An Englishwoman Filmed A Ghost In The Window Of Her House - Alternative View

An Englishwoman Filmed A Ghost In The Window Of Her House - Alternative View
An Englishwoman Filmed A Ghost In The Window Of Her House - Alternative View

Video: An Englishwoman Filmed A Ghost In The Window Of Her House - Alternative View

Video: An Englishwoman Filmed A Ghost In The Window Of Her House - Alternative View
Video: The Banned BBC Ghost Film That Terrified A Country 2024, September

Wiltshire resident Michelle Midwinter went out into the courtyard of her new home to take a photo of the facade. She wanted to post a photo on her Facebook page, but suddenly noticed a bright spot in one of the windows. Looking closer, the woman realized that it was a human face.

At that time, except for the woman herself and her little daughter, there was no one in the house, so Michelle ran inside and began to examine the rooms. But she didn't find anyone.

Michelle moved into this building a month ago. She nevertheless posted a photo on her page and users began to actively discuss what it could be. Someone thought it was just a flare, others were sure that it looked like an old man's face. Michelle, meanwhile, began to remember strange things that had happened since the move.


At first, the clock fell off the wall by itself and shattered, although it was securely attached. Then the woman's friend saw how the door handle to the room moved by itself and the door opened slightly. And it was in the same room in the window of which Michelle filmed the ghost.

They searched the entire house and even the attic to be sure that there were really no strangers in the house. Meanwhile, local historian Andrew Jones believes the face in the window may be that of Samuel Kent, who died in 1872. He had a daughter, Constance, who was convicted of the brutal murder of her three-year-old brother.

Initially, the charge was hung on Samuel, but then the evidence pointed to his daughter. Samuel worked as a plant inspector in the area and may have had something to do with Michelle's home. Jones sees a certain resemblance to the portrait of Kent and the face in the window.


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