this perfectly well, when they challenged the warmongers who seized America, there are too many nuclear weapons in the world. Already in the era of these politicians, scientists calculated and understood that even the use of 10 percent of the US or Russian arsenal would be sufficient to destroy life on a planetary scale.

Nevertheless, the irresponsible bosses from Washington do not care about all this. For years, decades, they have been taking a stream of aggressive actions directed against Russia.

Clinton's criminal regime was the first to break Washington's promise to Gorbachev that NATO would not move an inch east.

Then the equally criminal George W. Bush regime withdrew from the ABM Treaty and changed the US military doctrine, not only lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons by the US, but also suggesting that they be used not as retaliation, but as a first strike.

Finally, the criminal Obama regime, which replaced them all, launched a frontal propaganda attack on Russia, portraying its President Putin as the "new Hitler." Seeking to expel Russia from its naval base in Crimea, Obama's criminal regime overthrew the Ukrainian government during the Sochi Olympics and installed its own puppet government.

And now NATO is conducting continuous military exercises on the Russian border, deploying new armored vehicles and missiles every day.

But this is madness!

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All these and other American unrequited provocations have already convinced the Russian military that Washington is planning a surprise nuclear attack on Russia. The Russians replied that Russia would never again wage a war on its territory.

People like me and Stephen Cohen have long pointed to the insane, utterly irresponsible behavior of Washington. It is clear that the American defense complex needs a good enemy to justify its colossal budget and political power. But what kind of fool does one have to be to make an enemy of the most powerful country for oneself !?

Russia is stronger today than the Soviet Union ever was. Russia is much stronger, the Russians have developed advanced technologies and weapons.

During the Soviet era, China, a powerful military and economic power, was the number two potential enemy for the Russians. But today Russia and China have an alliance. And this alliance was created by the efforts of Washington, created by the incessant US threats against both sides.

And Japan and Europe seem to have forgotten their historical responsibility for unleashing World War II. They should be reminded of this, because now, in the 21st century, they are harnessed to the wagon of inciting World War III.

The political leaders of Japan and Europe have sold their peoples, along with the rest of humanity, for momentary carrots. They took money from Washington and are now fanning the coals of the extinguished Cold War with it. But if war happens, it will come into the world in a terrible form, in a form much more dangerous than anything that happened in the 20th century.

It seems that in the 21st century, the entire Western world has instantly lost all reasonable, sane political leadership. Therefore, countries such as Russia, China and Iran today bear responsibility before all mankind because they are faced with the task of preserving life on Earth. Meanwhile, the Western world is increasingly pushing civilization towards Armageddon.