Secrets Of The Sacred Forest - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Sacred Forest - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Sacred Forest - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Sacred Forest - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Sacred Forest - Alternative View
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In the 60s of this century in the north-east of Europe, a talented archaeologist from Syktyvkar Vyacheslav Kanivets made several discoveries that pushed the time of the appearance of primitive people here by a hundred thousand years. The finds of obsidian tools testify to the close contacts of the peoples of the Arctic Circle with Transcaucasia and Asia Minor.

In 1967, during excavations on the Heybidya-Padar River (translated from Nenets - Sacred Forest), a sanctuary was discovered, which contained ceramic objects with symbolic signs in the form of a swastika and a six-pointed jewelry star, decorated with large emeralds and rubies. For the next decades, this sanctuary and the unique things found there were accompanied by an aura of mystery and mystical coincidences.


A few years after participating in an archaeological expedition on the More-Yu River (formerly Heibidya-Padar) in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, I received the tragic news: V. I. Kanivets died in another archaeological expedition in the North. Then from Syktyvkar, through Vorkuta friends, vague rumors flew in about a criminal case related to the loss of an archaeological collection or individual items from the Sacred Forest.

I became interested in the conclusions reached by V. I. Kanivets after studying the finds of that memorable expedition. However, the Heybidya-Padar sanctuary did not find any publications of Kanivets either in the Library of the Academy of Sciences or in the Saltykov-Shchedrin library. Moreover, in the yearbook "Archaeological Discoveries", which published short reports of the leaders of all the expeditions of the country, in the year when Kanivets was with us on the Sea-Yu, under the name of the archaeologist there was a report on a completely different expedition to the Usu River, in which he and drowned a few years later. This was unexpected for me: the archaeologist hid information about his expedition and the finds made there.

In 1982, while in Perm, I went to the university to see the head of the department of history of the pre-Soviet period, Professor V. A. Oborin. It turned out that Oborin knew V. I. Kanivets and his research. I asked the professor directly why Kanivets did not publish the results of his research. Here is what Vladimir Antonovich replied to me: “This is the Heybidya-Padar sanctuary, isn't it? Why didn't he publish them in time? ' Probably because I wanted to process them better.

I know that he took some of the objects found, including coins, to Leningrad for dating … And after the death of Kanivets, a scandal erupted. His [wife wrote a complaint to the Academy of Sciences that allegedly some of her husband's former employees want to appropriate his findings. By the way, these finds also have great material value. Then, apparently, no one wanted to contact them, so as not to spoil their reputation. Yes, and it is not known what they have preserved … One of my students, after graduation from the university, was assigned to Syktyvkar, and he was instructed to take care of the Khzybidya Padar sanctuary. He confirmed that the finds are really very interesting. " Some time passed, and I ended up in Moscow on official business, and at the end of the day I wandered into the Historical Museum on Red Square. And in the very first showcase of the hall, which displays the oldest antiquities of our country,I saw an amulet from the Sacred Forest and a bird that cameraman Donat and Petraitis and I dug up on the last day of our stay in the mysterious northeastern corner of Europe … The precious six-pointed star was not here.

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In the early 90s, I was approached by an employee of the Leningrad Research Institute for the Development of Instruments and Equipment for Physical Research. He asked for help in finding the authors of the technology for improving the quality of precious stones, allegedly developed in the USSR. This information was needed for a professor from Tel Aviv. I was not surprised: in those years, the country was flooded with entrepreneurs from all over the world, making money by buying and reselling advanced technologies. Moreover, Tel Aviv is one of the two world centers for the processing of diamonds and other precious stones.

This technology really exists, and its authors are ready to negotiate the sale of a license or other joint projects. After a while, a call came from Israel: the professor thanked me for my work, announced the date of his arrival in Russia for negotiations, and at the end suddenly asked if I knew how to get to the northeast of the European part of the country, to the Bolshezemelskaya tundra faster and cheaper. I was dumbfounded and asked why the professor needed this very tundra. He replied that he would like to visit where there was a secret Jewish sanctuary for the performance of sacrifices …

I agreed to organize such a trip, but I offered to discuss a specific plan during a personal meeting … On this we said goodbye and, as it turned out, forever: there were no more calls. But a question from Tel Aviv sparked an avalanche of puzzles: How does Israel know about the tundra sanctuary? Why did the professor turn to me, was it by chance? What relation to the polar sanctuary can have the Jews professing Judaism, which arose and still functions in Western Asia, where all its shrines are concentrated?

I had to look for answers to at least some of these questions in libraries again.


