The Three Most Controversial Moments In The Official Version Of The September 11 Attacks - - Alternative View

The Three Most Controversial Moments In The Official Version Of The September 11 Attacks - - Alternative View
The Three Most Controversial Moments In The Official Version Of The September 11 Attacks - - Alternative View

Video: The Three Most Controversial Moments In The Official Version Of The September 11 Attacks - - Alternative View

Video: The Three Most Controversial Moments In The Official Version Of The September 11 Attacks - - Alternative View
Video: 9/11: As Events Unfold 2024, September

September 11, 2001 was a fateful day for the United States. For many years America considered itself an invulnerable and super-strong country. Throughout its long history, the United States has been isolated by oceans.

And even during the Cold War, they were so far away that the time it took for a missile to arrive gave the United States a level of protection that Europe did not have. It was only on September 11 that the Americans realized that they were living in a different world - one in which they were no longer unattainable and protected. This day, which entailed many human casualties, forever destroyed the illusion of the invulnerability of a huge power.


Until today, experts, scientists and just interested people around the world are trying to understand what really happened in America on that September day in 2001.

Recently, an increasing number of people have appeared who doubt the official version of the events that took place. And no wonder. After all, facts that were previously inaccessible to the general public have now become known. But, before starting to consider them, let us turn to the version that was proposed by the American authorities.

According to official reports, 19 Arabs suicide bombers hijacked 4 airliners of the American air fleet, two of these planes rammed skyscrapers in the center of New York, and the third crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth plane, on which passengers fought the terrorists, crashed in a deserted area in Pennsylvania.

The Americans and the world community, shocked by what they saw, unconditionally accepted this version. Even those who considered her not too believable were inclined to believe her, because then it seemed that there were no other explanations. But some time passed, and the official version began to be subjected to critical analysis. Hitherto unknown facts appeared that the US government could not explain.

For example, there is some doubt that 19 hijackers, acting with truly military consistency and precision, suppressed the resistance of aircraft crews and passengers with cardboard cutters and verbal threats.

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Then, without encountering any resistance, they entered the cockpits, took control of the aircraft, with the skill of the best military navigators and pilots flew to their targets (without meeting absolutely no obstacles from the US Air Force responsible for protecting the country's airspace) and successfully startled them.

At the same time, it is known that the alleged hijacker pilots Mohammed Atta and others, who underwent flight training in private flying clubs, according to the instructors, were not capable of independent control of even light single-engine aircraft, not to mention heavy Boeing.

The destruction of the Twin Towers also raises some doubts. According to the official version, the steel supporting beams of the towers melted as a result of the fire. This was the reason that they collapsed.


But to melt high-strength steel requires very high temperatures (up to 1538 ° C). Aviation fuel that burns in air (especially in a confined space where there is a lot of smoke and little oxygen) is simply not capable of this. In order for the temperature in the building to become equal to the melting temperature of steel, the fire had to burn for a long time, and, according to eyewitnesses, the bulk of the aviation fuel that got inside the towers burned out within ten minutes.

In addition, the twin towers were designed to withstand a collision with the Boeing 707, which is generally similar in weight, size and speed to the Boeing 767. Even if one of the towers collapsed, it would be amazing. But both collapsed - quickly, neatly and symmetrically, almost without hitting the surrounding buildings in the financial district of Manhattan, collapsed completely, turning into debris, ash and dust, just as a result of the impact of aircraft and the subsequent fire.

Typically, this synchronous destruction of buildings occurs during planned demolition. According to independent experts, explosives were placed on the floors of the towers, which, in fact, was the main reason for the destruction of skyscrapers.

At first, the explosives theory had a problem: there was no media report that anyone heard the explosions just before the skyscrapers collapsed. But in recent years, such messages have appeared. Video footage was found showing that there were actually explosions inside the twin towers before they collapsed.

