Why The Nuclear "Perimeter" Of Russia Is Terrible For The United States - Alternative View

Why The Nuclear "Perimeter" Of Russia Is Terrible For The United States - Alternative View
Why The Nuclear "Perimeter" Of Russia Is Terrible For The United States - Alternative View

Video: Why The Nuclear "Perimeter" Of Russia Is Terrible For The United States - Alternative View

Video: Why The Nuclear
Video: How Russia Can Launch Nukes from Beyond the Grave 2024, September

Reading about this in more detail all this seems to be very complicated, fantastic and risky. What do you think? Is there a chance for her to exist? Read the article …

Let's be objective: a nuclear war between at least two countries will lead to unpredictable world cataclysms. And the Americans' obsession with the "local use of nuclear weapons" is sheer nonsense and utopia. This is, figuratively speaking, like throwing a glass of water in the face of an opponent, from whose side a strong wind is blowing. There are also other popular comparisons, but the meaning is already clear: the answer will be adequate.

Actually, about the adequacy of the answer. If the United States suddenly decides to launch the same preemptive nuclear strike against Russia, it is naive to believe that it will remain without retaliation. There won't be. Even if suddenly (well, from the realm of fantasy) all command posts of the Russian army are destroyed, the "Perimeter" system will come into effect.


Much is known about her from the past, and even the fact of the "funeral", solemnly celebrated in the United States, was recorded in the press and protocols. But the "Perimeter", nicknamed the "Dead Hand" in the West and the "Hand from the Coffin" in Japan, imperceptibly for many "resurrected" back in 2009, but now it has changed completely beyond recognition by foreign intelligence services.

"Perimeter" was originally a system of independent control of the Strategic Missile Forces. The system involved the creation of such technical means and software that would make it possible, in any conditions, even the most unfavorable, to bring the order to launch missiles directly to the starting commands. As conceived by the creators of the "Perimeter", the system could prepare and launch missiles even if everyone had died and there would have been no one to give the order.


"Perimeter" could be engaged in the regular collection and processing of a huge amount of information. A variety of information was received from all kinds of sensors: about the state of communication lines with a higher command post, the radiation situation in the surrounding area, registered nuclear explosions.

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The system had the ability to analyze changes in the military and political situation in the world: it independently evaluated the commands received over a certain period of time, and based on this it could conclude that something was wrong in the world. When the system believed it was its time, it activated and launched a command to prepare for the launch of the missiles.

At the same time, "Perimeter" could not start active operations in peacetime. Even if there was no communication and the entire combat crew left the starting positions, there were still other parameters that blocked the operation of the system. That is, the system itself cannot work involuntarily without visible danger.


But if threat signals are received at the control panel, if it is obvious that the country has undergone a massive attack, then Perimeter will not fail and will automatically use the full potential of retaliation.

We are talking about the "Perimeter" system in the past tense for the reason that only its former purpose is known. The present is on the brink of secrecy. It is only known that, in the modernized version, this shock component of the Strategic Missile Forces represents inevitable retaliation. And not only because of the possibility of striking back when, figuratively speaking, the world will plunge into darkness and chaos. Most importantly, it is simply impossible to repel this retaliatory strike due to the technical capabilities of strategic weapons.

To this day, the Perimeter system is the only Doomsday machine in the world, a weapon of guaranteed retaliation, the existence of which has been officially confirmed. And the United States is well aware of this.

If we talk about the concept of the system, the "Perimeter" is designed to guarantee the launch of silo ballistic missiles in the event that, when the enemy inflicts a crushing blow on the territory of our country, all command links of the Strategic Missile Forces capable of ordering a retaliatory strike are destroyed.


The Perimeter system is so classified that the very principle of its operation is unknown. And only a few people from the top military-political leadership of Russia are aware of the new qualities and capabilities of Perimeter. It is safe to say that among them are the country's President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakaev. However, their participation in activating the "Perimeter" is not at all necessary. The system automatically accepts the key to start.

At its core, the Perimeter system is an alternative command system for all branches of the armed forces armed with nuclear warheads (SNF - Strategic Nuclear Forces). It is a backup system - in case the key nodes of the Kazbek command system - the so-called "nuclear suitcase" that stores all the codes for putting the nuclear system into operation - and the Strategic Missile Forces' communication lines are destroyed by the first strike.


To ensure the guaranteed fulfillment of its role, the system was originally designed as fully automatic, and in the event of a massive attack, it is able to independently, without human intervention, decide on a retaliatory strike.

It is clear that in the West the very existence of such a system in Russia (formerly in the Soviet Union) is called immoral. At the same time, in the same USA, it reserves the right to a preemptive nuclear strike against any state. But for some reason, the reciprocal deadly teeth are alarming. That's nice - such a deterrent factor, which gives real guarantees that a potential adversary will refuse the concept of a preemptive crushing blow, is only in our hands. And the Pentagon is well aware of this, and therefore blaze with anger.


“The deterrent factor is a convincing force,” says Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Technology Strategies. - The notorious arms race that existed between the USSR and the United States made it possible for our country to obtain the right to security due to its powerful military potential, including in the nuclear sphere. Now no one dares to speak to Russia from a position of strength, realizing that retaliatory measures will be devastating for any adversary. And it's good that we have such potential. But this is not all the potential of the Russian army, which in recent years has reached a completely new level of weapons. Including in information technology, which has already confirmed our participation in the Syrian conflict, where the obvious successes of our VKS were recognized even by our enemies. And the "Perimeter" system is like some kind of battleship that stands on the side track,but always ready for action."

It is known from open sources that the modernized Perimeter system took up combat duty in 2011. All the rest of her secrets are under the stamp of special secrecy.

Victor Sokirko
