Dolmens: Megaliths Changing Fate - Alternative View

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Dolmens: Megaliths Changing Fate - Alternative View
Dolmens: Megaliths Changing Fate - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens: Megaliths Changing Fate - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens: Megaliths Changing Fate - Alternative View
Video: Giant Megalithic Structures - Russian Dolmen's 2024, September

These mysterious stone structures are found throughout Eurasia - from Spain to Korea. The most ancient of them appeared before the Egyptian pyramids. Who, when and why built them is unknown. People endow them with mystical properties. These are dolmens.

Peers of the pyramids

It is believed that the name "dolmen" came from the Breton language: toal - "table" and men - "stone", which literally means "stone table". Allegedly, for the first time, these ancient megaliths were discovered by scientists, studied and described in Brittany. This hypothesis is not without foundation. Indeed, Western European dolmens, most often representing roughly worked stone slabs, the largest of which is horizontal, placed on two or three smaller ones, placed vertically, a little like tables, but it would be extremely inconvenient to feast at them.

Caucasian dolmens look much more elegant. These are neat stone houses, composed of five to six massive stone slabs. Four slabs are the walls, the fifth is the roof, and the sixth (not always) is the floor. There is a round hole on the front wall of the dolmen. It could be closed with a mushroom-shaped stone plug.

The average size of Caucasian dolmens is three meters in length, two in width and two in height. The diameter of the round hole is about 40 centimeters. Each stone slab weighs between three and eight tons. The side walls and roof can project forward to form a portal above the front slab with a hole. The rear wall can be lower than the front one, and then the roof slopes back. All parts of the dolmen are carefully processed and fitted to each other. Outside and inside, the walls can be decorated with ornaments and some mysterious signs.

To date, about nine thousand dolmens have been identified in the world. They are found in England and France, Bulgaria and Turkey, in the Mediterranean countries, in Corsica and Malta, as well as in India, Palestine, North Korea … But most of the dolmens are located along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, from Anapa to Abkhazia. On this coastal strip, up to 75 kilometers wide, archaeologists have found about three thousand dolmens, of which a hundred - only in the Gelendzhik region.

It has been established that the age of the most ancient of these amazing structures is more than 10 thousand years (that is, they are the same age as the pyramids, which are also older than it is commonly believed). No less striking is the fact that the older the dolmens, the more perfect their architectural forms and the more magical power they possess. One gets the impression that they were erected by some ancient highly developed civilization, and the subsequent dolmens, built in the 11-1 millennia BC and later, are only a more crude imitation of ancient models.

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Adyghe people call the Caucasian dolmens "syrpun", which means "houses of dwarfs". The Ossetians have a legend about the dwarf people - bicenta, who are endowed with supernatural features. For example, a bicenta can knock down a large tree at a glance. He is also able to lift and move huge boulders by the power of his gaze. And this people lives in the sea. Ossetians argue that the ancestors of the Caucasian peoples - the Narts - also came out of the sea and gave people culture. Cossacks call dolmens "heroic huts". There is another original version of the origin of this name - "changing the share". And it is also not without reason, which will be discussed below.

The purpose of the dolmens

There are several versions of the purpose of dolmens.

Version 1. Dolmens are part of a single world structure, which also included other megaliths and Egyptian pyramids. The locations of the dolmens were not chosen by chance. They play the role of a kind of conductor connecting the earth with the information grid, which is responsible for the development of earthly civilization.

Version 2. Dolmens store in encrypted form the ancient Vedic knowledge about a single perception of the world. The wisest man of the tribe went to the dolmen, after which he was closed with a stone plug for a certain time. While in the dolmen, a person received Vedic knowledge, and the megalith itself absorbed the knowledge of his tribe and clan. And now our contemporary with extrasensory abilities is able to receive this information. Having tuned in to the right wave with the help of meditation, he is able to literally change his lot, that is, fate.

Version 3. Dolmens are portals that open the way to other worlds and dimensions. With the help of certain techniques, a person's consciousness could leave his body and make such transitions. The journey itself could take a long time, and the closed chamber of the dolmen, protected from the elements, was the best fit for the role of the body storage.

Version 4. Dolmens are tombs used for burial by many peoples. They buried leaders, sages, shamans, that is, the most honored members of society. At the same time, they performed some mystical rites. Before the next burial, the old remains were removed from the dolmens. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find a tomb with an undisturbed early burial.

Version 5. Dolmens were used for psychogenic effects on humans. By tuning the dolmen to a certain frequency, it is possible to achieve that a person entered a special state of trance and could prophesy (as shamans do).

Version 6. Dolmens were used for technological purposes, for example, for ultrasonic welding of jewelry. There are a number of antique jewelry made using an unknown technology for attaching small parts to a base, reminiscent of high frequency or ultrasonic welding.

Ancient Internet

As a rule, the building blocks of the ancient dolmens of the Caucasus consist of quartz sandstone, which is rather hard and difficult to work with. And quartz is a mineral with quite interesting properties. It is widely used in radio engineering due to the fact that the so-called piezoelectric effect occurs under the influence of compression. That is, quartz is capable of generating an electric current, as well as stabilizing the frequency, maintaining constant oscillations. In addition, under mechanical stress, quartz can emit radio waves. Most of the dolmens are located in seismically active zones of fractures in the earth's crust, which at a certain moment can function as waveguides, while the structures themselves can become receivers and transmitters. Such an activated dolmen is capable of capturing the radiation of a person inside it and converting it into ultrasonic vibrations, and then transmitting them along waveguide faults to other dolmens. If there are people tuned in to the same wave, they can receive the transmitted information.

Thus, the dolmen system was a global information system of the ancients, the prototype of the modern Internet, only much more perfect, because the transfer of information took place instantly, at the subconscious level, and instead of digital packages and files, mental and visual images were transferred. In addition, according to the supporters of this theory, dolmens could also perform the function of a database in which the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients were accumulated and stored.

Dolmen researchers are puzzled by the question of how our ancestors, who did not have modern machines and tools, could cut, process, lift and deliver multi-ton stone blocks to hard-to-reach mountain areas. But if we assume that these "houses" were not built by Neanderthals at all, but by the mighty Aryan (Vedic) or Atlantic civilization, they had enough knowledge and technology to create a worldwide information network by installing dolmen-shaped transmitters-transmitters at energetically active points Earth.

Unfortunately, at present this network cannot function, because the overwhelming majority of ancient dolmens have been destroyed as a result of wars and natural disasters. And in our time, their destruction continues by modern humanity, which has lost respect for ancient shrines.

By the way, the builders of dolmens did not have to move the boulders. It was possible to make a formwork, pour concrete interspersed with quartz into it - and the structure is ready without any super-efforts. By the way, traces of such formwork were imprinted on some of the walls of the dolmens. And applying images to uncured concrete is much easier than hammering in hard stone. By the way, there is a theory that the famous Egyptian pyramids were built in the same way. It is possible that they were built at the same time as the dolmens and served for the same purposes of servicing the global information network.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №20, Nikolay Santalov