Water, War And Voivode - Alternative View

Water, War And Voivode - Alternative View
Water, War And Voivode - Alternative View

Video: Water, War And Voivode - Alternative View

Video: Water, War And Voivode - Alternative View
Video: Are Future Water Wars Inevitable? 2024, September

We, Tartars (Russians, Soviet, Russians), live on a land whose history we do not know at all. We call the "primordial Russian faith" a religion in which there is not a single Russian, we speak a language consisting of words, the meaning of which is unknown to us. We habitually use the names of cities, rivers and mountains, the meaning of which does not even occur to try to grasp. Every Russian knows who Prometheus or Odin is, but only one in ten can say who Semargl, Mara and Indrik are. We celebrate Valentine's Day and Halloween and don't remember why the day of the Soviet Army I. V. Stalin appointed it at the end of February. And yet our great-grandfathers every year on February 18 honored all the soldiers who laid down their heads for the freedom of Russia. This day was called Troyan winter, or Stribog's grandchildren, in memory of the bloody battle of 101 AD,in which the Slavs defeated the army of Emperor Troyan on the Danube.

That is why, perhaps, we behave like invaders in our native land. We do not protect it, do not preserve and do not increase wealth, but ineptly squander it, as if we decided that soon, when the resources run out, we will move to a place where it will again be possible to rob and spoil with impunity. The result of this state of affairs is a disregard for memory, oblivion of the glory of our ancestors and shameful, beyond all logic, worship of all the worst that has been created by Western civilization. It can be compared to an angel who worships the wearer of chewing gum and a bottle of soda. What to envy ?! You yourself can work miracles. You just forgot about it. You have been made to forget that you are children of the Gods.

To fix this, you need to take the first step. Indeed, in order to climb the stairs, you must first put your foot on the first step. And this first step can be the desire to understand the meaning of the familiar words that we use every day. For example, how many have thought about the meaning of the word "word"? Why are the verbs "catch" and "catch" synonymous? Why do we never say: "I was engaged in catching fish", but use the word "fishing" in this construction?

But everything comes from the fact that no one remembers that the name of the single Russian god - the creator of all that exists, was Words. And what he spoke with his mouth, people called words. And "to catch" meant "to turn to face God the Word." And John the Evangelist was not at all who he is represented. He was not John – Johann – Johan – Jan – Jean – Juan – Yavan – Iban (Ibn), but he was Ivan - the Word God incarnate on Earth:


Even the word "bible" is a distorted old Russian word "bivlya", which means "Epic".


The man who (l) Yudi was given the nickname Jesus Christ had nothing to do with Christianity. His name was Ivan. And he took this name from his godfather Ivan the Great, Presbyter (the one who was the first and most ancient of all saints) on the Yary Don River (Eridan - Jordan), which fell into the Venetian Sea (Baltic).

Promotional video:

Because of memory problems, historians consider Rurik a "Swede", although any native of the Pskov region will tell you that "Rurik" is a "falcon". Disputes about the origin of Princess Olga do not subside. But any Pskov will tell you that Olga is a girl with a disobedient shock of straw-colored hair, because "olg" in the Krivichi language means a bundle of straw. And Olya is not a derivative of Olga, but also dry straw, only not from wheat, but from flax. The people of Pskov understand without an interpreter what it means to “spread like a head along the tree”. Exactly so, "by thought" and not by "thought", as everyone who speaks Russian but does not understand it is convinced. Because "cape" in the language of the Krivichi and Talavs means "squirrel", and "to spread like a cape on a tree" means "to ride a squirrel on a tree." It is interesting that no one associates the word "lot" with a horse, but in vain (see below).

For the same reasons, no one understands the meaning of the word water anymore. Has anyone ever wondered why the words "drive" and "water" are the same roots in Russian? Horse versus rooster, that if anyone thought about it, then they probably guessed correctly. I give a hint: Voivode. This is the word, the meaning of which is indisputable and clear to everyone. And therein lies the answer to the question posed. The word "howl" means "a cut off, severed piece, a piece separated from something."

