The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View

The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View
The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Answer To The September 11 Attacks: Terrorists Were Brainwashed By Aliens - Alternative View
Video: What happened on September 11, 2001? | 9/11 attacks 2024, September

The September 11 terrorists were zombified by aliens - this is the conclusion reached by the American ufologists, who conducted their own investigation of this tragedy. Scientists back up the sensational discovery with a variety of pieces of evidence, including the fixation of a UFO over the World Trade Center during the disaster itself.

Ufologists noticed that at the time of the Boeing attack on the WTC skyscrapers, the CNN video report recorded a flying saucer leaving the crime scene, and three UFOs disappeared over the Pentagon 15 seconds before the third killer plane arrived.

In addition, the aliens conducted preliminary reconnaissance of the site of the attacks during the summer of 2001. So, in early June, an unidentified cylindrical object, consisting of 400 lights, hovered over the twin towers for 11 seconds. Exactly one month later, a UFO hovered over Manhattan, and in September, a triangular UFO flew over the Pentagon.

The version of the alien attack is also indirectly confirmed by the confession of American intelligence colonel James Hopkins, who stated that the initial plans of the terrorists did not involve attacking skyscrapers in New York. For the intelligence services, this was a normal situation, since the terrorists were planning to hijack aircraft to Cuba.

It was assumed that US military aircraft would stop and neutralize them. However, at the last moment the Boeings abruptly changed course and seemed to have been thrown onto the buildings by "someone's unknown will." Based on these facts, American ufologists are sure that the aliens flying nearby turned the terrorists into crazy kamikaze.

As confirmation, the Americans cite the prediction of the Russian esotericist Viktor Rogozhkin, who, a few years before the September 11 attacks, wrote a book called Why America Is Doomed. In it, he not only predicted the US global crisis that we are seeing today, but also identified the risk of contact with "brothers in mind" for all people who fly American planes.

Vasilisa Alyabyeva
