Forgotten Language, Or Scientifically, Xenoglossia - Alternative View

Forgotten Language, Or Scientifically, Xenoglossia - Alternative View
Forgotten Language, Or Scientifically, Xenoglossia - Alternative View

In an inexplicable way, people after a stressful situation or physical trauma can acquire abilities that they never had and could not have.

A fairly common occurrence in this regard may be cases when people began to speak languages that were unknown to them or were studied in early childhood. This phenomenon is called xenoglossia, and although it is not recognized by linguistic scientists or the psychiatric community, we can talk about established facts, a rational explanation for which has not yet been found.

So, there are several known cases that occurred in Russia. After a lightning strike, a resident of Vologda Nikolai Lipatov spoke three languages that he had never learned. A pensioner from Tula with a head injury began to speak German, which he never came into contact with. Another case is connected just with a recollection: a woman who had suffered a stroke could not say a word in Russian, but she spoke fluently in Hebrew, which she studied in very early childhood, about 60 years ago.


People who are engaged in contacts with the afterlife are also able to broadcast speech in foreign languages. The American medium Laura Edmons, during sessions of communication with spirits, was able to freely switch to the speech of ten unfamiliar languages and dialects, despite the fact that in her life she did not know a single language except English. Also, in a trance state, she could sing songs in foreign languages. True, all this happened unconsciously: the medium, unfortunately, did not understand the meaning of what was said and sung.

As a rule, people are extremely skeptical about such phenomena, referring to the fact that speech is a mechanical skill, acquired, and it is simply impossible to speak it without knowing and working out the language. But how, then, can the registered phenomena be explained?

Our brain is not fully understood. In fact, the memory should broadcast only what was once, at least minimal, put into it. Thus, we can assume some failure in the system, when the human mind in unnatural conditions "catches" someone else's signal and acquires fragments not of its own memory.


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Paranormal researchers also talk about the possibility of a person entering the astral world, which is full of information. It is she who can literally "stick" to a person who is in a dying state.