Ghosts From The Megaliths - Alternative View

Ghosts From The Megaliths - Alternative View
Ghosts From The Megaliths - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From The Megaliths - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From The Megaliths - Alternative View

Ancient grandiose structures made of huge stones and slabs are found in Adygea. They are called megaliths, or dolmens. For a long time there have been fantastic speculations about the origin and purpose of megaliths, which are considered even portals to other worlds. It is no coincidence that mysterious light and sound phenomena are observed around the dolmens. Today, members of the expedition of the Southern Federal University share their observations made in the area of the Adyghe village of Guzeripl.

August 8, 2009. The village of Guzeripl, Adygea. 12 hours 32 minutes 30 seconds Moscow time and local time. Something very small, imperceptible by the eye, very quickly moved to the right of the dolmen, standing alone on the territory of the museum-reserve. Only a high-speed video camera had time to "see" this, set in advance to capture everything that happens in front of the megalith.

It took only 16 seconds, and this time not only a video camera, but also anyone who wishes, having carefully looked at the stones to the right of the megalith, could see that at about 12 hours 32 minutes 47 seconds, there was a "movement of an extended luminous object in the same place." (from the report of the 4th expedition of the Southern Federal University, head - associate professor Sergey Gerasimov).

Megaliths, or dolmens (mega - "huge", lithos - "stone" (Greek); doal - "table", men - "stone" (Latin), - grandiose structures of huge stones or slabs. It is not known who, Why and how he erected these structures. Despite the fact that the remains of living beings were often found in them, it is premature to say with confidence that they served as cult or burial places. The hypothesis of dolmens as a place for storing food does not work: it is all the same that use the underground passage to enter the warehouse.

How, having nothing but primitive levers and ropes, can such cyclopean structures be erected? Megaliths are somewhat akin to the Egyptian pyramids, since, according to archaeologists, their age is at least 4000 years. Today, the most incredible assumptions about the purpose of dolmens are expressed: from primitive computers to ultrasonic weapons and even portals to other worlds. These assumptions were based on reports of light and sound phenomena occurring around dolmens.

The same day in August 2009, the same hour, but a few minutes later. The weather began to deteriorate. It felt like it was going to rain. It darkened around: dark spots became visible, somewhat reminiscent of clouds of smoke, which for some unknown reason did not move upward, did not creep closer to the ground, but slowly painted strange figures in front of the eyes of the expedition members and the camera lens.

At 12:39, flights of black spots were captured, seemingly falling into the holes of the megalith.

Lyudmila Akopova, Igor Ogay

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