Therefore, a person who has lost a part of his body or soul howls. Therefore, the sculptor, who cuts off everything unnecessary from the stone in order to create a sculpture, sculpts (howls). Therefore, "war" is the process of separating part of a territory. And the voivode is not only the one who leads to war in order to fight, but the one who was given the gift of a commander by the very god of war, Voda. Water among the Slavic gods was the same as Ares was for the Hellenes, and Mars was for the Romans. And the once great people, the Vod people, whose remnants have survived in Karelia, consider themselves to be direct descendants of the god Water. By the way, let me remind you that the letters "b" and "c" are interchangeable, so the words "fight" are synonymous with the word "howl".

The modern word "executioner" is based on the same consonants as the word "weeping". And this is no coincidence. Initially, executioners were called kats in Russia. Kat divided the person into parts, which caused him to cry or howl. That is why in English the word "cut" has retained its original meaning - "cut". Conversely, we still call a stump of a wooden stick a chopik, but the word "chop", meaning "chop", went out of use, while in English it is preserved: "chop" - "chop", and "meat-chopper "Is a" meat grinder ". In the meantime, I'll explain the origin of the English article "to" before the verbs. Initially, it was the end of the verbs of our common proto-language with the English - "t". So in the word "walk" the ending "jumped" ahead of the word and it turned out "to go".

But back to Voda, which E. Klassen still remembered:

Retra is the middle name of the Russian city of Radegast, which was located on a large island connected by a bridge to the shore, in the middle of a lake in the Oder River basin (now the village of Prilwitz in Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany). A lot of testimonies of his contemporaries have survived about this city. Helmold von Bozau writes about him:

And here is the testimony of Titmar of Merseburg:

The idol of Svarozhich in Radegast (modern reconstruction). Germany
The idol of Svarozhich in Radegast (modern reconstruction). Germany

The idol of Svarozhich in Radegast (modern reconstruction). Germany.

In the 1690s, bronze figurines of gods and ritual objects from the Retrinsky temple were found here, covered, in accordance with Titmar's description, with Slavic runic letters.

Many researchers consider the founders of Rethra to be Krivichi, who were also called the Russians and Wends. The Greeks, having learned about the Krivichs, understood the nickname of this people in their own way. In their minds, the word "curve" was strongly associated with the concept of "one-eyed", and, probably, therefore, they decided that all Krivichi have only one eye. This is where the myth of the one-eyed Arimasps was born, which everyone now calls nothing else but Cyclops. It is also curious that the Arimasps were considered one of the Hyperborean tribes, and the Greeks claimed that they live as long as they want. When they get tired of being in this world, they go to the sea and throw themselves into the waves from a high cliff. Exactly the same myth existed thousands of kilometers from Greece, on the Indian subcontinent. The Indian Vedas also say that the white gods who came to India from the north, from the country,where the night lasts for six months, and the day reigns for six months, they rushed from the cliff into the sea when they were tired of living.

In general, there is every reason to believe that with such Russian nicknames as "Pelasgi" and "Arimasp", everything is clear to us. But what about the Scythians and Sarmatians? One of the versions of the origin of the nickname "Scythians" I voiced earlier, but this is not the only version that can be considered plausible. Another version, which I also like, was voiced by Yegor Ivanovich Klassen. He claims that the Russians, when meeting with civilian strangers, said "Tstiva", which means "my respect", and when meeting with a military man or a noble nobleman, they said "Tslava", which meant "Glory." Thus, the Russians were remembered by foreigners for these two words, the first of which was transformed into "Scythians", and the second into "Slavs".

Well, the nickname of the Sarmatians stuck to the Russians in the west by craft, which they differed from all others. The fact is that one of the main export items from Russia was rawhide, which they did not know how to make anywhere else, neither in the West nor in the East. And this is an indisputable fact, confirmed by dozens of sources. Rawhides were used to make not only clothes and shoes, but also equipment for all armies in the world, from straps for shells and chain mail to horse harnesses and armor for light infantrymen. In addition, there are similar examples.

