Elemental Symbols - Alternative View

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Elemental Symbols - Alternative View
Elemental Symbols - Alternative View

Video: Elemental Symbols - Alternative View

Video: Elemental Symbols - Alternative View
Video: Meet the 4 Newest Elements! 2024, October

Knowledge about the forces of nature originates from Ancient Egypt, where the Great Initiate Thoth Hermes Trismegistus lived and wrote his works. On the basis of hermeticism, a mystical science was formed - alchemy, the purpose of which was to show the ways to comprehend the essence of things.

Element is a state of space, which is a consequence of the work of certain principles of the Universe. The symbols of the elements are the designations of these principles or primary elements from which all substances of the cosmos are formed.

The 4 main states of space:

- hot;

- cold;

- dry;

- wet.

The element of the element is formed as a result of the interaction of a pair of principles. Changing on one principle in a pair, you can make the transformation of one element of the element into another.

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Alchemical symbols of the four elements
Alchemical symbols of the four elements

Alchemical symbols of the four elements.

Elemental Principles:

- Earth: dry and cold;

- Water: wet and cold;

- Air: warm and humid;

- Fire: warm and dry.

If we add all the symbols of the elements into a single figure, we get a six-pointed star - a symbol of a perfect shape.

Six-pointed star - a symbol of the unity of the 4 elements of nature
Six-pointed star - a symbol of the unity of the 4 elements of nature

Six-pointed star - a symbol of the unity of the 4 elements of nature.

But any form, even the most perfect, is dead if it is not filled with life. In ancient philosophical teachings and alchemy, the spiritualizing element is ether or holy spirit - the great power of creativity. The unity of the spirit and body of the Universe is symbolically indicated by a six-pointed star with a dot in the center. The point is the designation of the fifth element of the universe.

Earth symbols

Qualities: female, passive, firm, indestructible.

1. Archetype: Great Mother, feminine

The element of the earth is the material basis and foundation of life. Her image is nature, a fertile mother.

Archetypal symbols of the earth: the Mother of God, the patron goddess of the harvest, the Great Cosmic Mother.

Archetypal correspondences of the elements of the earth: 1) The Third Arcanum of the Tarot "Empress"; 2) Goddess of fertility Demeter; 3) Most Holy Theotokos
Archetypal correspondences of the elements of the earth: 1) The Third Arcanum of the Tarot "Empress"; 2) Goddess of fertility Demeter; 3) Most Holy Theotokos

Archetypal correspondences of the elements of the earth: 1) The Third Arcanum of the Tarot "Empress"; 2) Goddess of fertility Demeter; 3) Most Holy Theotokos.

2. Shape: cube, diamond

A common symbol of the earth is the cube - the most stable figure in three-dimensional space. The cubic form is inherent in the crystal lattice of diamond - a stone consisting of the densest concentration of carbon atoms. The earth symbol can also be any ordered structure or symmetrical shape.

3. Numbers: 6 and 4

Number 6 - the sign of the perfect form is one of the symbols of the earth. Similarly, this element corresponds to the figures: a hexagon and a six-pointed star. The six also refers to a cube - a geometric figure with 6 sides.

The square and the corresponding number 4 are also associated with the elements of the earth. A square is one of the projections of a cube on a plane. It symbolizes: connection with matter, the physical world, the physical body, stability, endurance and constancy.

Earth symbols: 1) Six-pointed star. 2) The crystal lattice of the diamond. 3) Vortex at the north pole of Saturn in the form of a regular hexagon
Earth symbols: 1) Six-pointed star. 2) The crystal lattice of the diamond. 3) Vortex at the north pole of Saturn in the form of a regular hexagon

Earth symbols: 1) Six-pointed star. 2) The crystal lattice of the diamond. 3) Vortex at the north pole of Saturn in the form of a regular hexagon.

4. Side of light and time: north, winter, night

The element of the earth corresponds to the solid state of aggregation of matter. Naturally, the side of the world of this element is the North, where everything is covered with ice; The season is winter; The time of day is night.

