Tesla Was The Cause Of The Tunguska Events? - Alternative View

Tesla Was The Cause Of The Tunguska Events? - Alternative View
Tesla Was The Cause Of The Tunguska Events? - Alternative View

Video: Tesla Was The Cause Of The Tunguska Events? - Alternative View

Video: Tesla Was The Cause Of The Tunguska Events? - Alternative View
Video: Tunguska Event | 100 Wonders | Atlas Obscura 2024, September

In the very depths of Siberia, in the southeast of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia, the Evenk village of Vanavara is lost in the taiga. On the steep bank of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, the population, cut off from the mainland and civilized society, lived their own measured life. However, the usual way of life of the village was broken in 1908. Only 50 versts (this is 53.34 km) from the Evenk village on June 30 at 7 am local time there was a deafening explosion.

Foreshadowing of the event began in the spring of 1908, when, starting on March 26, unusual flashes of the northern lights flashed in the skies over America, the Atlantic and Russia. In April of the same year, scientists recorded the rapid destruction of the ozone layer over Europe. Newspapers around the world are writing about the impending dangerous cataclysm. Of course, in the taiga village of Vanavara, connected with the whole world only by the river, this information did not leak, but even there local shamans suddenly began to portend a great disaster for the people.

In the early June morning of 1908, local taiga residents between the Yenisei and Lena rivers witnessed a strange phenomenon, which was mistaken for the end of the world promised by shamans. First, the sky above the taiga was lit up by a bright ball that flew past, the flight of which was accompanied by a loud hiss and crackling. Then there was a blinding flash, followed by a series of deafening explosions of such power that people had their ear membranes blocked.

The explosive power reached 40 megatons comparable only to the release of energy from the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. The wave from the aboveground Tunguska explosion was recorded everywhere by various scientific observatories, and even from the Western Hemisphere. Even hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion in the houses of the nearest settlements, window frames flew out and glass broke, large pets fell from their feet, dogs howled and whined in fear throughout the district.

People were then seized by an unaccountable panic, although no human casualties were recorded as a result of an inexplicable natural disaster. But only in 1927, Leningrad scientist, meteorite specialist Leonid Kulik equipped a scientific expedition to the taiga in the Evenk region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory north of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. Upon arrival at the site of the alleged disaster, the researcher discovered a felled charred forest. In the area of the explosion, the felling of trees covered a huge territory with an area of over two thousand square kilometers. All trees lay strictly radial tops from the center.

Scientists are still not clear what is hidden in this mysterious place - the curvature of space, the center of a magnetic anomaly, a gravitational funnel? The strongest geomagnetic and gravitational anomalies were found here. The orbit of space satellites sinks hundreds of meters over this territory. The abnormal taiga center attracts meteorites like a magnet. The researchers found that the epicenter of the mysterious Tunguska explosion absolutely exactly coincides with the vent of the long extinct ancient most powerful volcano in Siberia.

There were several versions of the disaster that happened. The last of them is associated with the name of the inventor Nikola Tesla. Living and working in America at the end of the 19th century, the famous physicist Nikola Tesla argued that using the principle of resonance, it is possible to cause powerful vibrations in the earth's crust in just a few weeks, bringing the amplitude of its rise and fall to hundreds of feet. The scientist was convinced that entering into resonance with highly discharged upper layers of the atmosphere, it is possible to transmit electricity over very long distances without wires. Nikola Tesla even received a patent in September 1896 in the United States and in Russia for a transmission device based on this principle of operation. The legendary physicist installed in New York in 1903 the world's first telecommunications tower, Wardencliff, which is also called Tesla's installation. This resonant transformer made it possible to solve two scientific problems at once - to artificially excite the upper layers of the atmosphere and transmit energy through the earth.

Everyone knows the fact, confirmed by seismic devices, that at first, half an hour before the Tunguska explosion in the Evenk region, a strange rumble was heard underground, accompanied by an earthquake that followed.

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The latest version of studies of a strange phenomenon in the sky over Tunguska is associated with the discovery of an extraterrestrial substance in the form of fragments of a cosmic body melted by an ultra-high temperature to the west of the area of a burnt forest fellout. In the 90s of the last century, a scientific expedition set off not to the generally accepted epicenter of the alleged explosion of the Tunguska meteorite, but hundreds of kilometers to the west of it, focusing on the testimony of eyewitnesses who observed stones falling from the sky during the roar in 1908. Such a wide scatter of the remnants of a giant space object may be associated precisely with the theory of an overhead high-altitude explosion.

Astronomers know that comets and meteorites do not explode on their own in the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore, analyzing the latest data of the expedition, scientists put forward a new version of the events that took place over the Tunguska. The Earth itself protected itself from cosmic aggression with the help of external electric magnetic fields, its own dense atmosphere, which plays the role of a reliable shield for the planet, and colossal internal energy from the bowels of the earth.

Various atmospheric optical anomalies, visually manifested in the sky over the Northern Hemisphere long before the Tunguska catastrophe, were associated with Nikola Tesla's secret experiments on the accumulation of electricity in the earth's ionosphere using his installation from the end of March 1908. And in order to activate the deep-seated paleovolcano fault in the earth's crust in the unpopulated taiga region of Tunguska, the inventor connects the underground part of his Wardencliff tower, which caused giant jumps in the magnetic field, which were recorded as an earthquake.

The resulting electrical breakdown between the excited ionosphere and the vent of the Siberian paleovolcano, according to eyewitnesses of the amazing event, looked like a giant luminous column about 10 kilometers in diameter and 80 kilometers high. An avalanche of generated electricity literally tore a space object in the air into small pieces, preventing it from crashing into the earth's surface. Vapors of the evaporated water thrown into the ionosphere turned into tiny ice crystals. This caused the visual effect of large noctilucent clouds in the sky for three days after the explosion.

Experts believe that Nikola Tesla, in principle, could have done something similar, because the existing systems for the destruction of ballistic missiles using plasma are based precisely on the developments of the famous inventor. However, scientists are not yet ready to assert this unequivocally, and therefore the secret of Tunguska still remains unsolved.