Some Mysteries Of History: Egyptian Pyramids. Atlantean Art - Alternative View

Some Mysteries Of History: Egyptian Pyramids. Atlantean Art - Alternative View
Some Mysteries Of History: Egyptian Pyramids. Atlantean Art - Alternative View

Video: Some Mysteries Of History: Egyptian Pyramids. Atlantean Art - Alternative View

Video: Some Mysteries Of History: Egyptian Pyramids. Atlantean Art - Alternative View
Video: Mystery of the Pyramids, SOLVED 2024, September

We live in a country with an unpredictable Past - such a joke can sometimes be heard from some historians. I think this is not entirely true. Not in the country, but in the world. Much very much of what we know remains controversial, and some are completely inexplicable.

One of these questions is the Egyptian pyramids. A lot of unclear things are connected with them. First, why were they built, and secondly, how? Where, from what depths of centuries this incomprehensible custom was born: to erect majestic triangular structures, competing with each other in massiveness and height, among the desert hot from the sun? The most interesting thing is that a similar custom was observed in another part of the world, America, separated from Egypt by thousands of kilometers of sand and ocean.

One of the hypotheses explaining its origin is an ancient legend told by the Egyptian priests to Socrates - a legend about Atlantis, which was destroyed as a result of a gigantic tectonic catastrophe and plunged into the abyss of ocean waters. Wasn't that where the Flood myth was born? Moreover, something similar could well have taken place. For example, in the form of giant tsunamis, say, exceeding the usual ones by ten or more times. Such waves could well force the Black and Mediterranean Seas to overflow their shores and flood the surroundings up to the mountain ranges of the Apennines and the Caucasus. Subsequently, the surging waves inevitably had to subside, exposing the land cleared of all living and inanimate. Here is a ready-made myth about the global Flood.

As for the pyramids … According to legend, the first pyramid built on the territory of present-day Africa was the pyramid of Sorida. In it, the Atlanteans, who knew in advance about the upcoming catastrophe (where our seismologists are before them) decided to preserve the achievements of their civilization. Unfortunately, they did not foresee the main thing - all knowledge must be requested, otherwise they are doomed to oblivion and death. And who could need them, if the catastrophe almost completely destroyed the industry, destroyed institutes and research laboratories, killed thousands and thousands of scientists, engineers and simply qualified specialists. It was no longer about restoring what was lost, but about survival. And the surviving teachers began to teach not astronomy and not higher mathematics, but the first skills for survival in an unfriendly environment. The surviving knowledge gradually concentrated in the hands of the priests, science became caste and followed the path of rapid regression. As a result, the world slipped into a wild state. The era of ancient civilizations has come. Moreover, the closer to our era, the more regressed science, as a result of numerous wars, religious fanaticism and the use of slave labor. As an example, let us recall the same Archimedes, whose head was cut off by a Roman legionary. And the level of knowledge: Socrates talked about Atlantis, Pythagoras proved his theorems, Democritus argued that all the stars are suns, around which there are worlds like ours, and people live there, well, and their descendants Aristotle and Ptolemy … Is it worth remembering?Moreover, the closer to our era, the more regressed science, as a result of numerous wars, religious fanaticism and the use of slave labor. As an example, let us recall the same Archimedes, whose head was cut off by a Roman legionary. And the level of knowledge: Socrates talked about Atlantis, Pythagoras proved his theorems, Democritus argued that all the stars are suns, around which there are worlds like ours, and people live there, well, and their descendants Aristotle and Ptolemy … Is it worth remembering?Moreover, the closer to our era, the more regressed science, as a result of numerous wars, religious fanaticism and the use of slave labor. As an example, let us recall the same Archimedes, whose head was cut off by a Roman legionary. And the level of knowledge: Socrates talked about Atlantis, Pythagoras proved his theorems, Democritus argued that all the stars are suns, around which there are worlds like ours, and people live there, well, and their descendants Aristotle and Ptolemy … Is it worth remembering?around which there are worlds similar to ours, and people live there, and their descendants Aristotle and Ptolemy … Is it worth remembering?around which there are worlds similar to ours, and people live there, and their descendants Aristotle and Ptolemy … Is it worth remembering?

More than a dozen circumstantial evidence can be cited. But, unfortunately, I just don't have time for that. Another thing is important: based on the above arguments, there is every reason to assert that once upon a time there already existed a supercivilization on Earth, quite possibly surpassing the existing one in a number of indicators. And, it is quite possible that the myth of the pyramid of Socrates is actually a historical fact, i.e. has a real basis. Let's try to imagine what this pyramid was like? Firstly, it is unlikely that it was built of stone. The fact is that such a large-scale tectonic disaster such as the death of a large island or mainland is accompanied not only by increased volcanic activity, but also by unpredictable movements of the earth's crust. Hence,any of the tallest pyramids could easily be buried under the layers of the earth, or simply fall into a gaping crack.

