Evil Spirits - Genuine Killers - Alternative View

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Evil Spirits - Genuine Killers - Alternative View
Evil Spirits - Genuine Killers - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits - Genuine Killers - Alternative View

Video: Evil Spirits - Genuine Killers - Alternative View
Video: Based On A True Story Mysterious Radio Frequency Leads A Small Town To Chase Down Extraterrestrial 2024, September

Possessed by evil spirits

Bad habits, passions, an irresistible craving for drugs or alcohol are rooted in the soul and remain in every person even after he leaves his mortal body - until he overcomes them with an effort of will and does not eradicate them.

The spirits of many criminals and murderers who were executed, thirsty for revenge, remain indefinitely in the earthly sphere, usually not wanting anything else but to continue their criminal activities. They can take possession of people who, due to their especially increased susceptibility, are easily influenced by them, and use their bodies as a tool to carry out their evil designs.

In many cases of high-profile murders, upon closer examination, one can find undeniable evidence that these crimes were committed under the influence of disembodied spirits by absolutely innocent people who became murderers only in a state of possession, that is, by coercion of someone else's will.

So, for example, it can hardly be doubted that the 1906 murder of Stanford White, committed by Harry K. Thaw at Madison Square Roof Garden in New York, was influenced by spirits.

Harry Thaw was a highly sensitive medium, as he has repeatedly proved throughout his life. Even if he had any personal reasons for killing Stanford White, he was no doubt possessed by revenge-hungry spirits who wanted to pay for real or perceived wrongs inflicted on them or their families.

Harry Thaw was only a mediator, a bodily instrument through which the inhabitants of the invisible world played out this bloody drama. The real killers were ignorant, vengeful, evil spirits.

1906, July 15 - a few weeks after the tragedy, during one of our meetings, a strange spirit entered my wife and immediately fell on its back on the floor. Having seated my wife in a chair, I began to question the spirit that took possession of her body. He rudely resisted, not allowing himself to be touched. He demanded to leave him alone and shouted:

Promotional video:

- Hey there, waiter, bring me something to drink!

- What can I bring you?

- Bring me a whiskey and soda, but quickly!

- Who you are?

“It’s not your business who I am!

- Where do you think you are?

- To Madison Square Roof Garden, where else!

- What is your name?

“Stanford White, if you're so anxious to know.

Then he grabbed the back of the head with his right hand, and his chest with his left, then his stomach, as if experiencing sharp pains, and shouted:

- Let the waiter bring me a whiskey and soda!

I wanted to continue asking questions, but the spirit, seeing someone invisible to us, trembled with fear.

- Do you see the dead? I asked.

He nodded his head sharply and shouted: "They are chasing me!" - jumped from the chair, huddled in the corner of the room, in an obvious desire to hide.

His excitement was so great that he lost touch with the medium and disappeared.

Immediately another spirit took possession of the medium. In an excited state, running around the room, he shouted triumphantly:

- I killed this dog! I killed this dog! Here he lies! - At the same time, the spirit pointed to the place where White lost contact with the medium. - Dog! For several years now I've been looking for an opportunity to kill him, and in the end I got to him, dog!

I forced the spirit to sit down and learned that his name was Johnson.

“I killed Stanford White,” the spirit said proudly. “He deserved to die, he played too long with our daughters.

The Spirit made an unequivocal charge against the men of high society.

“They steal our children, dress them smartly, and the parents don't know what happens to the children.

I asked the spirit if he knew he was dead; but he laughed back at me and said:

- How can a dead man speak? The doctor, however, said that I had consumption and that I would die in speed, but, nevertheless, I did not die. Never in my life have I felt so wonderful.

When I asked him to take a closer look at his hands, feet and clothes, he asked how he, a man, ended up in a woman's dress. After lengthy conversations, I finally managed to convince the seriously stricken spirit that he had in fact died. After that he left us full of remorse.

A third spirit appeared after him. Unlike others, he understood that he had become a spirit and was only temporarily in someone else's body.

“I'm Harry Thaw's father. Save my son! Save my son! It's not his fault. Harry will not be electrocuted (further events have confirmed the correctness of his words).

- He was available to the influence of spirits all his life. He was always absent-minded and so excitable that we even hesitated to punish him, as we were afraid that otherwise he would go crazy. But now I see that we were wrong! When I was still on Earth, I couldn't understand why Harry was acting so strange; but now, looking at everything from a spiritual perspective, I see that Harry has been an instrument in the hands of selfish, earth-bound spirits for most of his life.

“He was possessed by vengeful spirits when he killed Stanford. I tried by all means to reach out to the outside world to tell people that Harry is not crazy, but a medium. Save my boy! Save my boy! - begged the poor father.

- What do you want us to do?

“Write to my wife and my lawyer Mr. Olcott. (We did not know then that Mr. Olcott was the lawyer of Thaw Sr., but later this fact was confirmed.) Tell them what you just witnessed and what I told you; promise me to properly assess all these relationships and try to understand Harry's condition.

We promised the spirit to fulfill his request, and he left us. The next evening, July 16, another spirit came; he seemed to be looking for someone, and then asked:

- And where are the others?

