Who Is Fooling Our Heads? - Alternative View

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Who Is Fooling Our Heads? - Alternative View
Who Is Fooling Our Heads? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Fooling Our Heads? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Fooling Our Heads? - Alternative View
Video: Cheat Code - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 3 Episode 24 2024, September

There has long been a popular belief that evil spirits can put a haze on people, an obsession, can force a person to perceive reality in a distorted form, send inexplicable fear to him, force him to meaningless actions. And whatever the skeptics say, the whole experience of mankind suggests that there is no smoke without fire. So researchers of anomalous phenomena believe that in such cases we are talking about very real things.

Otherworldly tricks

We often hear stories about how people “got lost in three pines” - that is, they could not find their way in a well-known place. This happened to me, so I can judge it from the perspective of what I have experienced. I remember that in the fifth or sixth grade I was returning in the evening from some meeting of activists, which took place in a new school on the outskirts of the city. It was probably only seven o'clock, but it was late autumn and it was getting dark early. I walked through the archway and headed towards my house. I was walking - what was it: you couldn't see a single zgi, the lights weren't on, the road was empty - not a single person, and for some reason it was very cold. Then I suddenly realized that I did not recognize the environment.

I was seized by a slight panic. I turned around - the school building was white behind.

Without hesitation, she turned back. She passed under the arch again. I went down the steps - now everything was in order. The lanterns were on, the places were recognizable, the people on the street … And the air was noticeably warmer. In a word, I got home safely, but I still don't understand what it was.

Many of those to whom I told about my adventure assumed that I had ended up in a so-called forbidden place, belonging to an otherworldly evil, or, as an option, to something unknown. They say that the one who violates the ban - crosses the border of the protected area - will face trouble or such wanderings.

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And in rural areas - and even more so - almost all villagers are absolutely sure of the existence of such places. Here are the stories told by the inhabitants of the Ural villages …

Ivan and Anna L. from the village of Kipel, Shumikhinsky District, Kurgan Region, went by car to a field for potatoes. While the husband was loading potatoes, the wife went into the forest to pick up mushrooms. Gathered up, moved back.

Ivan, having finished with the potatoes, got into the car, started the engine and drove off. He stopped at the edge of the forest, started honking, calling his wife … She heard, then saw a car. She wanted to get out of the woods - but she can't! Wherever she turns, it turns out that she walks in circles near the pine and birch …

The husband realized that the matter was amiss. He got out, went up to his wife, ordered him to step back three steps from the birch and turn over his left shoulder. Then the darkness and let go of Anna …

Another woman went to the forest on Ilyin's day (and according to legend, you cannot go to the forest on this day). On the way, I saw - on a small island in the middle of the river, cherry bushes grow. The woman decided to go pick up some bird cherry berries.

On a familiar path I got to the river, crossed the footpaths to the island - and there are no berries at all. He looks, and the sun is already setting. She wanted to go back, but she would not find the road. Before the eyes of the river, and where the bridge, he does not see A strong wind also rose. She felt uncomfortable, and then a snake also leaned out of the bushes - and how it hisses! The unhappy woman stopped and was afraid to go further. Well, I saw - a familiar man on a cart was driving along the shore. She called out to him, he rode closer and indicated in which direction the bridge was. The woman moved there - and returned to the village, although she went out to him many kilometers from home.

Lost time

Wraith can be associated not only with space, but also with time - with its acceleration or deceleration. There are various rumors about this. Here is a truly amazing story.

In the 1950s, three girls from the Belgorod region went into the forest to pick mushrooms. It was an early fine morning. But as soon as they turned into a ravine, they saw that the sun was already setting, twilight was falling. And then a gander appeared from the thicket. His feathers glowed strangely. One of the girlfriends laughed - lo and behold, the goose turned into a pig right before our eyes! The girls looked at each other - and they became old women: their faces are wrinkled, their hair is gray … It's day again! The werewolf pig went up to one of the "grannies" and poked a snout into her palm. She looked - the piglet was not pig at all, but silver. She hit the animal with a backhand, it fell to the ground - and again became a gander, ran away into the forest. And the silver ruble remained! When the hassle was over, it turned out that all three, still young, were walking along a path with baskets full of mushrooms. But that's how these mushrooms got there. the girls did not remember. And the evening time - where they spent the whole day, none of them knew …

Our contemporary Vitaly G. also once performed - not of his own free will - a very long morning exercise. In 1993 he spent the summer at his dacha. At about five o'clock in the morning, Vitaly went fishing. The road to the river took about five minutes. On the way, Vitaly thought about it and did not notice how he found himself in some completely unfamiliar place - he was standing at the edge of a forest, fields and a dirt highway could be seen in the distance, and the path along which Vitaly walked along the river bank disappeared somewhere … I had to wander for a long time unlucky fisherman, until he came out to the familiar river.

On the same day, he found the place where he happened to be in the morning. It was located almost seven kilometers from the dacha, so the fisherman could not go astray and get there by accident. Moreover, according to Vitaly's calculations. it turned out that he managed to overcome seven kilometers in two minutes!

Parapsychologists believe that such "transfers" are carried out, as a rule, within the anomalous zone. The energy structure of time and space becomes unstable under the influence of vibrations of amplified electromagnetic radiation. Similar phenomena are observed in the places of UFO landings. and sometimes - when lightning strikes.

Unexplained actions

There are many examples of how something unknown, coming into contact with a person, seeks to seize control over his thoughts, to force him to perform some strange actions.

Tatiana T. from Volgodonsk claims that some otherworldly forces plunge her into a state of obsession. Under this obsession, she quit her job, checked out of the apartment and went to the Urals to stay with her relatives, and a month later she returned and registered again in the apartment where she lived with her husband. The husband decided that she was crazy, but Tatiana thinks very sensibly about everything that does not concern her trip to the Urals.

Many cases of mysterious hypnosis have been linked to UFOs. In May 1958, two tractor drivers from the Kokchetav region saw a flying object that was unusual for the eye over the field where they worked. Instead of continuing to work, they moved towards him as if on command. Gradually this something moved away from them, finally it completely diminished and disappeared. Tractor drivers, in an incomprehensible way, found themselves in a strange camp, 50 kilometers from the place where they lived and worked. The men themselves could not explain why they abandoned their tractors and followed the object. He seemed to beckon them to follow him.

Memory losses

In 1967, in the area of Ithaca, New York, many people observed UFOs. A young American who was involved in investigating such cases left his house one evening to go on business. He was already sitting in the car, but suddenly, without understanding why, he returned to the house, began to collect the books on the table and put them in a bookcase. Finally the young man said to himself: “Enough! It's time! After that, he again left the house and got into the car again.

What happened next, the guy did not remember. I woke up in the hospital: at a railway crossing, his car collided with a train. The car was smashed to smithereens, and, fortunately, he himself was thrown out of the car and only wounded. Later, the young man calculated that if it had not been for the senseless return to the house, he would have managed to safely cross the crossing - long before the train passed. He was unable to recall either the trip by car or the accident itself.

However, those who have met the supernatural often have memory lapses. Memories of the experience are either intentionally erased by someone, or they go deep into the subconscious - the defense mechanisms of our psyche are triggered, which refuses to perceive the obvious: "This cannot be, because this can never be!" Perhaps the solution to the phenomenon of darkness lies in the special activity of our brain. Without a doubt, many more amazing discoveries await us in the sphere of the human psyche.

Irina Shlionskaya. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 38 2010