5. Planets: Saturn and Venus

Due to its firmness and stability, the element of the earth is associated with Saturn - the planet of restrictions and order. Saturn is the indestructible rock of the Supreme Law, which no one can escape.

Qualities of Saturn: strictness, order, state, power, conscience, law, wisdom, old age, limitations, karma, thoroughness, asceticism.

Magnificence of forms is one of the aspects of the material world. Therefore, the element of the earth is also associated with Venus - the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Planets of the element earth: Saturn and Venus and their symbolic designations
Planets of the element earth: Saturn and Venus and their symbolic designations

Planets of the element earth: Saturn and Venus and their symbolic designations.

6. Sphere of being: material world, nature

In the system of the Tree of Life, the principles of the earth reflect two spheres of being: Bina - the Great Mother and Malkuth - Mother Nature.

7. Chakra: Muladhara

The earth is a symbol of the material nature of our world. Therefore, this element corresponds to the energy center Muladhara, which is responsible for the instincts of survival.

Water symbols

Qualities: female, passive, soft, flexible.

1. Shape: bowls and vessels

The symbol of water can be a bowl, a jug or a seashell. The chalice is also a symbol of the feminine principle, reproducing strength and abundance. Water is the principle of eternal life and motherhood.

2. Sphere of being: astral world

The water element on the Tree of Life represents the astral world of the Yesod sphere, which means "form" in translation. Here we are talking about astral forms that are formed in the interaction of feelings and logic.

Water is a symbol of the depths of the subconscious, insight and clairvoyance. This element connects us with the world of dreams and visions, with the sphere of astral forms.

Contemplation of the water surface has often been used in foresight practices. Peering into the depths of the water, the soothsayer saw sacred symbols and mystical images that emerged from his subconscious mind and which were the answers to the question posed.

Water symbols: fish, seashell, bowl
Water symbols: fish, seashell, bowl

Water symbols: fish, seashell, bowl.

3. Time and place: west, autumn, evening

The rainiest season of the year is associated with water - autumn. This season corresponds to the time of day - evening, cardinal direction - west. Autumn is also the time of harvesting and summing up the results of the year. And fertility and harvest are also one of the symbols of water, as mentioned above.

4. Planets: Moon and Neptune

The planet Moon corresponds to the water element. The moon is the patroness of femininity, motherhood, emotions, feelings and intuition.

The water element also protects the planet Neptune. This planet is associated with the psyche, fantasies and dreams. Qualities of Neptune: a tendency to mysticism, illusion, deceptive visions, mystery and obscurity, but also spirituality, connection with the Higher Self, meditative mind.

Planets of the water element: Neptune and the Moon
Planets of the water element: Neptune and the Moon

Planets of the water element: Neptune and the Moon.

5. Chakras: Ajna and Svadhisthana

Water qualities are inherent in two energy centers: Svadhisthana and Ajna. The first one is responsible for emotions, getting pleasure, craving for procreation. The second chakra - Ajna - is water, as a symbol of clairvoyance and insight.

Air symbols

Qualities: male, active, agile

1. Shape: sword

Air is associated with quickness of thought and sharpness of mind. In accordance with this, the symbols of air are swords, lances and other piercing and cutting objects.

The sword lowered with the point down indicates the descent of the creative divine will to the earth. A sword raised with its tip up is a sign of war and destruction.

2. Essence: freedom and spirit

The white bird is a symbolic image of the spirit. In an esoteric sense, it is a conscious creative act or action aimed at creation. In the Christian tradition, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. And in ancient Egypt, the hawk was a symbol of the human soul. In many traditions, the bird acts as a symbol of air - a link between heaven and earth, between the spiritual and the physical.

3. Phenomenon: wind

Air has the qualities of lightness, mobility and speed. Moreover, it can be changeable and sudden, destructive and unpredictable. The symbol of air contains phenomena from a light breeze to a giant tornado. Air is movement in all its manifestations.

Air symbols: 1) Whirlwind; 2) A sword topped with a crown; 3) White bird - sign of the Holy Spirit
Air symbols: 1) Whirlwind; 2) A sword topped with a crown; 3) White bird - sign of the Holy Spirit

Air symbols: 1) Whirlwind; 2) A sword topped with a crown; 3) White bird - sign of the Holy Spirit.