The Pskovites, for example, are still called braces for their skillful forged products. And this is also confirmed by documents; in the accounting books of the Pechora customs hut (state institutions were called huts in medieval Pskov) there is information about all imported and exported goods. So, the main income from tamga (customs duties) was collected from the export of forged products made by Pskov blacksmiths. These were mainly swords and axes, as well as nails, staples and barn locks. Another "gold mine" for the treasury was potash, which in Europe was worth its weight in gold. It was used in the manufacture of soap, glass, dyes, and brown powder.

This fact causes bewilderment, since I noted earlier that an endless desert stretched around Pskov 100-150 years ago. And the explanation for the origin of the huge reserves of potash may be that it was mined without burning wood, but extracting old ash from once burnt forests, digging out from under layers of sand. Although it is possible that everything was exactly the opposite. There were forests, but they disappeared precisely because of the demand for potash on the foreign market, which was the reason for the total destruction of forests for profit. But this option clearly does not stand up to criticism, because the geology of the Pskov and Novgorod regions, as well as the regions to the north of them, up to the White Sea, unambiguously suggests that there were no forests here, and there could not be any on an area completely devoid of fertile soils.

Confirmation of the version that the Sarmatians got their nickname from the rawhorns (furriers) may be the nickname that the Greeks called the Thracians, who were also Slavs and were also famous for the skill of leatherworking. So, they were called sirmads (zyrmadae). And again, you can't do without English. Do you feel where the word "made" came from? From the same place as the word "craft". At the core is the same verb "crush". Initially, apparently, only those who crumpled their skins were called artisans, but later this concept extended to all members of the class of people who obtained funds to feed themselves by selling items made with their own hands.

It only remains to add that in addition to the Russians and Slovenes, the Alans were also called the common nickname of the Scythians and Sarmatians. By the way, Alans existed not only in the Caucasus, but also in the Tver and Novgorod provinces. In the old Russian language, the word "fallow deer" meant meadow, glade. Shepherds were called Alans. Therefore, the Tver Alans are not visiting guests from the Caucasus.

Now it is difficult for us to believe that this Caucasian people is also Slavic, but DNA genealogy is an impartial science. The presence of external signs testifies to the fact that the peoples of the Caucasus strongly mixed with the Turks, just as the Uzbeks and the Kyrgyz mixed with the Mongoloids. Therefore, the former inherited the characteristic features of the appearance of the peoples who came from southern Iraq and settled in Anatolia and the Caucasus, and the latter assimilated with the Mongol tribes and inherited the features characteristic of the indigenous population of southeast Asia and Indochina.

If we develop the theme of the connection between the names of tribes and traditional crafts, which were most common among their members, then it is worth listing for persuasiveness:

- Murmans were famous for their magnificent squirrel hats (murma - squirrel), - Kimryaks sewed the best boots (otherwise they were called Swedes), - bristles, - Luntarians in the north sewed warm boots from skins from deer legs - Luntai (now they are called torbos), - kurpinniks knitted bast shoes - kurpins, - kisynniks - also shoe-makers, sewed soft ichigi from deer skin, - kakatians made shoes from birch bark - kakaty, - zipunniki, - malakhainiki, - mahlanniki sewed winter hats - treukhi (mahlany), - kurpyany, and so on there are hundreds more tribes on the list. And all of them are now united by a common ethnonym - Russians.

If we talk about the Getah and about the numerous tribes containing the root “Get” in their name (Massagets, Tiragetes, etc.), then it is highly likely that this is exactly the original name of the Cossacks. Ancient authors, describing the Getae, invariably speak of them as the most warlike tribes in Scythia, which from generation to generation were all professional soldiers. And the memory of this could be preserved in the name of the Cossack position of hetman, which literally means - a geth person, just as a Turkoman is a person from the people of the Turks. Hetman, as a military rank, has survived to this day in Germany, transforming into a Hauptmann (captain). The statement is not indisputable, rather the opposite, but it seems to me that it has the right to claim a version equal to the others.

In general, the picture is clear, and while understanding the genealogies of the Tartar and Moghull families, we have already encountered this. Each person once had a proper name, unique and inimitable. As the population increased, it was no longer possible to avoid repeating the names, and then the name of the founder of the clan began to be added to the name of the person, or, as we now say, the surname. But over time, this was not enough. Then nicknames appeared, which meant either the name of the prince who ruled the tribe, or the names of the areas of permanent residence or occupation were the basis.