After almost twenty years of hiatus since the first search for materials about the Sacred Forest, luck finally smiled at me. A graduate of Perm University, mentioned by the historian V. A. Oborin, Alexander Murygin "introduced into scientific circulation", that is, made a description and published information about the finds of V. I. Kanivetsa in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. Moreover, in 1983 he visited the Sacred Forest with archaeological exploration, and in 1987-1988 he made independent excavations of the sanctuary. And he got no less interesting results than V. I. Kanivets.

A damaged six-pointed star with amber in gold from the Sanctuary of the Sacred Forest. Found in 1987


First, he found a stone slate ax typical for Karelia, which pushed the age of the sanctuary back centuries, to the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. The oldest find by V. I. Kanivetsa metal mirror in the form of a disk - dated from the III-II centuries BC True, the young archaeologist cautiously considers these items to be rarities that ended up in the sanctuary at a later date. But, forgive me, where is that store of antiquities, from the storerooms of which rarities, after 2-3 thousand years of storage, fall into the sanctuary as ritual objects?

Secondly, he discovered hundreds of new items: ceramics and silver coins from South Azerbaijan and South Iran, jewelry and cult objects made of bronze and silver, a steel saber and a broadsword, a unique silver medallion 6 cm in diameter with the image of a ruler in a winged crown, and finally another one six-pointed star (without one ray) made of bronze with amber inserts on a gold clip. As for the silver medallion, then, according to the experts of the State Hermitage, it may belong to the Hephthalites - an association of tribes that were in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. on the territory of Central Asia, Afghanistan, North-West India and East Iran. Although, in my opinion, the ruler depicted on the medallion looks like the Persian kings of the late 3rd century AD. Varahrana I or Varahrana II from the Sassanid dynasty. Or maybeis it the six-winged Hermes?

There were no comments regarding the 5 cm amber six-pointed star. But even without them it is clear - this is a unique find! In the history of the Ancient East, such artistic products have not been known until now!

By the way, the violation of the integrity of objects should not be embarrassing: the northern aborigines deliberately broke sacrificial things - otherwise, how will the spirit of the object come out and get to the gods?

Some disappointment awaited me: there was not a word in A. Murygin's publications either about ceramics with a swastika, or about a precious six-pointed star with emeralds and rubies. This meant only one thing: unique items disappeared.


The six-pointed star - the hexagram - arose from intersecting equilateral triangles in the II millennium BC. on the territory of southern Iran and Western India, where the Indo-European tribes of the Aryans penetrated from the north and north-west.

The symbolic use of the triangle is more ancient: as early as the 5th millennium BC. in the northwestern Black Sea region, in the Tripillya civilization, the ancient Proto-Indo-Europeans marked the pubic part of female clay figurines with a triangle, personifying the mother goddess, the progenitor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine principle, regardless of the position of their tops, began to be widely used for ornamentation of pottery. This symbol reached its greatest development in the Kopetdag civilization of the Proto-Indo-Europeans in the 5th-3rd millennia BC, in the south of Turkmenistan on a narrow strip of irrigated lands between the northern spurs of the Kopetdag ridge and the southern border of the Karakum desert.

The internal walls of numerous buildings, as well as magnificently artistic ceramics, are decorated with various types and combinations of triangles. From here, the triangle, with its apex downward, fell into the ancient Sumerian writing - pictography, where it began to denote the concept of "woman".

Apparently, in India, since the arrival of the Aryan tribes there, the triangle turned upside down began to denote the masculine principle, and the hexagram later became a symbolic image of the yoniling religious sculptural composition widespread in India. This cult attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which the image of an erect male member (ling) is installed. Yoniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the fusion of the masculine and feminine principles of nature, in which all living things arise.

This image carries the meaning of a talisman against all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes. Therefore, the talisman in the form of a six-pointed star, called the "seal of Vishnu", was widely used both in India and in Ancient Iran, where it was designed to protect against evil jinn by "sealing" them in bottles and jugs. With the same meaning, the magic hexagram was used (in the form of a ring) by the ancient Jews and Israelites, where it was called "the shield of David" or "the seal of Solomon".

A ring with a seal in the shape of a six-pointed star was considered the strongest talisman among Muslims. It only belonged to Sulaiman, the Muslim analogue of the biblical Solomon.

How could this have happened? Why has the sexual symbol acquired such protective functions?

From the point of view of modern psychoanalysis, this is not surprising. In the subconscious of a person, feelings of danger, suffering, pain, fear of death are closely related to sex. Therefore, protection from suffering, grief, death is perceived by the human psyche as sexual satisfaction, release after orgasm.