4. Place and time: east, spring, morning

Air is the element of youth and new birth. Therefore, it is often associated with the east - the place where the Sun is born every morning. In accordance with this, the season of the air element is spring, the time of day is morning.

5. Planet: Mercury

One of the symbols of the element of air is the planet closest to the Sun - Mercury. Mercury in ancient Roman mythology was the patron saint of trade and travel, an intermediary between gods and people. Its attribute is the Caduceus: a club with two snakes twisting around and crowned with wings.

Qualities of Mercury: speed, cunning, resourcefulness, agility, wisdom, intelligence, eloquence, perfect mind, changeability.

God of the air element - Mercury and its attributes: caduceus and flying sandals with wings
God of the air element - Mercury and its attributes: caduceus and flying sandals with wings

God of the air element - Mercury and its attributes: caduceus and flying sandals with wings.

6. Chakras: Anahata and Vishudha

The respiratory organs and the corresponding energy centers are also symbols of air: anahata and vishudha. Anahata is the heart chakra located in the center of the chest and is responsible for breathing, the manifestation of unconditional love and compassion. Vishuddha is the throat chakra located in the thyroid gland and has the function of creative self-expression and related speech.

Fire symbols

Qualities: active, masculine, fast, cleansing.

1. Shape: wands

In ancient times, the rod, as an attribute of power and magical power, belonged to the spiritual caste of priests. This symbol is the designation of the highest element in the hierarchy - fire. The rod also symbolizes the male active principle, the divine spark, the creative idea that gave rise to the entire Universe.

2. Place and time: South, day, summer

The hottest side of the world - the South, corresponds to the symbol of fire, the season is summer and the time of day is day. These symbols of fire indicate its scorching nature and the destructive aspect of the element. The sun's rays are able to give life, but also take it away.

3. Phenomena: lightning, explosion, flame

The element of fire can manifest various aspects of its character. The qualities of phenomena determine the qualities of the corresponding symbols of fire.

* The sunbeam is a sign of the Creator's light, a symbol of his primordial pure nature.

* Lightning is an idea, a thought that was born in the Higher Consciousness, and gave birth to the world.

* Erupting volcano - a symbol of anger, rage, fury, the destructive power of fire.

* The flame of a candle is a symbol of faith and spirituality, a guiding light, hope, the light of truth in darkness.

Various forms of manifestation of the element of fire: a fire flame, an electric discharge of lightning, an explosion of a volcano
Various forms of manifestation of the element of fire: a fire flame, an electric discharge of lightning, an explosion of a volcano

Various forms of manifestation of the element of fire: a fire flame, an electric discharge of lightning, an explosion of a volcano.

4. Planets: Mars, Sun

The destructive qualities of fire are most manifested in the nature of Mars. The planet Mars is a symbol of an uncontrollable and raging fire that incinerates everything around. In ancient Rome, Mars was the god of war and destruction. And at the same time he was honored as the patron and protector of Ancient Rome.

Another symbol of fire is the Sun. The energy of the Sun gives life. This planet is the center and reason for the existence of life on our earth. The sun in ancient times was often identified with the Creator Himself. In ancient Egypt, the luminary was called by the name Ra - the god of the Sun and the creator of the world.

The planets of the fire element: the Sun and Mars and their astrological symbols
The planets of the fire element: the Sun and Mars and their astrological symbols

The planets of the fire element: the Sun and Mars and their astrological symbols.

5. Chakras: Manipura, Muladhara, Ajna, Sahasrara

The symbol of fire can carry a variety of qualities. Accordingly, this element is reflected in several centers at once in the energy structure of a person.

Manipura - the solar plexus chakra carries solar qualities: generosity, leadership, will, primacy, nobility, desire for power. Muladhara contains the energy of Mars, which manifests itself in the penetrating power and power of the basic instincts. Ajna is the heavenly fire, the electrical nature of thought. Sahasrara - the cosmic chakra - is a connection with the Creator Himself, which is - truth, source and reason.

Elena Zakharchenko