Revealing The Secrets Of Easter Island - Alternative View

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Revealing The Secrets Of Easter Island - Alternative View
Revealing The Secrets Of Easter Island - Alternative View

Video: Revealing The Secrets Of Easter Island - Alternative View

Video: Revealing The Secrets Of Easter Island - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Easter Island 2024, September

Easter Island was accidentally discovered in 1722 by the Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeven. Since this happened on the day of Christian Easter, he gave the island a corresponding name. Locals called their island differently - "Te Pito o te Henua", which means "Center of the World" in the native language. In 1774, another European navigator, James Cook, visited the island. The natives told him that 22 generations have changed since the leader Hotu Matua brought their ancestors to this island.

The sailors were struck by what they saw about two hundred giant stone statues ranging in height from five to nine meters - the size of some reached twelve meters, which were called "moai" by the locals and were located along the coast of the island. All the giant statues were similar to each other: upturned noses, long earlobes, the same facial expression.

The Europeans were surprised how the "savages" were able to move statues and pedestals weighing several tens of tons each over a fairly long distance - on the coast. The explanation of the islanders that the statues moved by themselves with the help of the magical power of "manna", the Europeans, accustomed to rational thinking, did not satisfy. “We could not understand, no matter how much we thought,” wrote Captain Cook, “how these islanders, who knew nothing of such a science as mechanics, could lift such boulders and place them on heavy platforms. They could not be made by local residents, since such structures probably required centuries of labor expended on them. Who built these stone colossi and how? With what tools?"

Where did the long-eared people come from to Easter Island?

The appearance of numerous stone statues on the Pacific Easter Island is a mystery to researchers. Questions arise: when, by whom, how and why these giant statues were created.

The statues on Easter Island were created over many centuries - from the 13th to the 2nd century BC. e. Some of them were larger and weighed up to 60 tons. They were made by local residents hundreds of meters from the coast and delivered to the installation site on the coast, where they were placed in an upright position, facing west. Some of them depicted the faces of real people. They were called “long-eared” because of their distinctive anatomical features. This distinctive feature formed the basis for the study of the route of movement of this people around the planet.

Thanks to the research, it was possible to establish that on about. Easter "long-eared" came from the area of the upper reaches of the basin of the Indigirka River (including the ridge of the Chersky and Oymyakonskoe Upland), where for many millennia they lived alongside the ancestors of such famous Proto-Slavic peoples as the Krivichi and Etruscans, communicating with them in Old Russian (Proto-Slavic) language …

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With the onset of cold weather and permafrost, the youngest and most active part of the population left in search of new lands in warmer regions. The waves of resettlement also went by water. So, from the area of the modern Far Eastern city of Okhotsk "long-eared" left on self-propelled flat-bottomed ships-plows in a southern direction along the coast of the continent and islands.

Their ships had mysterious energy propellers inherited from a previous civilization that had died shortly before as a result of the war described in the ancient Indian legend "Mahabharata" and other sources, including Greek, where it is referred to as Titanomachy. In this war, flying devices, lightning arrows, bombs and iron robots were used.

In the II millennium BC. e. the tops of many ridges, gradually sinking under the water, "beads" protruded from the water in the form of islands. This allowed the "long-eared" to migrate relatively safely from island to island. At the same time, part of the immigrants, as they moved, settled on the islands suitable for life (Japanese, Mariana, Philippine, Marshall, Tuamotu).

Easter Islands "long-eared" reached about the middle of the XIII century BC. e., where they lived until the 5th century AD. From here, the most active part of the people, after a while, soon again went eastward along the islands and the Nazca ridge, reaching the shores of Peru, and then the Amazon region - between its tributaries, the Purus and Jurua rivers. They lived here until the 20th century. e.


In our time, the descendants of the "long-eared" can be found in Brazil (in the Amazon region), in Peru, in the Philippines and in Yakutia, in the upper reaches of the Indigirka.

It is not surprising that besides Fr. Easter-like stone statues are found in Brazil, in the area between the Purus and Jurua rivers. It is about 70 km from the source of the Araguaia River, where it flows into the Amazon.

In Yakutia, similar statues can be found between the village of Allah-Yun and the Aldan River, not far from the ruins of ancient structures. They are located in the Indigirka area: between the mountain with a mark of 2703 and the Predorozhniy village, 200 km north of the port of Khanuu, and also 8 km west of Indigirka.

There are ancient monuments in other places of these lands of Eastern Siberia, which were included in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. to the Scythian empire. Legends say that the Proto-Slavic peoples lived here from the pre-Mongol period up to the 20th century. The writer Valentin Rasputin noted the peculiarity of the Russian language he heard in those places.


It should also be noted that in the Indigirka basin on the Oymyakon upland there are areas where winds never blow and there are big frosts in winter. However, there are many centenarians here. Therefore, some elderly people, who know about the amazing climate of these places, move here after retirement in order to prolong their lives.

The information presented in the article makes it possible to conduct in-depth research both on the territory of Russia and abroad.

Mysterious sculptures of Easter Island

Much is being written about Easter Island, which keeps the mysteries of history. This island is located in the Pacific Ocean, 3000 kilometers west of South America. It belongs to Chile. The island is located at the junction of the faults of the geological plates: Nazca, Pacific and Antarctic, where the underwater mountain range and the East Pacific Rise pass, and the epicenters of earthquakes are recorded. The island has a triangular shape, about 12 kilometers long and 540 meters high. It attracts the attention of scientists by the presence of more than 600 giant stone statues ranging from 3 to 22 meters in size and weighing up to 50 tons. Plates with unknown writing were also found here. Previously, people of different races lived here, including the white one.

The sculptures are mainly installed along three sides of the island's coastline. Their gaze is turned towards the ocean, settlements, volcanoes.

