Shushmore Anomalous Zone - Alternative View

Shushmore Anomalous Zone - Alternative View
Shushmore Anomalous Zone - Alternative View

Video: Shushmore Anomalous Zone - Alternative View

Video: Shushmore Anomalous Zone - Alternative View
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On the border of the Moscow and Vladimir regions there is a mysterious place called Shushmor. This anomalous zone is known as the domestic Bermuda Triangle: people disappear here without a trace.


The strangeness of this territory is noticeable with the naked eye, for example, square birches grow here, and the rest of the plants are very different from their counterparts in gigantic sizes. By the way, meteorologists are also racking their brains over the weather oddities of the area: it is known that there are the most sunny days and thunderstorms in the year, and the air temperature is somewhat different.


Eyewitnesses say that they met aliens here in silver suits, but few believe in these stories, but the fact that UFOs often cruise over this area is a proven fact.

Scientists who have been conducting research in the Shushmor anomalous zone have recorded a high electromagnetic field, which knocks out any equipment and appears as a strange fog in photographs. Some even suggest that it was the swirling of electromagnetic fields that caused the square shapes of birches, but there is no evidence of this.


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But the main feature of this territory is a structure similar to the English Stonehenge: large pillars, removing the moss from which you can see ancient inscriptions and drawings, and in the center is a huge stone in the form of a hemisphere. The purpose of this object is still unknown, but there are suggestions that it is a kind of time machine, and temporary changes are the reason for the disappearance of people. By the way, it should be noted that Stonehenge and our hemisphere are at the same latitude.


Also during the Great Patriotic War, Hitler formed a special research unit, which was later thrown into this anomalous zone with an unknown purpose.

Our historians, who were interested in this fact, put forward the assumption that the Germans were looking for a certain Agrigov sword, with which the Murom prince Peter, as is known from the chronicle, defeated the werewolf snake. This version takes place, since it is a known fact that Hitler was interested in such things and sent expeditions many times in search of objects with a mystical history. By the way, historians say that Agrig is the son and successor of the Jewish king Herod, therefore, most likely, the ball is of biblical origin. But how he ended up with the Murom prince is a mystery.


A beautiful love story is also associated with Tsar Peter: having arrived in a village that is not far from an abnormal place, he met his wife Fevronia. Fevronia, like all women living in this village, was a skillful healer and possessed other abilities, which made the prince a little afraid of her. The lovers knew how in one day, both are canonized and are the patrons of love. It is worth noting that this village still exists, as well as all the women living in it have a medicine man's gift and surprise random travelers with strange rituals.


This is such an interesting Shushmor land, full of secrets and mysteries, legends and traditions, which we or our descendants have yet to unravel.