Evil Spirits - Alternative View

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Evil Spirits - Alternative View
Evil Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits - Alternative View
Video: GHOSTS AND DEMONS CAUGHT ON CAMERA | A compilation of the internet's most divisive videos 2024, September

Some researchers believe that there are some invisible forms built from non-protein compounds on the Earth and in its atmosphere

In 1761, an incredible and at the same time terrible event took place in the Italian city of Ventimiglia, which caused not only numerous conversations, but also led the townspeople into a state of extreme fright.

One warm spring day, a group of young women returned from the forest with bundles of firewood. And suddenly one of them, uttering a loud cry, fell to the ground. And a moment later, right before the eyes of the rest of her fellow travelers, the body of the unfortunate woman seemed to explode: the mutilated internal organs fell out through the wound in the abdomen, in some places the muscles were completely detached from the bones, repeatedly broken, a round hole gaped in the crown of the head …

The shocked women looked at their companion for a while in silence, and then, with wild cries, ran away from the terrible place. Representatives of the authorities who arrived at the scene of the incident immediately rejected the version of the murder. But at the same time, nothing was offered that could somehow help the investigation. There was only one thing left: to admit that some otherworldly forces were involved in this matter …

Of course, if this were the only case of this kind, it could be classified as a fable. But…

From May 1876 to 1879, there were repeated cases in China when in crowded places someone invisible cut off the hair gathered in buns from passers-by. And although people, trying to protect their "property", covered their hair with their hands, still the invisible "demon" cut them off.

Prior to this, in 1873, a similar case took place in the US state of Wisconsin. Then the young girl, in the presence of her mother, suddenly felt how someone who was completely invisible, to the very roots, was removing hair from her head, which at the same moment disappeared without a trace.

Already in the 20th century, a strange "hairdresser * censored *" sowed panic in England: in 1922, young beauties who paraded through the crowded streets of the capital had their hair cut off by someone's invisible hand and also disappeared into nowhere. And although passers-by tried to help the frightened ladies, the invisible "demon" invariably brought his work to the end …

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But in comparison with the atrocities that other "invisibles" did, these were just innocent pranks.

So, on October 2, 1875, in a suburb of Berlin, a more than strange incident occurred: one of the young people, who was in the company of acquaintances, suddenly had a hole in his hand, as if from a bullet. Moreover, neither the victim himself nor his companions heard the shot.

A few years later, at the very end of the 19th century, an unknown "ghost" appeared in Japan, which left wounds on the neck of several passers-by with a depth of two to three centimeters.

And on April 16, 1922, in the English capital, on one of the streets, an evil spirit really roamed: in front of numerous passers-by, he injured the necks of three men.

In 1960, a cruel invisible man appeared on a farm in South Africa. Apparently, he liked it here, as he stayed in this place for several days. True, instead of gratitude, he showed incredible aggression towards the owners. A young, 20-year-old farm worker was particularly affected. Under the young man's clothes, neat wounds appeared regularly, as if inflicted with a scalpel. And all these horrors were happening under the vigilant control of the police, who, alas, could not prevent the invisible from doing their dirty deed.

What is it? Fictions of journalists or fantasies of people with an unbalanced psyche? Or really the tricks of the invisible "demons"?

Trying to answer these questions, scientists have put forward many hypotheses. But these were mostly abstract theoretical reasoning, in which mysticism took a fair share.

The Italian paranormal researcher Bocconi also tried to explain the strange cases. To do this, on a hill, about which there were many terrible stories among the locals, he equipped a research laboratory equipped with modern equipment.

There was a laboratory assistant on duty almost round the clock. His main task was to regularly photograph the corners of the room, as soon as any of the devices began to give certain signals …

As a result of many years of observations, thousands of images were obtained. On 10% of all the photographs taken, images of strange entities were captured: "living cones", "amazing animals", "pterodactyls" and even the contours of unknown "people".

Where did these "strange creatures" come from, no one can answer yet. Only, as with any unexplained phenomenon, hypotheses appear. Basically, they all lean towards the existence of parallel worlds, from which strange and evil invisible people supposedly appear. Others believe that all this is the tricks of a poltergeist, whose existence is now recognized even by official science.

But some Russian researchers believe that on the Earth itself and in its atmosphere, there are some invisible forms built from non-protein compounds. So, for example, academician V. P. Kaznacheev suggested that these "entities" are based on physical fields. Academician V. Ginzburg, in turn, expressed the idea that these forms consist of elementary particles.

And professor A. F. Okhatrin explains this phenomenon by the presence of microleptons - hypothetical particles. In his opinion, these are the very strange objects recorded in Bocconi's laboratory. Such a structure allows them to freely penetrate through any bodies and objects, transmit light and, of course, be invisible to us.

Bernatsky Anatoly