In addition, one witness based near the World Trade Center (WTC) reported that he was standing in a crowd about two and a half blocks from the south tower when he saw “a series of short flashes emanating from inside the building between 10 and 15 floors . Seismographs located 34 km from the World Trade Center also recorded evidence of strong explosions.

If it were possible to study the wreckage of the twin towers, it would be possible to establish whether they were destroyed by explosives or melted. But the ruins of the skyscrapers were cleared away so quickly that a detailed study of the wreckage by independent experts became impossible. Almost all 300,000 tons of steel from the towers were urgently sold to New York scrap metal dealers and then exported to China and South Korea, where they were immediately melted down.

Thus, all possible evidence was destroyed. Of particular interest is the fact that Controlled Demolition Inc. received the government contract for clearing the rubble and removing the debris from the WTC. ("Controlled Demolition") is the world leader in the demolition of high-rise buildings. It was this firm that made sure that all the remnants of the WTC were destroyed without a trace. So, given this new data, the version of the collapse of the twin towers as a result of a collision with an aircraft looks extremely doubtful.

The third oddity in the official version is the fire at the Pentagon. Again, we turn to the official version, according to which the Boeing-757 of American Airlines (Flight 77) crashed into the Pentagon. As a result of the collision, one of the sectors of the building caught fire, which was under repair by a strange accident. The counterterrorism department has already been evicted from there, and the command center of the navy has not yet moved in.


So there were only civilian personnel on the premises, who were engaged in its equipment. They were the victims of the terrorist attack. There was only one general among the dead. Besides, the circumstances of the plane crash are also extremely mysterious.

It is known that the liner approached the Pentagon on a horizontal trajectory at such a low altitude that it tore off the wires stretched across the street, but somehow managed to slip between the lamp posts, the distance between which is less than the wingspan of the Boeing 757.

And this outstanding maneuver on a heavy airliner was allegedly performed by the Arab terrorist pilot Hani Khanjour, who completed a two-month flight course! In addition, the photographs of the scene show no wreckage at all - about 100 tons of metal, which before the collision were a Boeing-757.

It is also unclear what happened to the Boeing's wings and engines? In theory, the wings, along with the engines, should have come off when colliding with the walls of the building to the left and right of the breach, while on the lawn in front of the Pentagon there would be a lot of debris of the wings and tail. But nothing of the kind was found in the pictures. And one more question: there were from 56 to 64 passengers and crew on board Flight 77.

If he crashed into the Pentagon, then what happened to the bodies and luggage of the passengers? After all, in any plane crash there are always corpses (even if they are badly burned). But neither the things nor the remains of the passengers were handed over to the relatives. Maybe this is because the passengers of Flight 77 did not die in the attack on the Pentagon, but somewhere else?

What could have actually happened? The author of the article "Operation 911: There were no kamikaze pilots" Carol Valentine tried to answer this question. It points out the possibility of remote control of large jet aircraft (the fact that such a technology exists and was developed for use in the unmanned strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force "Global Hawk" is public).

But there is a flaw in this theory, which is that while remote control technology certainly exists, getting four remotely controlled aircraft to take off in an hour would be difficult, and would require a lot of people., which would make it extremely difficult to minimize errors and prevent information leakage.

Given the cost of betting in this operation, which would have killed thousands of US citizens, the possibility of error should have been completely ruled out. Accordingly, the less people know about the operation, the greater the chances of its success.

But even if we accept the theory of remote control of an aircraft as an explanation, the question still remains: "Where did the passengers who flew on this flight go?" Neither the American authorities nor opponents of the official version can give an answer to this. This remains another mystery of the mourning September day.

The enumeration of all these facts suggests that the official version was invented by the US government in haste. At the same time, until now, no one has been able to completely refute it. A specially created commission worked to verify the official version and the fresh data received. But she did not say anything new about the tragedy of September 11.

Therefore, it is still unclear whether the attack was provoked by the United States government in order to justify its actions against Bin Laden, or whether it was actually carried out by Arab terrorists.