How Did A Man Appear On Earth - Alternative View

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How Did A Man Appear On Earth - Alternative View
How Did A Man Appear On Earth - Alternative View

Video: How Did A Man Appear On Earth - Alternative View

Video: How Did A Man Appear On Earth - Alternative View
Video: The Humans That Lived Before Us 2024, September

Ellis Silver, Book People Not from Earth: A Scientific Assessment of Evidence

Many researchers independently come to the conclusion that humanity is not the indigenous population of the Earth. Other scientists argue that life originated on Mars, allegedly indicated by substances contained in Martian meteorites, a concept that is crucial for the genesis of life.

Experiments show that amino acids "traveling" on comets can arrive on any planet. Thereby, assuming that life can be widespread in many stellar worlds. This supports a heated debate about the origin of life on Earth, and how it could have formed on another planet in outer space.

In his book People Not from Earth: A Scientific Assessment of the Evidence, American ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver assesses how life came to be on Earth. The author comparing the facts and conducting a study of the issue, declares that a person cannot be a local inhabitant of the Earth - and most likely, people arrived on the planet separately from other inhabitants. Silver makes an argument based on human physiology, suggesting that we did not evolve with other life on Earth. At the same time, the ecologist explains: in fact, we are from another corner of the Universe, and extraterrestrial beings brought us to Earth tens of thousands of years ago.

It may sound crazy or provocative, or go against your beliefs, but we need to start looking at things differently if we are to understand our purpose and origin. - This is what an ecologist working on cleaning the Pacific Ocean from the waste of human civilization is talking about. Probably, as some have suggested, the ecologist wants to create wider debate among scientists by provoking them to talk about this topic. However, Silver states that the book is based on scientific work, which compares the obvious difference between humans and other inhabitants of the planet.

“The earth roughly satisfies our needs as a species, but probably not as well as those who brought us here thought,” the author of the book says in an interview with Yahoo.

Ellis Silver believes that certain chronic diseases that affect human races - such as back pain - may be a very important sign that humans have actually evolved in a world where gravity is less.

Silver also talks about other unique human traits, citing the well-known fact that babies are born with a relatively large head, which makes childbirth difficult. In the past, this has often been fatal to the mother, child, or both. The scientist claims that there are no other native species on Earth that have this problem. At the same time, pointing to 223 additional genes in the human body that are not found in other terrestrial inhabitants.

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The ecologist believes that the human race has "serious flaws", which are evidence indicating that we were not born on this planet, we did not evolve with other animals. “We all have chronic diseases,” writes Silver, “If you can find at least one person who is 100% healthy and does not suffer from some kind of disorder, I would be very surprised - at least I could not find one.”

“I believe that many of our problems stem from the simple fact that our internal body clocks are designed for 25 hours a day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but the earth's day is only 24 hours long.

The book itself is interesting in terms of the author's point of view: thirteen leading hypotheses and seventeen facts that say that we are not native earthlings. Attempts to answer the question of how and when did we get here? What is our home planet? If aliens exist, why can't we detect them? Are we aliens here?

Looking back at recent research in various fields of science, we have to admit that there is something anomalous in the origin of the human species. Discovered hidden "bookmarks" in our DNA are a programmed alien code, the researchers suggested.

There are numerous assumptions about our origins and the planet from which we were brought to Earth. In her book, Ellis Silver suggests that our roots actually lie in Alpha Centauri.

Without a doubt, humanity is a dominant and developed species, but oddly poorly adapted for the terrestrial environment, and this is despite millennia of evolution: it does not tolerate sunlight, suffers from raw food, the rates of chronic diseases are too high - and this is small number of facts. In addition, some people have an uncomfortable feeling that they don't belong here, that something is “not right” as it should be in their native habitat.

My thesis, says Silver, is that humanity did not evolve from a particular strain of life, it evolved in a completely different place, and was brought to Earth from 60,000 to 200,000 years ago.

At one time, discussions about the origins of man became widespread and a discussion that has intensified in recent years. According to another hypothesis of the appearance of man on Earth, it was a link of creatures dangerous to extraterrestrial intelligence. Allegedly, a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization in the course of genetic research of its own genome has developed an independent branch of the species.

However, the resulting type of intelligent creature turned out to be extremely aggressive and belligerent, including to its own kind. But, not wishing to destroy their labors and stop a promising experiment, alien geneticists found an oxygen planet and took out the future Homo sapiens to it.

Although another hypothesis is built on the same hypothesis; the genetic experiments of aliens were not accidental; the gene of aggressiveness was deliberately "stitched" in human DNA. Allegedly, the aliens need militant creatures not distinguished by humanity for life. And those UFOs that often appear in the area of the Earth are medical modules that track the progress of the experiment.