Experts Have Put Forward Their Versions Of The Reasons For The Glow Of The Dolmen In The Abinsky Region - Alternative View

Experts Have Put Forward Their Versions Of The Reasons For The Glow Of The Dolmen In The Abinsky Region - Alternative View
Experts Have Put Forward Their Versions Of The Reasons For The Glow Of The Dolmen In The Abinsky Region - Alternative View

Video: Experts Have Put Forward Their Versions Of The Reasons For The Glow Of The Dolmen In The Abinsky Region - Alternative View

Video: Experts Have Put Forward Their Versions Of The Reasons For The Glow Of The Dolmen In The Abinsky Region - Alternative View
Video: HOLLAND: Dolmens in Drenthe (hunebedden D27, D53, D54) 2024, September

In the forests of the village of Shapsugskaya, a dolmen shone with neon light. Photos of the phenomenon were sent to the editorial office of Kuban 24 by a TV viewer.

According to her, at dusk the hole of the ancient structure was lit up. We managed to capture this moment on the phone. The TV channel's film crew went to the Abinsky district to find out the reasons for the glow

The buildings of extraterrestrial civilizations, the cult structure of the tribe, the tomb - many legends walk around the dolmens. It is known for sure that about 3 thousand of them survived in the Caucasus, and boulders were erected at the end of the 3rd or 2nd millennium BC. But who and why? Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk and the village of Shapsugskaya - in these areas there are the most dolmens.

“In Shapsugskaya, only a lazy one has not heard about dolmens, this is one of the favorite places among tourists in the Krasnodar Territory, but perhaps few people have heard about the glow in the hole. Our film crew decided to try their luck. We went to the dolmens at sunset, maybe we will be lucky enough to capture the bright neon light? - said special correspondent Valentina Bekshaeva.

The rain stopped as soon as the film crew entered the forest. A local resident who seems to know everything about this place went with the journalists. It was Natalya Musienko who managed to capture a luminous dolmen in the photo. Coming closer to him, they lit a candle.

“Aromatic oils have always been brought to such places as a sacrificial theme,” Natalia Musienko explained.

This dolmen is trough-shaped. Its ancient builders carved it into the thickness of the stone, and covered it with a slab on top. The material of the structure has been studied - it is quartz sandstone. The weight of one dolmen can reach 30 tons.

“On the lids of some dolmens, you can clearly see the map of the starry sky. On this dolmen, the largest dimples line up in the constellation Cassiopeia,”said Natalya Musienko.

Promotional video:

After a short excursion, the film crew nevertheless remembered the expedition and its goal - to capture the glow. According to Natalia Musienko, not everyone can take an unusual photo or video.

“I still cannot figure out whether it is connected with time or with the person himself,” noted Natalya Musienko.

“Quartz has amazing effects, and it is quite possible that this concentration of rays in the twilight forms such unusual images. The human eye cannot see them, but the camera captures them,”suggests Natalya Musienko.

It remains to wait until dusk. While the lens was catching the dolmen glow, the film crew showed Natalia Musienko's photographs to experts. Opinions were divided. Many claimed that it was a flare: the sun was reflected in one of the lenses of the camera. Others speculated.

“Most likely, it’s inept photoshop. Either it really was. But to believe it or not is on the conscience of every TV viewer,”said photographer Mikhail Bobryshov.

The journalists did not lose hope and continued to shoot. Parapsychologists have also put forward their versions of the glow.

“This is most likely a refraction where there are transitions to parallel worlds. This can happen when you shoot with a camera, and it catches this refraction,”said parapsychologist Natalya Yasnaya.

As a result, after an hour and a half in the forest, nothing was reflected in the photographs. Either the camera was in the wrong hands, or the dolmen was not in the mood to “communicate” with the film crew. The journalists returned home without a single frame of neon glow.

Dolmens of various types and shapes can be found in the Kuban, the region is a real Mecca for lovers of antiquity. They are scattered from the Taman Peninsula to the Abkhaz borders. In the region, scientists have found several types of ancient structures.

Composite dolmens - these structures can be horseshoe-shaped, round or rectangular. The only thing that is invariable in the design of such dolmens is the lid. It has always been created from one massive slab. You can find such antiquity in the Novorossiysk region or near the Zhane river near Gelendzhik. Another type of dolmens is trough-shaped. Outwardly, such structures resemble a vessel or jug. Such sights can be found in the Tuapse region and near the village of Pshada.

And some buildings resemble the houses of the hobbits from the books of John Tolkien. These are monolithic dolmens. They were completely carved out of a large boulder. Only two such structures have survived. One of them is located on Mount Shize near the village of Erivanskaya.

The mystery of history is a tiled dolmen. Experts still cannot understand how ancient people installed 20-ton slabs. Such dolmens resemble a square chamber made of heavy slabs. Such an attraction can be found in Sochi.

Valentina Bekshaeva