Two Strange Incidents On The Snowy Road To The Village - Alternative View

Two Strange Incidents On The Snowy Road To The Village - Alternative View
Two Strange Incidents On The Snowy Road To The Village - Alternative View

Video: Two Strange Incidents On The Snowy Road To The Village - Alternative View

Video: Two Strange Incidents On The Snowy Road To The Village - Alternative View
Video: LIVING OFF GRID in a FOREST CABIN - What We Do at Night | BLOWTORCH & FIRE to PROTECT WOOD - Ep.134 2024, September

I'll tell you about two strange cases associated with werewolves (or other anomalous phenomenon), which are still remembered in our family.

It was a long time ago, right after the Great Patriotic War. But everything that happened is the true truth, I think. After all, our relatives who took part in these events were serious and respected people. Nobody ever considered them to be inventors.

It was winter. After their village was freed from the Germans, my grandmother went to the regional center for some business. I expected to return in the afternoon, but stayed in the town. It was already evening, but she decided to go to the village all the same. She had nowhere to spend the night in the regional center, and the village was only seven kilometers away. "I'll get there," she encouraged herself and hit the road.

At first she walked easily and quickly. Grandma was always light on her feet. But that time for some reason I quickly got tired. My legs were heavy with every step. With difficulty, the grandmother walked half the way, wondering at herself.

Twilight was rapidly deepening, anxiety and fear crept into my soul - that winter wolves raged heavily. They have already pulled up several people in the area. The grandmother quickened her pace, but she was even more exhausted.

And suddenly in the distance I heard the ringing of a bell - someone on a horse was chasing her. The grandmother stopped, looked closely - and her heart sank with joy: her neighbor was sitting on the logs.

- Where does the hard carry you into the night? the man asked her instead of greeting.

- Oh, Petrovich, stayed in the area. And where are you from?

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- Yes, here's his horse traded, Varvara. Look, what a handsome man!

Grandmother was amazed. An unprecedented black stallion - powerful, shiny (and this at a time when there was hunger around!). The very fact of the exchange was striking: nothing could ever separate a neighbor from his faithful horse. More than once the horse saved the life of its master when he was partisan during the war. And it must be the same - changed …

- Well, what are you standing? Sit down! - hastened the driver.

Grandmother walked around the back of the cart, turned her back to the wood, and, crossing herself, said:

- Glory to you, Lord! - and then flopped down on the wood.

In the next instant, she realized that she was sitting in the snow in the middle of the road. No carriage, no horse, no neighbor. She herself did not remember how my grandmother ran to the village. Neighbor Petrovich, after her story, was stupefied: he never left the house that day, let alone go to the regional center!

The second incident of meeting with the unknown happened with a friend of my father, our distant relative, Uncle Sasha. On Sunday, he decided to visit his relatives in a neighboring village. I didn't wait for the bus - only three kilometers to the village - and walked vigorously across the creaking snow.

Suddenly he heard a piercing whistle. He looked around and saw: his childhood friend, who now lived in the village where Uncle Sasha was heading, was standing about a hundred meters away and was waving to him. Uncle Sasha was delighted with his fellow traveler, and besides, he had not seen his friend for a long time. He quickly overtook him, they greeted and walked merrily along the road.

They did not follow the road while talking. But after some time, Uncle Sasha began to get tired, and in time they should have come a long time ago, but the road did not end. He was surprised and told a friend about it. But he just brushed it off:

- You thought.

After some time, my legs became completely heavy, and it became unbearably difficult to walk. Uncle Sasha already understood that the interlocutor was deliberately speaking his teeth, but he could not understand what was happening. When the pain and heaviness in the legs became intolerable, Uncle Sasha prayed:

- Lord! Will there be an end to this road?

The next moment he woke up: he was sitting in the middle of the river, feet in a hole, in the water above the knees, and not a soul was nearby! I must say that Uncle Sasha is not some village idiot. He was a physicist, graduated from the institute at one time, served in the army at a secret rocket facility, he had seen a lot in his life. But this time he could not find an explanation for what happened to him.

V. A. KIRCHEVA, Nikolaev