Lake Ivachevskoe. Russia - Alternative View

Lake Ivachevskoe. Russia - Alternative View
Lake Ivachevskoe. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Lake Ivachevskoe. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Lake Ivachevskoe. Russia - Alternative View
Video: Lake Baikal, Russia's Freshwater Jewel 2024, September

Russia also has its own sinister zones. One of them is located in the Vologda region near the city of Cherepovets - in the area of the local lake Ivachevskoye, on the banks of which they rest both in summer and in winter.


Researchers of anomalous phenomena consider this place to be disastrous, since people here quite often disappear without a trace. At the same time, as in any other similar case, many explanations for these mysterious phenomena are found - aliens and monsters, unknown evil forces and transitions to other worlds are blamed for the disappearance of people.

Some who have visited the lake say that when approaching it, their heartbeat and breathing slowed down, and then a feeling of complete serenity appeared. However, already at the very water, calmness was replaced by anxiety, turning into inexplicable fear - it seemed that there was something hostile nearby, but it was impossible to run - the legs literally "stuck" to the ground.


Other "eyewitnesses" said that they even felt a certain power that made them obey themselves. Perhaps that is why suicide is so common here.

Four years ago, a team of researchers was sent to the area. As a result, scientists have identified signs of geomagnetic changes in the area that can cause anomalies.


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Skeptics find a much more prosaic explanation for the disappearances of people - they blame the swamps located near the lake for all the misfortunes. At the same time, those same swamps in the 19th century were called Alive because of the much greater number of crimes and suicides committed here, in contrast to other Russian provinces.


Rumors about Lake Ivachevskoye and local swamps circulated in the last century. We present an excerpt from the book by Alexei Vinogradov "The Ghost of the Swamp Beast":

“He howls, this spirit. Once you get there, he will stay with you forever. It sucks the brain. He thinks and makes you silent. My; my father went crazy even before I was born, but admitted it only before he died. He confessed that & for twenty years he had lived in kinship with this swamp, which took away his strength, his thoughts, forced him to do something incredible. My father drove me out of town … I got my education and returned. From now on it is no longer possible to leave. These swamps are found everywhere. How can you deal with such a colossal smelly peat? And how wonderful this swamp is when you find it for the first time! And there are almost no berries, and few birds. It's not a swamp, it's oats. And how you can hear him in the city! I already knew three people who hear him. The swamp is thousands of years old. And in this city there will always be people who will serve him. You can't refuse, it's too late to refuse …"