Lake Titicaca - A Mysterious Witness To The Flood? - Alternative View

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Lake Titicaca - A Mysterious Witness To The Flood? - Alternative View
Lake Titicaca - A Mysterious Witness To The Flood? - Alternative View

Video: Lake Titicaca - A Mysterious Witness To The Flood? - Alternative View

Video: Lake Titicaca - A Mysterious Witness To The Flood? - Alternative View
Video: The Mysterious Monoliths of Tiwanaku | The American Stonehenge of Lake Titicaca | Parable 2024, September

The transcendental beauty of a high mountain lake

Lake Titicaca is located on the border of Peru and Bolivia. It is located in the highlands and is the most abundant alpine lake in the world, located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level. This lake does not communicate with the ocean, but the water in it, for some reason, is sea water, in addition, there are marine inhabitants, crustaceans, traces of the surf are visible on the mountain slopes. A few kilometers from the lake there are ancient ruins - Tiwanaku …

In the ruins of Tiwanaku there is a structure resembling the Arc de Triomphe. This is the Gate of the Sun. They depict the symbolic signs of the exact lunar calendar. In addition, the images are very conditional, but it is impossible not to catch: on the same Gate, some animals are depicted that died out in America thousands of years ago!

The city was, according to ancient concepts, huge: the ruins stretch for a kilometer and more! There was also an alley of stone slabs several hundred meters long, it stretched parallel to the coast. Later, the divers came across walls 1.5-2 meters high. They were located in thirty rows at a distance of 5 meters from one another. They all stood on a single foundation of huge hewn blocks. The Bolivian research at the bottom of Titicaca also added mysteries: "We found temples and stone paths that lead to no one knows where, and stairs, the bases of which are hidden in the depths of the lake and braided with seaweed."

Many scientists believed that there was a seaport in Tiwanaku, which was at the "ground" level, but, as a result of catastrophic movements, "ascended" to this almost 4 thousand meters height.

But this version is not entirely consistent with the geology of the area and the analysis of local rocks. Everything looks much more like the lake did not "rise" anywhere, but a tsunami wave from the Pacific Ocean "climbed" to a height of 4000 meters here … It brought water and marine life. It happened about 12 thousand years ago, according to archaeological data.

Most likely, the tsunami of the same Flood that occurred in 10478 BC. This is confirmed by the many legends of local peoples.

It is also worth remembering that the "gods" loved to settle in the highlands, surrounding themselves with auxiliary settlements of people. They are also indicated by the "gates of the gods" (the Gates of the Sun) - similar are found in other places of the globe, and in each of these places numerous traces of the presence of the "gods" are recorded.

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