In the XX century. almost all the sculptures were in a tumbled state. It is believed that this is the result of earthquakes and the establishment of a new religion among the inhabitants of the island. The island itself is one of the peaks of a mountain range that sank under the water. A few hundred years ago, the island had a significant b? larger sizes. Now the island is home to about 2,000 people. It is believed that there were more inhabitants earlier. Many of their settlements have ended up underwater north of Anakena Bay, where there are large volumes of underground fresh water sources. Some of these springs are located on the insular part, west of the Anakena Bay. Now fresh water on the island is available only in the craters of volcanoes and is collected from the rains.

The researchers note an increased iron content in the water of the Rono Roraku crater, pointing out that around Easter Island on the ocean floor within the Bauet Depression (in the Peruvian Basin) there are layers of liquid iron ores (sulfate liquids) with a water content of up to 65%. These fluids can be pumped to the surface by pumps. The mined ores, when smelted, can yield high quality alloy steel. There are also deposits on the island: iron, polymetals, gold, silver, raw materials for copper, aluminum, etc. It is possible that a mysterious native shining crystalline orichalcum, which the Atlanteans had, may also be found on the island. There are suggestions that mining was carried out on the island in ancient times. This is indicated by the presence of underground tunnels going into the interior of the island from underground passages,especially in its western part. The network of underground passages covers the island from the eastern to its western shores. Underground passages are located above the ocean level, and the tunnels go even lower into ancient underground habitats. The island has ancestral caves, the underground town of Orongo and underground religious buildings, including those near the Poike Peninsula, where written materials and other evidence of the past can be found. In the dungeons, people found refuge in weather and everyday adversity. The presence of underground passages has been known for a long time, but it has not yet come to their research. Dungeon entrances can be identified by modern instrumental methods. The dungeons had a natural ventilation system. It is hoped that they store the answers to many questions of scientists, including the methods of sculpting the statues, and the method of moving them. The network of underground passages covers the island from the eastern to its western shores. Underground passages are located above the ocean level, and the tunnels go even lower into ancient underground habitats. The island has ancestral caves, the underground town of Orongo and underground religious buildings, including those near the Poike Peninsula, where written materials and other evidence of the past can be found. In the dungeons, people found refuge in weather and everyday adversity. The presence of underground passages has been known for a long time, but it has not yet come to their research. Dungeon entrances can be identified by modern instrumental methods. The dungeons had a natural ventilation system. It is hoped that they store the answers to many questions of scientists, including the methods of sculpting the statues, and the method of moving them. The network of underground passages covers the island from the eastern to its western shores. Underground passages are located above the ocean level, and the tunnels go even lower into ancient underground habitats. The island has ancestral caves, the underground town of Orongo and underground religious buildings, including those near the Poike Peninsula, where written materials and other evidence of the past can be found. In the dungeons, people found refuge in weather and everyday adversity. The presence of underground passages has been known for a long time, but it has not yet come to their research. Dungeon entrances can be identified by modern instrumental methods. The dungeons had a natural ventilation system. It is hoped that they store the answers to many questions of scientists, including the methods of sculpting the statues, and the method of moving them.


Sculptures on about. Easter was erected taking into account the need to form a vertical energy flow around them - a space communication channel, as was done at all religious buildings (pyramids, temples, chapels, obelisks …). It is known that religious buildings to increase the energy flow had special underground devices in the form of inverted lenses, pyramids, just like a tree has roots. Some statues had a cone-shaped (pyramid-shaped) point in their lower part, inserted into a special stone glass with a conical cavity, which gave a strong energy flow upward. It is curious that inside the heads of the statues at eye level, the sculptors placed energy-emitting (rare earth and other) materials that increased the aura of the statue, which can be determined by the instrument.

On the heads of some of the statues there were large and heavy hats of red stone up to 6 meters in diameter and up to 2 meters high. The presence of hats on the heads of the sculptures probably reflected the national tradition, just as there is also a hat on the head of the sculpture of the famous king Antiochus (Turkey). On Easter Island, the huge caps of the statues form a kind of halo (a sign of holiness), while increasing the energy around the head. After the statues were installed, specially made “eyes” were inserted into the eye sockets, which have not yet been examined.

The most intriguing question for researchers is the problem of the ancient inhabitants moving giant and heavy statues from the quarries to the installation site. The islanders, like 100 years ago, claim that the statues moved by themselves using the magical power of mana. This is the name of this magical force on other islands of Oceania, where it is also used for similar purposes. If such a mysterious force exists, then it should manifest itself in the conditions of modern civilization. This magical power is observed today in the levitation of people and objects, both at the will of people and under the influence of technical devices or natural factors.

There is a natural movement of stones. In the California National Wildlife Refuge (Death Valley, USA), large boulders move on their own along the flat sandy surface of the earth, leaving a clear trace of their movement. Moving stones is recorded by film and photographic equipment. Similar movements of heavy objects are observed in Azerbaijan, in the Far East, where terrestrial energy flows move upward or away from the road vehicles with their engines turned off.

Another method is known for lifting and moving bodies over a distance due to the formation of spiral channels of energy flow. In nature, it is a vortex column (trunk) of a tornado that moves people and various bodies; in technology, it is a device similar to a solenoidal field, which was used in Ancient Egypt and other countries.

There is reason to believe that those compact devices that were used in Mecca for hovering a coffin in the air were also used in more ancient times to move large boulders and other bodies, including on Easter Island.

The legends of the islanders about the magical power of mana find practical confirmation in our time. It is possible that this magical power will soon be widely used in technical devices for various purposes.

Easter Island is a precious casket of valuable minerals, and its dungeons can store ancient materials with many answers for tireless explorers.

From the book: “Russian Atlantis. To the history of ancient civilizations and peoples”. Koltsov Ivan Evseevich