Blue Folder: The Almighty KGB Did Indeed Deal With UFOs - Alternative View

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Blue Folder: The Almighty KGB Did Indeed Deal With UFOs - Alternative View
Blue Folder: The Almighty KGB Did Indeed Deal With UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Blue Folder: The Almighty KGB Did Indeed Deal With UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Blue Folder: The Almighty KGB Did Indeed Deal With UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Netflix launches documentary revealing UFO sightings in Berkshire County 2024, October

A year after the death of Joseph Stalin, the Chekists were removed from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; a new department was formed: the USSR State Security Committee (KGB), which existed until 1991.

In the new structure, the spheres of activity and tasks were much broader: foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities, guarding the state border of the USSR, protecting the leaders of the CPSU and the Government of the USSR, organizing and maintaining government communications, combating nationalism, dissent, crime and anti-Soviet activities. Later, another function was added to it - the study of unidentified flying objects.


Since the 90s, curious articles with loud headlines about the allegedly declassified KGB archives have appeared in the press from time to time. (Whether it is worth trusting this declassified information is again the business of each of you.) So, among all the allegedly published KGB archives, the so-called “blue folder” of the KGB attracted special attention of journalists. In the United States, such documents were filed in the "blue book" and the Americans made it public much earlier - in 1976, in connection with the adoption of the Freedom of Information Act in the United States. Then the state. The archive has declassified numerous information about UFOs, including the materials of the Air Force project "Blue (Blue) Book", which contained 15,000 investigations of UFO sightings that took place from 1947 to 1969.

Believing in UFOs or not believing is everyone's personal right. However, already in 1946 in the USSR, the UFO phenomenon began to be taken very seriously, under the close attention of the state. True, the population was explained that UFOs do not exist, this is hostile propaganda. Enthusiasts who circulated samizdat materials about UFOs or aliens were intimidated by accusations of anti-Soviet agitation.

At the same time, many UFO eyewitnesses gave written testimonies, which were carefully kept and systematized in the archives of the KGB. That is, the department itself fully admitted that such facilities exist and may even threaten the country's security.

An interesting story is associated with the activities of one of the founders of Russian ufology Felix Siegel (1920-1988). In November 1967, his appearance on television marked the beginning of a massive collection of information about UFOs. Several hundred documentary evidences came to the address of the scientific group he created at the USSR Academy of Sciences. But it was not possible to study them - the group was disbanded, and all its materials were transferred to the KGB.

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Blue folder

Igor Sinitsyn, assistant to the head of the KGB Andropov, in an interview with the Observer magazine told how he saw a dossier on the UFO phenomenon in his chief's office. This happened in 1977 - after an incomprehensible huge object appeared in the sky over Petrozavodsk.

Sinitsyn's duties included tracking publications in the foreign press, so he brought Andropov a translation of an article from Stern magazine about the case in Petrozavodsk.

The head of the KGB carefully studied the material, then took out a blue folder from the table and invited Sinitsyn to familiarize himself with its contents. The folder contained reports from counterintelligence officers about UFO encounters. Andropov asked to take all the materials to the chairman of the USSR military-industrial commission A. P. Kirilenko. He left the documents with him.

After a short time, by order of Andropov, a program was developed that obliges every serviceman to report all cases of UFO sightings. The most interesting information fell into the "Blue folder".

In 1991, at the request of pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, then president of the All-Union Ufological Association, the Blue Folder was placed at its disposal. There were 124 pages of printed text: reports, explanatory notes, reports on encounters with unidentified objects.

Failed to shoot down

Here are the contents of some of the documents stored in the mysterious folder.

On July 28, 1989, mysterious disks appeared over missile depots located northeast of the city of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region. The numbers of the military units in the documents are smeared with black ink, but the notes of the Chekist who reported on this situation are left. The military personnel of the transmitting center observed three objects, and the military personnel of the liquidation base - one.

UFOs were discs with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top. They shone brightly, silently moved, sometimes dropping and hovering above the ground. The fighter called by the command (the number of the flight unit was also smeared with black ink) did not manage to fly close to any of the objects, they constantly left it.

Reports from Captain Chernikov, Warrant Officer Voloshin, Private Tishaev and others indicate that the object was emitting signals resembling a flashlight.

