Evil Spirits Or The Reason For Suicide - Alternative View

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Evil Spirits Or The Reason For Suicide - Alternative View
Evil Spirits Or The Reason For Suicide - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits Or The Reason For Suicide - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits Or The Reason For Suicide - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

An evil spirit or a reason for suicide

The reason for many unexplained suicides that are committed for no apparent reason is the possession of spirits attached to the earthly plane. Some of these spirits simply delight when their victims are tormented; others, taking their own lives, believe that they are still alive; They do not know anything about the spiritual world, they exist in a gloomy delusion that their suicide attempt failed, they try to take their own life again and again.

When such a spirit comes into close contact with a person predisposed to mediumship, he, mistaking his body for his own, inspires such a person with the thought of the frailty of life and provokes his suicide.

The fate of a suicide is usually extremely sad, since his untimely departure from life keeps him on the earthly plane until the moment of natural death.

The suicide we were dealing with concerned Mrs H., who, when I was young in Europe, worked as a teacher in our Sunday school. My wife knew nothing about her. She was an intelligent woman with a vigorous spirit and a churchgoing woman. She had a happy marriage in which she had several children. Without any ominous omens, undoubtedly content with life and in good health, she suddenly hanged herself. Neither her husband, terrified to death, nor the children could give an explanation for her terrible act.

Ten years later, one winter evening, my wife and I were alone in our house in Chicago, when suddenly some spiritual being took possession of my wife, who immediately began to suffocate, as if in a noose. This spirit, like many others, could not realize that it was in someone else's body, and therefore, once again coming into close contact with bodily matter, once again experienced its last agony. After my numerous questions, to which I received detailed answers, to my surprise, it became clear to me that I was talking with a woman whom I knew well many years ago. She actually took her own life. While still in the earthly realms, she spoke of the indescribable remorse that tormented her throughout these years.

“As soon as I was out of my body, I immediately saw what caused my terrible act. Evil spirits, to whom the evil thoughts of hostile people showed the way to me, were around me and with devilish satisfaction rejoiced at how successfully they managed to pull this off. They affected me in such a way that I ended my earthly life. I myself had not the slightest reason to even think about such nonsense. It's just that one day, for no reason at all, I was possessed by an irresistible desire to take my own life.

I put a noose around my neck, and only when it was already very late, I realized what I had done. I could give everything for the opportunity to be in my body again. Oh, how great was my despair, how my conscience tormented me! Our family hearth went out, my husband, physically and mentally broken, could not find consolation, and my children lost their mother's care! They do not see me when I come to them, trying to console them, and to this day I saw only darkness and despondency around me."

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Consoled and encouraged by the story of the world of spirits, this deceased expressed a complete readiness to leave with the higher spirits and learn from them how she could still be useful to her loved ones in earthly life.

Many years later, when a patient with pronounced suicidal tendencies was in our house, the deceased once again came to us to seriously warn our patient, to keep her from fulfilling her terrible plan.

Spirit: Mrs. H.: - I haven't come to you for a long time. I would like to say a few words to a young lady who is hatching a suicide plan. Many years ago I was a happy woman; I had two wonderful children and a loving husband. We lived happily, since we were naturally livable, and just because of our happiness we became the target of many envious people. Then I knew nothing of my gift as a medium; I was in a Baptist congregation. I took care of the comfort in the house, doing everything in my power; but someone wanted to plunge us into the abyss of misfortune.

And then one day my husband, as always, went to work, and after kissing him goodbye, I felt absolutely normal. However, as soon as he left, something came over me. I didn't know what I was doing. I was not aware of anything at all. I only remember that I felt somehow strange in my soul, as if I was completely possessed by some alien being; I didn't understand at all what was happening. But soon everything changed dramatically. I saw my mortally frightened husband crying bitterly; and when the picture around me began to gradually clear up, I saw my body hanging in a noose.

Ah, if only you could clearly understand the horror of my situation. My grief-stricken husband stood in the middle of the shed where I committed suicide and looked at my body hanging in a noose. His sobbing broke my heart, but I could do nothing to help him. I stood next to him with only one desire - to get my body back! But that was impossible. Both of my kids were right there; they also cried, but I could not console them with anything. I still could not understand what actually happened until I saw several evil spirits that stood around us and laughed.

They attacked me and instilled in me the idea of suicide in order to destroy the happiness that reigned in our home. My husband could not forget the gloomy picture - my body hanging in the barn. My children were still young and they needed my care and support; but now my husband had to bear the burden of responsibility for their upbringing alone, and my duty was to share this responsibility with him. Even though evil spirits pushed me to commit suicide, for 10 years there was only this terrible act before my eyes. I saw how much my children needed me, but I could not do anything for them. God, how worried I was about that! My poor, poor children!