This spirit also heaped curses on high society as a whole, and especially complained about the stupidity and frivolity of many young girls.

- The rich take our daughters to their den of debauchery; they take them to the theater stage, and then our girls no longer want to know their parents. Give them a good thrashing! He said, emphasizing each word with appropriate gestures.

1907, February 10 - The spirit of Mr. Thaw Sr. reappears and reiterates that Harry is a medium and often falls under the influence of evil spirits. He strongly pointed out that it would be a great blessing for mankind if specialists seriously took up the issue of the influence of spirits on people. A thorough knowledge of these interrelationships would save both the spirits in the afterlife and their unfortunate victims here on Earth from indescribable suffering.

The fact that Richard Ivens, who was hanged in 1906 for the murder of Mrs. hypnotic influence of an unknown person.

Ivens sometimes confessed his guilt, then denied it in the most decisive way. With a strange, absent look, he insisted that some "strong man" had forced him to commit a crime.

Hugo Munsterberg, professor of psychology at Harvard University, wrote in 1906:

"This is an interesting and at the same time obvious case of a split personality and self-hypnosis … Witches in the 17th century were burned at the stake after such confessions, and the general understanding of mental insanity has changed little for the better since then."

Professor William James of the same Harvard University wrote: “Whether Ivens is guilty or innocent, he was clearly in a state of split personality … He did not possess his own natural self in those fateful days, but was the victim of strange personality changes that we know for certain. that they come either as a result of suggestion, or simply by themselves in individuals predisposed to this."

Spirit: Richard Ivens

When in the evening of that day the spirit entered the medium, he, falling to the floor, lay like a corpse; only after half an hour of incredible efforts was it possible to bring the spirit into consciousness.

“Let me go,” he groaned. - Do you want to hang me again?

He complained of severe pain in the neck area and asked to be left alone; all he wanted was to sleep.

- What's wrong with your neck?

“It’s broken, they hanged me, and I’m dead. And I want to stay dead. If you revive me, I will be hanged again.

- What is your name?

- Richard Ivens.

"Are you guilty of the murder of Mrs. Hollister?"

- I dont know; so they say. If I actually killed her, I did it without realizing it.

- Why did you then admit your guilt, then again and again denied it?

- I pleaded guilty because three guys (spirits) forced me to do it. The strongest of them stood with a knife next to me and threatened to stab me if I did not plead guilty. If this strong person was not there, I said that I do not know whether I killed this lady or not. I said all this to the police, to the overseers in the prison, and to everyone who asked me about it; but no one believed me when I told how everything was in reality.

- I've been through so much! Why did you revive me if I am already dead? Why won't you let me sleep? They'll arrest me again and hang me again.

Suddenly he cried out in fear:

- You see? Not? Here he is again - a big man! He has a knife in his hands, and those two little guys are with him again. Oh my God!

Grabbing his knee, he cried out:

- Knee! He stabbed me in the knee and the other leg! Leg, my leg! He is the devil in the flesh! He stabbed me several times!

Gradually, we managed to explain to the mortally frightened spirit that his tormentors were also just spirits and that he, now deprived of his earthly body, could not experience physical pain.

“You are currently in a body, but not in your own, and you must free yourself from your false ideas. Do you see other spirits besides your enemies?

- That is how it is … Yes, there are others; I think they are friendly, and now, here is Mrs. Hollister!

“Ask the man with the knife why he treated you so badly,” I whispered in his ear.

He just grins.

“Ask him why he wanted to kill this woman.

- He speaks because he hates women … - Then he suddenly fell silent. It seemed that he, almost without breathing, was observing some phenomenon that excited him.

“They just kicked these devils out of here! There was a terrible fight, but they still won!

After that, he calmed down and said:

- Now I feel better. I am so glad that this awful person is gone.

When we asked him what he remembered about the tragedy with Mrs. Hollister, the spirit replied:

“When I saw that woman that evening, I mentally saw that big man too. Everything was confused in my head; I was grabbed by the neck and passed out. When I came to my senses again, the big man said that I had killed a woman. Then I knew this man for about a month, but did not know that he was a spirit. From that time on, he pursued me all the time.

Why was I deprived of the opportunity to live - even if in prison? Oh, what a shame I have brought upon my family! I am so sorry for my poor mother; if she could find out the truth … If I could talk to her and say that I have nothing to do with this, that I did not do it! No one took pity on me, no one believed me when I talked about a big man who was standing next to me with a knife. After all, he forced me to admit my guilt. If I did commit a crime, then I sincerely regret it, but I don't remember doing it. Why did the death penalty become my punishment?

After I explained to him that life continues even after death, that a person, constantly evolving, ascends to higher spiritual worlds, he asked with obvious hope:

- If they could not kill me, then, probably, that lady is also alive?

- Of course! And she probably already came here to forgive you. True, you destroyed her mortal body, but you are not responsible for what you did - you were simply used for this by evil spirits who hypnotized you!

With these instructions, invisible helpers took the already absolutely exhausted spirit under their care. They also told us that the "strong man" and his accomplices during their lifetime belonged to a gang of "white hats", which for several years in a row committed their crimes in England and the USA, in their criminal mania they mutilated and killed many women.

K. Wikland