So the hexagram - the star - turned into a talisman, into a shield from danger and suffering.

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Helena Blavatsky, and later - the World Zionist Organization. The six-pointed star is now the official state symbol of Israel.


In the myths of the ancient Jews, a prominent place is given to the enemies of the "people of God" who will come "from the borders of the North" on good days. They will come to destroy the people and the state. We are talking about Gog and Magog, and it is usually implied that Gog is the name of the leader, and Magog is the name of the country and people.

Gog will lead a host of horsemen from the north to Israel in alliance with other nations. The god Yahweh himself will oppose Gog, make a terrible earthquake, strike "on the mountains of Israel" the troops of Gog and send heavenly fire to the land of Magog. A terrible judgment day will come.

In the Jewish religion, the invasion of hordes from the north was associated with the coming of the Messiah, who would establish peace on earth and protect the righteous "people of God." In this sense, King David, who united the Jews and the Israelites, is perceived as the forerunner, the prototype of the Messiah. With the help of a six-pointed star, the king defended the new state. The same functions were performed by the third king of the Israel-Judean state, Solomon, the son of King David, with the help of his ring with the image of the saving star.

In this case, it would be quite logical in advance, without waiting for the shocks of the day of judgment, to come to the land of Magog and "seal" the demons bringing misfortune to the Jews, "seal" evil in his own house. This is probably why “to help” the future Messiah, a part of the Jews sacrificed the “seal of Solomon” to God directly on the “demonic” territory.

Similar views may have persisted in Jewish sects scattered throughout the world. The finds in the Russian North of the salutary "seals of Solomon" undoubtedly stirred up certain religious circles of modern Israel, and genuine copies of the "seals" acquired immeasurable value in their eyes.


Where could the country of Magog be located? Jews of the end of the 1st millennium BC identified Magog with the Scythians of the Black Sea steppes, sometimes with the Medes, Parthians or Cimmerians. In any case, these were the peoples living, from the point of view of the ancient Jews, in the far north.

Later, the Byzantines compared Gog, "Prince of Rosh," with the Russians, according to the Greek transcription of "Rosh" as "Ros." In the 13th century, Magog was associated with the Tatar-Mongols who penetrated the Russian Plain. However, in accordance with the geographical knowledge of that time, it was always a country "within the north", that is, in the Far North.

Considering the obvious contacts of the peoples of Asia Minor, the Near and Middle East with the peoples of the Russian North and the Arctic, it can be reasonably assumed that the country of Magog was located on the Russian Plain right up to the coast of the Arctic Ocean, that is, where the ancient Indo-Europeans used the magic symbol for thousands of years - swastika. So, quite unexpectedly, the mythological antagonism between the peoples of the swastika and the six-pointed star once again manifested itself. But it cannot be serious: we must not forget that the magic functions of the six-pointed star, like the swastika, were the invention of the Indo-Europeans. And only by the will of a historical event, the star-shield appeared on the "mountains of Israel".

The mystical ideas about the need to “seal evil” in his own house could be a favorable environment for the emergence of the concept of eternal antagonism between Jews and Indo-Europeans and, as a consequence, the need for an “eternal Jewish-Masonic conspiracy” against Russia as the homeland of the Aryans.


I have almost no doubt that the end of the world is local. scale is already coming. The sacred forest, and the entire Bolshezemelskaya tundra, will soon perish. The tundra, this childlike translucent skin of the Earth, is strewn with tracks of all-terrain vehicles, tractors, traces of which do not grow with moss for decades. A quarter of them under the influence of water and the sun aggravates over time, turning into ravines. The construction of one line of the pipeline destroys the tundra in a strip one kilometer wide, and one drilled well within a radius of one kilometer. How many wells and pipelines are needed to satisfy the European thirst for Bolshezemelskaya oil and gas?

A unique natural phenomenon - a forest in the middle of the tundra - will be destroyed by dashing shift workers who fly here for a week or two from all over the world. They will chop up sacred trees for firewood, and in the ancient sanctuary they will burn fires and sing drunken songs. Or is it we, in the words of the poet, “chopped all the oaks into coffins” to bury the oldest and most mysterious culture of Europe in them?

A culture that used the oldest star symbol of the Indo-European peoples - the swastika - and knew the purpose of the ancient symbol of the six-pointed star.

Or here, to the Arctic Ocean, two thousand years ago, pilgrims came from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean to bow to their ancestors and ancient homeland?

We will have a chance to answer these questions only when we take the first step - we will not allow the destruction of the Sacred Forest.

Vyacheslav Meshcheryakov. "X-Files of the 20th Century"