This situation can be compared to car registration numbers. I remember when there were still numbers consisting of two letters and three numbers. Then the numbers became four-digit, with the addition of three letters, which were the first letters of the region in which the car was registered by the traffic police. At first, such seven-digit numbers were enough, but later it became not enough, and then, in addition to the MAG series (Magadan region), they began to produce numbers of the MAD, MAE, MAZH, etc. series.

The one who understands this does not ask questions about where the Scythians and Sarmatians came from and where they went. It's like looking for an answer to the question where the Soviets disappeared. And why no one asks questions about where these tribes have gone:

Rossi, Rozzi, Ruzzi, Aorsi, Attorozi, Chazirozzi, Sebbirozi, Vuillerozzi, Ruthi, Rutheni, Alanorsi, Roxolani, Aorsi, Arsietae, Gethae Russi, Arimaspi, Thervingili, Iviones, Kujavioini, Gelones, Valrogi, (Ostrogozhtsy), Wisigothi (Vesyegontsy), Thyragethae, Thanaiti, Volski, Wolsi, Etruski, Gardariki, Nemogarda, Suselzi, Galli, Nischani (Nizovtsy), Okobi (Okovtsy), Mursesiani (Morshantsy), Buzani (Buzani)), Linnones (Clay, on the Glinnaya River), Gypedi, Krani, Ukrani, Karni, Lantani, Carpiani, Kissini, Zipani, Malachita, Melanchlani, Carpi, Neuri, Stumi, Strusi, Carpagi, Cepini, Sabira, Scythae, Sauromom …

And all these are Russian tribes who lived not only in the territory of modern Russia, but throughout Europe. Various ancient authors wrote about them under such names. But the list is far from being exhaustive, it can easily be doubled or tripled. Therefore, Mauro Orbini in his treatise "The Slavic Kingdom" did not almost exaggerate when he wrote that the Slavs are the oldest people and the most numerous in the world. And if so, then the Europeans would have to reconsider their views on their own origin. We share common ancestors with them. Nations do not exist. There are races, but no good or bad. It is impossible to say who is better, a wolf or a dog. Nationalism, and even more so Nazism, is a phenomenon inherent only in young, artificially created peoples who yearn to be different from their brothers. And this thirst is dictated for the most part by a sense of guilt for betraying the family.

All this was perfectly understood by the ethnic German Klassen, who mercilessly criticized the attempts of the Germans in the nineteenth century, when the German nation was being created, to disown their Slavic origin. In one of his works, he wrote:

As for other places where tribes from Tartaria moved, then here we see an amusing picture. Among the already mentioned Slavic tribes, there were also such as the Parsis and the Zend. Both those and others professed the most ancient religion, which was dominant both in the north and in central Russia - fire worship, or Zoroastrianism. The Parsis lived mainly in the foothills of the Indukush, and this is how these mountains are correctly called. And their descendants are the white Kalash tribes, who have preserved not only the external signs of the Slavs, but also their culture.



There are Parsi tribes to this day in the north-east of India. Thanks to them, Western journalists came to believe that such names as Radomir and Voeslav are original Indian. And the Zend tribes still live in the mountainous areas of northern Iran. Like the tribes of the neighboring Khazars, they also have external features characteristic of the Slavs.



It is in the Zend language that the first five books of Zend-Avesta - Zendashty are written, from which it is clear that this language formed the basis not only of Sanskrit, but also of all the "living" languages of the Slavic language family. Oddly enough, but the closest thing to the Zend language is modern Polish. The first to notice this was G. Petrashevsky, a professor at the University of Warsaw, who was a citizen of the Russian Empire at the time when he was translating Zendashta.

From this source, which largely agrees with the writings of Abulgachi-Bayadur-Khan and other testimonies of medieval authors and allows shedding light on many questions regarding the ancient geography of Tartaria and its history.