So for any supercivilization, the most logical thing would be to build something like a spaceship that could be launched into orbit, and then landed in an uninhabited, uninhabited place, for example, in the desert. As for the shape of this spacecraft, it could well have been pyramidal, which is quite understandable, because for takeoff and landing it would have to overcome the earth's atmosphere.

Further, in addition to numerous instructions, descriptions, encyclopedias and samples of technical achievements, this ship-ark, for sure, should have contained all kinds of genetic materials, frozen cells of higher living organisms that inhabited the planet. Maybe even people immersed in suspended animation.

Hence, subsequently, the custom was born to place the embalmed bodies of the pharaohs in earthly copies of this ship - stone pyramids, in the hope that in the future descendants will be able to resurrect or clone them. Naturally, the revived pharaoh was not supposed to live in poverty, so he was provided with everything he needed, including servants, pets, utensils and jewelry. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the deceased Pharaoh was in no way recognized as a spirit. Therefore, there was no need to placate him. And send material values to the next world. It is unlikely that any of the priests or nobility could seriously believe that they would get there. All this is needed by the living, not the dead. Consequently, both of them believed or admitted that the owner of these things would sooner or later come to life. How people or clones, immersed in suspended animation, came to life.

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Now, how these pyramids were built. Here one can only speculate. But to me personally, a somewhat unusual path seems likely. What's the most in the desert? Of course sand. There are also storms that create and drive from place to place dunes (sand hills). Now let us attach such a dune with an inclined surface to one of the walls of the pyramid. We will cover it with a canvas, lay along the inclined boards or stone slabs and roll heavy stone blocks on them on wheels. As the pyramid increased in size, the adjacent sandy mound grew and lengthened. Well, upon completion of construction … Sand is sand. It is easy to bring him back to the desert. And no aliens with their helicopters and spaceships are needed.

Another mystery is the visual arts of the ancient Etruscans. Many are surprised by the inexplicable animation of their sculptures and paintings. A lion carved from stone seems more lively and furious than the one sitting in the bushes. The face is changing, the eyes are smiling, and the lips are opening. I am not an artist, so my assumptions may be wrong. But personally, it seems to me that the point here lies in the deep understanding by the ancient masters of the mechanism of formation of a visual image in the eye. So what's going on? First of all, when examining any object, the eye focuses first on one control point, then on another, third, and so on. Further, on the basis of the information received, the brain performs the synthesis of the final image. How, then, could ancient painters and sculptors act. In his works, he took into account the factor of time. That is, while the eye makes a movement, any moving object changes its position. For example, when the eye touches the upper part of the hand, it is in one position, when the lower one is already in the other, and when the fingers are already in the third. It was this dynamic that the ancient masters could take into account. Their portraits and sculptures were not photographically accurate, but consisted of separate parts, each of which was in its own individual (subsequent) moment in time. As a result, running through these control points, the eye transmits information to the brain that allows the latter to form not a static, but a dynamic image, which gives the Etruscan works incredible liveliness and originality. In fact, all of these works are animated.when the eye touches the upper part of the hand, it is in one position, when the lower one is already in the other, and when the fingers are already in the third. It was this dynamic that the ancient masters could take into account. Their portraits and sculptures were not photographically accurate, but consisted of separate parts, each of which was in its own individual (subsequent) moment in time. As a result, running through these control points, the eye transmits information to the brain that allows the latter to form not a static, but a dynamic image, which gives the Etruscan works incredible liveliness and originality. In fact, all of these works are animated.when the eye touches the upper part of the hand, it is in one position, when the lower one is already in the other, and when the fingers are already in the third. It was this dynamic that the ancient masters could take into account. Their portraits and sculptures were not photographically accurate, but consisted of separate parts, each of which was in its own individual (subsequent) moment in time. As a result, running through these control points, the eye transmits information to the brain that allows the latter to form not a static, but a dynamic image, which gives the Etruscan works incredible liveliness and originality. In fact, all of these works are animated. Their portraits and sculptures were not photographically accurate, but consisted of separate parts, each of which was in its own individual (subsequent) moment in time. As a result, running through these control points, the eye transmits information to the brain that allows the latter to form not a static, but a dynamic image, which gives the Etruscan works incredible liveliness and originality. In fact, all of these works are animated. Their portraits and sculptures were not photographically accurate, but consisted of separate parts, each of which was in its own individual (subsequent) moment in time. As a result, running through these control points, the eye transmits information to the brain that allows the latter to form not a static, but a dynamic image, which gives the Etruscan works incredible liveliness and originality. In fact, all of these works are animated. In fact, all of these works are animated. In fact, all of these works are animated.

In conclusion, I would like to say that our history holds many mysteries. You can hush them up, pretend that everything is already known. But we must also remember something else: there in our history can be stored answers to thousands of questions that face our civilization. To ignore them is to risk repeating mistakes that could have been avoided. Simply put, twice step on the same rake. Once upon a time, such mistakes may have ruined Great Alantis (Utalanda, Sunken Earth).

Taking them into account means preserving the Future for our civilization, ensuring a happy Tomorrow for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Lysenkov S. A. (Zared)