Once - it was very cold that day - I had the feeling that I had come to life again. I felt a living warmth in me again. True, at first I could not understand where I was, but I felt that I was alive again. I realized that I was talking to Dr. Wikland. He told me what had happened and explained that I was only temporarily in the body of his wife and that friends wanted to take me with them to the spirit world. After that, I immediately began to feel better and am still grateful to you for helping me reach my present, rather pleasant position. But God, what suffering I have experienced during these 10 years! Before my eyes all the time there was my hanging body, I all the time thought about how my children need me! My husband and my children! How they missed my concern! But I was absolutely unable to help them. I want to strongly warn every person who is harboring suicidal thoughts.

Do not do this under any circumstances! You do not even know and cannot imagine what hell you will find yourself in later. After all, it is no longer possible to return back to your body and it is no longer possible to fulfill your duties in relation to your loved ones. Imagine yourself in the shoes of my children: just thinking about me, they immediately remember that their mother is a suicide. Neither my husband nor my children will ever be able to completely forgive me. Although I was obsessed with doing this, I still caused them such suffering! Anyone who is even superficially familiar with the laws governing life in the spirit world will never commit suicide, because he knows the terrible consequences of such an act. Get all suicidal thoughts out of your mind! Be content with your life on Earth until it is your time to move into the spirit world.

10 years of my suffering was the time that I still had to live on Earth. That is, after these 10 years I would still leave my body, but then I would live my life to the natural end and could take care of my husband and children throughout this time. Then I would not have passed into the spiritual life before the appointed time; and my punishment was that my corpse, hanging in a noose, stood before my eyes all the time. And all that I was aware of at that time is only that my husband and my children need my care.

Now I am as happy as possible, while I am still not reunited with my family; in the meantime, I am doing everything in my power to help my children. I ask you to convey my heartfelt greetings to my dear husband. He's so lonely. I often visit him, but I cannot do anything, I cannot console him in his loneliness.

• 1904, November 20 - When my wife and I were visiting friends in Chicago, we had a session. My wife immediately heard someone say, "I am in the dark." She asked who was saying this. But no one in the room said a word. But one gentleman sitting next to my wife said that he also heard these words. A moment later, my wife, plunged into a deep sleep, fell to the floor, while the creature in her grabbed her throat and shouted: “Remove the rope! Take away the rope! I'm in the dark. Why did I do this? Oh, why did I do this?"

When the very anxious deceased woman calmed down a bit, she told us that her name was Minnie Harmening, that she was a young girl living on the same farm near the Palatine. Since her story was interrupted by sobs every now and then, it was difficult to understand her, and I thought that she was from Palestine, which struck me as amazing. The dead woman was terrified that she had killed herself, and took my wife's body for hers. She believed that the noose was still around her neck. She reported that on October 5, without any reason, she was suddenly seized by an irresistible desire to end her earthly life; and, left alone in the house, she went to the barn and hanged herself.

“I was forced to do this by a man with a black beard (spirit). I met him in the barn, and he hypnotized me, and then ordered me to hang myself on the beam. But I don't know why I did it. My brother John found me and cut the rope, my parents were beside themselves with grief. But I didn't die. I am constantly at home, talking with my parents all the time, trying to comfort them and explain that I have not died at all. But they do not see me and do not speak to me! My loved ones are sitting around the table and crying, and my chair is empty. Nobody hears me. Why don't they answer me?"

At first, we could not convince her that she is not in her own, but in someone else's body, she spoke through someone else's lips. But after a long conversation, she became aware of her position, consoled herself, and finally left us under the care of her spirit friends.

Before this session described above, neither my wife nor I had heard anything about the strange suicide of young Minnie Harmening. A few days later, a reporter from a Chicago newspaper came to inquire about our research, and I told him about my recent conversation with the spirit of Minnie Harmening. He, for his part, greatly surprised, told me that it was he who had been instructed to write about the girl's suicide and that she lived in the Palatine, in the state of Illinois. Her body, hanging in a noose, was found in her father's shed; in fact, the girl was always a little weird. There was a suspicion that this could be murder, since her dress was torn at the chest, and her neck was badly scratched at the back. This forced the authorities to accept the version of the murder, and that the corpse was then hanged to cover up the crime.

On November 24, the harvest festival, the spirit of Minnie Harmening came to us again, still deeply discouraged by the heartache of her parents, as well as the intolerant attitude of neighbors and members of the church community, who bypassed them like lepers. The girl was a faithful parishioner of the German Lutheran Church. But since she took her own life, the pastor refused to conduct the funeral mass in the church. In addition, the community leadership has banned the girl's funeral in the consecrated cemetery ground. Minnie told me that the coffin with her body was placed in the parental home, but the pastor remained on the street, while others paid her last respects. This only exacerbated the grief of the already deeply grieved parents. (I later found confirmation of all this by looking through the newspapers.)

I asked the deceased why her dress was torn, and she said: “I did it myself. A tall man with a beard (spirit) began to demand that I hang myself; but when I pushed the box out from under my feet, I felt the noose begin to tighten on my neck, and consciousness returned to me. I tried to grab onto the loop, trying to loosen it, but it tightened tighter and tighter, and I just tore my dress and scratched my neck …

Karl Wikland