Other Blue Folder documents describe the 1984 UFO encounter over Turkmenistan. The air defense system noticed a spherical object flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 2000 meters and heading towards the state border. He did not respond to inquiries. Two fighters were raised into the air, but all attempts to shoot down the UFO failed. Moreover, when they began to shoot at the object, it dropped sharply to 100 meters above the ground - to a height that did not allow fighters to fire at it.

There are several dozen such cases in the Blue Folder. This evidence points to two indisputable facts: firstly, UFOs existed, and secondly, despite their official denial, the KGB was actively engaged in the collection and systematization of information regarding unidentified flying objects.

Letters from another planet

But the KGB would not be itself without secrets and hoaxes. Western researchers consider the so-called Ummite letters to be one of them. In the 1960s-1970s, letters in different languages were sent to different people in Spain (and partly in France). The senders presented themselves as inhabitants of the planet Ummo, inhabited by intelligent inhabitants who flew to Earth.

The total number of letters was over 260, their volume exceeded one thousand typewritten sheets. Each page of these documents was marked with a special purple pictogram.

In the messages, the “Ummites” described the history of their stay on Earth. They flew here in 1950 in three spaceships, six of them, including two women, they are exploring and analyzing our lives.

The French journalist R. Marik, who studied these letters for many years, came to the conclusion that their creators were the employees of the KGB of the USSR. His arguments: the social system of the planet Ummo described in the letters is very similar to the communism promoted in the USSR. The "Ummites" did not hide their sympathy for political figures of the Marxist trend. Their views on the arms race faithfully echoed the classic themes of Soviet propaganda.

But the main thing is that in all European countries there were already legal communist parties, and in Spain the dictator Franco and the communists were banned. In 1975, Franco died, Christian Democrats came to power in the country, the Communist Party became legal. And the flow of letters stopped! Have the Ummites achieved the desired goal?

Did the USSR have its own alien?

In the West, the topic of a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin shot down by the USSR air defense system and the study of the corpse of the humanoid who controlled it, which was comprehensively investigated at the Semashko Institute, is periodically raised. A UFO was shot down in 1968 in the Urals - near the city of Berezniki. Now everyone who is interested in ufology knows that this fact is nothing more than a hoax.

However, a number of magazine and television interviews on this topic were given in the United States by a certain P. Klimchenkov, who introduced himself as a former KGB officer and showed his identity card on the air.

His words are confirmed by an article from the newspaper "Vecherny Sverdlovsk" dated November 29, 1968. In it, witnesses claimed that before their eyes, some shiny disk fell on a steep snow-covered slope. Then the military arrived at the scene and thoroughly combed the area.

Klimchenkov claims that the operation to locate the UFO was codenamed "Myth". Further anatomical dissection of the dead humanoid convinced scientists that he was not human.

How reliable is this information? Neither the Blue Folder nor any other released KGB documents say anything about her. But many documents demonstrated by Klimchenkov give the impression of being genuine. For example, the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR A. Grechko to the commander of the Ural Military District A. Ponomarenko that KGB officers were present at all stages of UFO detection.

Their reports, according to Klimchenkov, were promptly placed at the disposal of the head of the scientific department of the KGB, Colonel A. Grigoriev. The documents shown indicate the scientific institution where the anatomical dissection of the humanoid was carried out, and the names of the doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For unclear reasons, they all died on the same day, exactly one week after the autopsy was completed.

All three were true luminaries of science - and the KGB, with all its power, would hardly have cracked down on the first people of domestic medicine. Therefore, the death of doctors still raises questions.

Some foreign journalists claim that the leak of information about the activities of the former KGB was deliberate. But for what purpose? In response to a similar story about the UFO capture and humanoid autopsy in the US? As you know, in 1995, many American media accused the CIA of a long-term concealment of this fact, but the official authorities announced that there was no UFO capture.

Maybe the mercantile interests of the former employees of the once formidable department played a role? The American television company TNT does not hide the fact that documents and videos about the "Soviet alien" were bought in Russia from retired KGB officers.

The activities of the KGB have long been overgrown with rumors and legends. And it is extremely difficult to separate the truth from controlled disinformation. In addition, the existence of UFOs still affects the interests of state security - which means that some documents are unlikely to be published.