According to the research of E. Rode (1845-1898), Zoroaster, or Zerdestus, was born two millennia before the Incarnation of God the Word in Gdansk (Danzig), and this clarifies why Nazism, as an ideology based on the history of the Aryans, was adopted by the German Nazis with the "light" hand of Nietzsche, who wrote his famous book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." His father was called Staroshast, and his mother was Dogda. Zoroaster speaks of the ways of settling the Parsis who came out of Hyporborea, and the first "settlement" of the Aryans calls Pomerania, where he comes from. In addition to Danzig, there were sixteen Parsi settlements:

“The second settlement,” he says, “built the city of Sogdu, rich in livestock.” We already know where Sogdiana was.

- "The third settlement founded the city of Merv" - Merv was the capital of Margiana.

Ruins of the citadel of Merv. Turkmenistan
Ruins of the citadel of Merv. Turkmenistan

Ruins of the citadel of Merv. Turkmenistan.

- "The fourth settlement founded the city of Balk" - It is very common for many ancient and medieval authors to mention this city, but historians do not have a consensus about where exactly it was. The only thing the researchers agree on is the assumption that Balk existed in Bactria, on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan.

“The fifth settlement founded the city of Nissa, but,” adds Zoroaster, “there an evil spirit taught people to consider God to be transitory.” Ancient Nissa, now Nice, is located on the Cote d'Azur, as everyone knows.

- "The sixth settlement founded the city of Herat or Erat" - is also often referred to as a great and glorious city in the past, which today is a real metropolis of Afghanistan.

- “The seventh settlement founded the city of Veekered, i.e. where they work with revolving tools - It is not known what the name of this city is now, but historians agree on one thing: it is located in modern Burgundy. The people who lived in the area where Veekerd was called Urugundioni, named in some chronicles also Burgundions, Burgundians, Burgungs and Burgundy-Unnes (in Pliny Burgundiones, in others Burgiones, Burgunduni, and in Ptolemy Burgunti); and also from the eastern writers Uruga, Urogi, Urugunna.

- The seventh settlement Zoroaster calls Hungary, or rather the Huns, whom the Germans called bojebody (governors).

- The eighth was Bulgaria, where the Volgars came.

- Speaking about the ninth settlement, Zoroaster does not mention the city he founded, but shows that "an evil spirit introduced there a sin that has no forgiveness - sodomy."

- "The tenth settlement founded the city of Gerekhet, full of purity (similar to a camp surrounded by field grains), but there an evil spirit introduced the burning of corpses." Presumably Gerekhet is Turkish Gered.

- "The eleventh settlement founded the city of Gamemeont or Geumeont, but the people indulged in witchcraft there and he had four false sages who led many to perverse concepts."

- "The twelfth settlement founded the city of Ragha with three suburbs, but the people there became stubborn and deceitful." Probably, here we are talking about the capital of the Medes Ragu, on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

- “The thirteenth settlement founded the city of Chekhru, but there people introduced the burning of corpses.” Perhaps this is Prague.

- “The fourteenth settlement was founded by Verena, a quadrangular city. There was born a man with triple strength, who killed Degak. He also introduced the free houses of women who lured money out of men. Regarding Verena, there is an opinion that it could be both Voronezh and Varanasi in India. I don’t know why all of a sudden, such opinions appeared, but for me so, we are talking about the Italian Verona.

- “The fifteenth settlement was based on the Seven Indians (rivers), forming a strong Hindu; but an evil spirit brought in lustful women there, from whom inflammatory diseases arose. Semirechye is also the territory of Bactria, where seven rivers: Ili, Karatal, Bien, Aksu, Lepsi, Baskan and Sarkand - formed the Semirechensky region southeast of Lake Balkhash.

- “The sixteenth settlement founded Rangu, or Ranghu, a very rich city, which could become a better dwelling for people; but the evil spirit brought on the inhabitants of its strong ruler, who robbed only everyone's money. There should, however, be some more, independent in their domains, people of a righteous life, with primitive virtues, with true speech, reliable actions, with love for neighbor and hospitality."

- The last of the "settlements", the seventeenth in a row, indicated in the Zend-Avesta, is as mysterious as the eleventh (Gamemeont), because it is extremely difficult to correlate them with modern geographical objects. However, what we can glean from this document is more than enough.

Author: kadykchanskiy
