Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View
Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: What if a Black Hole entered our Solar System? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #education #children 2024, September

We ask questions that the current generation does not even think of. They do not come not because the current generation of 20-year-olds is stupid, rather the opposite. The Internet and other technological features have led to the fact that the current 20-year-olds will be much smarter than their peers several decades ago. However, modern technologies also have a downside, preventing them from seeing many things that are obvious to older generations.

Thanks to this evidence and our experience, We absolutely do not trust the official scientific “paradigms” and “religious dogmas” that are being forced on us from all sides, and unlike the past, today's propagandists, as a rule, have an imbecile intellect.

We have seen the changes that have taken place and are happening before our eyes and which cannot be explained from the official “academic” point of view. What is it? Who is behind this? These are the questions to which we will try to find an answer together. We are starting a new rubric to understand and answer questions that are simple on the one hand and very complex at the same time.

Who is running this world?

For what purpose?

Where is it going?

And so on and so forth.

We have already dealt with climate change, but the next new section of our heading will concern WATER, which makes up 70% of our bodies and without which protein life cannot exist at all. You can do without a lot, but without water you will bend in a couple of days.

Promotional video:

And somehow it turns out that the water disappears imperceptibly.

We did not find this time, but not so long ago there was a period on Earth when you could drink from any stream or river. In the 20th century, all this was dirty, so people drank from the water supply system, reading fantastic books about how in a terrible and gloomy future, clean water will only be sold in bottles, it will not be possible to drink slop from the tap.

And now, this future has arrived …. Do you catch the trend?

Recently, THEY have thrown a chutzpu called "global warming". Like because of him, the water disappears and the rivers become shallow. It's funny!

In connection with the opening of a new column, we ask our readers to share their impressions, observations and thoughts on this topic in the comments. And better with photos. Especially those who were born in cities “on the river”. And who can see the difference over time. How it was in your childhood and how it is now..

And just the other day, at a Western forum, they found old, but very informative and interesting material. It seems that the "Soviet" emigrant wrote. INFA 2010-2013

“This material is about a very urgent problem, about the loss of water. After all, everything is secondary in comparison with the loss of water! Loss of water is primary! And it is the loss of water that is directly related to the urgent and urgent threat to the entire economy and the usual life of people. Especially if you take Russia.

Deserts already make up 33% of the earth's land! Here's a diagram:


In fact, we need to take it wider. In fact, between the Arabian Peninsula and northern China - Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan with Central Asia is also almost all desert. As Gorbachev said: "The main thing is that the process goes on!"

We count further. We cross out Africa, there because no one will go to live among tsetse flies anyway, but they will come running from there. Well, how much habitable land is there really on the planet? If you also cross out India and China with their 1.5 billion population, they are already suffocating. Cross out Europe, which is also loaded above the waterlia. The whole world, apart from Russia and America, sleeps on three-tiered beds and drinks filtered urine, but the Russian UOs, who do not have these problems.

The whole world, the Russians are ready to give all iPhones and iPads for water and a simple place on earth.

The Arabs have somehow got used to this, but the Russian people are not used to the shortage of water. But over the past 100 years, the scale of the catastrophic loss of water in Russia has emerged. Remember the situation on the Oka River near the city of Murom, where an embankment was built on a former riverbed!


And if we look at the riverbed of the Dnieper in Smolensk. It is clearly designed for a much higher water level:


Look at the walls of the Kremlin, and the Kremlin was built by Godunov around 1600. That is, you can clearly see how the level of the Dnieper (DPNR) in Smolensk has dropped in just 400 years:


Who has a diamond eye can determine how many meters. And before, ancient Smolensk was on the mountain - how much higher 900 years ago:


Because the river supported him. In Smolensk, this can be clearly seen, because ancient Smolensk stood higher on the mountain:


And by the ratio of the places where ancient churches and churches of modern times were built, one could judge the estimated water level. The old river bed of the Dnieper has already been built up:


There, please - the Dnieper in Smolensk only 100 years ago. 2 times wider will be:


Do not forget that Smolensk is 125 km down the river and there the Dnieper should be wider than in Dorogobuzh.

Here is an article from the Smolensk newspaper:


“The history of Smolensk shipping goes back many centuries” Steamers on the Dnieper River in Smolensk appeared at the beginning of the 20th century! Three steam-powered vessels cruised along the river: "Brave", "Blagodat" and "Udaloy". They transported cargo and passengers on the section from Mogilev to Dorogobuzh. In 1903, on the site of the former bath, on the left bank of the Dnieper, a pier was built, which consisted of a warehouse and two waiting rooms for passengers. The Dnieper has become shallow, so they don't swim. Seasonal navigation along the Dnieper has recently officially opened. But is this navigation? So, the name is one … Now it is difficult to imagine that the main river of the region once could have flown huge boats and large steamers. The history of Smolensk shipping goes back many centuries. The fact that navigation along the Dnieper was very well developed in ancient Russia,no historian doubts … … the story of the murder of Prince Gleb, who was traveling through Smolensk, stands out. This happened in 1015 at the mouth of the Smyadyn River flowing into the Dnieper. Smyadynskaya bay was very convenient for the entry of ships - "ships", "asads" and "uchans". Moscow, Tver, Vyazma merchants, and later Lithuanian merchants also stayed here. Later Smolensk merchants were engaged in notable trade with Riga, with Gotland and with German cities. Proof of this is the treaty concluded with them by the Prince of Smolensk Mstislav Davidovich in 1228. “May peace and friendship be from now on between the Smolensk region, Riga, the Gothic coast (Gotland) and all Germans walking on the Eastern Sea, to the mutual pleasure of both sides ", - said in the historical document. In the XII-XIII centuries, another pier existed at the mouth of the Klovka River. It housed "Gostiny Dvor Litovsky" with warehouses. Over time, the Klovka river became shallow and dry. The same fate befell Smyadyn. Until the second half of the 19th century, bread, hemp, wheat, timber and building materials were floated along the Dnieper."

Even 40 years ago, there were river trams in Smolensk:


Now a rare motor boat will pass there. What other comments to this article besides the photo? From the Dnieper in Smolensk, there was "Pereplyuevka".


And here is the tributary of the Volga - the Mologa, which flows into the Volga in the Rybinsk reservoir. Here is a comparative snapshot of water loss in Mologa, and this is also at the end of May, in high water. There will be much less water there in July.


These pictures are from the city of Ustyuzhna. The name “Ustyuzhna” - there is a river Yuzhna, which flows into the Mologa just in this place. The next Russian river is Vologda. Here's a compilation shot:


In the top right picture, it is still June, and the other pictures are already the end of summer. The difference is noticeable. In autumn, there is no water in Vologda, despite the rains, and this is just a dirty ditch. The next Russian river is Sukhona. This is also the Vologda region. Also unlucky, the pictures are generally in May, there is still no grass, that is, in high water. But you watch what is being done! Ka-ra-UUL!


The top right picture shows the city of Veliky Ustyug. Even in May, during the flood, and the motor ship is still forced to land people not on the shore, but on the former bottom. And it's spring! And in summer there will be almost no water at all. Catastrophic shallowing of the Northern Dvina:


And the Vologda Sukhona? Previously, from Vologda to Arkhangelsk along the Sukhona - Severnaya Dvina, regular steamboats were running! And now there is only one casuistic excursion steamer "Gogol" - here is the infa with a map, goes from Arkhangelsk down only to Kotlas, and from Kotlas excursionists visit Veliky Ustyug by bus. Because the river between Kotlas and Veliky Ustyug is impassable! It is the same now that the excursion motor ship “Nikolay Yakovlev” goes from Vologda only to Veliky Ustyug. And then! Only in May there is still water!

Here's some more history:

“Shallowing rivers. Grand Duke Vladimir Saint historical and biographical sketch N. Markov. Published by M. Goldenberg. Goldenberg's printing house in Elisavetgrad, Mosovsk. st. d. 51

1888 year. page 8. second paragraph.

“… The present Podil was not yet inhabited; here, at the bottom of the mountain, at the time of Princess Olga, the Dnieper still flowed. Even in later times this place was covered with swamps, with dense reeds … “

Readers information:

“I am sending you the latest data on the situation on the Volga in the region of the Kuibyshev reservoir and the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station - reports from three cities of Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Kazan. On the Togliatti news portal, the article “Volga on the rocks” was published without much fuss.

In the Kuibyshev reservoir, the water level is kept as much as four meters below normal. The concentration of harmful chemical compounds increases in water, because the volume of water does not affect the amount of discharges into the Volga from enterprises. Sludge banks not hidden under a layer of water dry up, and harmful substances contained in the soil can enter the air. And it's not just a drought: "This year's flood along the Volga-Kama cascade is rated as the worst in the last ten years." in the middle of a huge sandy field.

“Vechernyaya Kazan” reports: Only 5 cm separates the water level from the critical line of 49 meters! The water level in the reservoir is something like a mark on a thermometer, which shows the well-being of the once great river and its environment. It seems that in the future the Volga residents will have to live by checking these figures: if the water level drops below 52 meters, then Tatarstan will lose its reserves. Sviyazhsky, Spassky and partially - Saralovsky will be completely lost. At around 50, fish will disappear from the Teteyevsky and Meshinsky sections of the river and near Rybnaya Sloboda. The rupture of oil and gas pipelines, collapse of bridges, destruction of banks are expected. The fields will turn into ravines, there will be cases of poisoning with mixtures of heavy metals, which from the exposed bottom will be swept away by the winds. Then water will certainly become worth its weight in gold. Its production will be too expensive:you will have to turn on electric vacuum pumps, use a lot of reagents to clean it. For example, if climate change is serious and for a long time, it means that eight hydroelectric power plants located along the Volga from Tver to Volgograd must stop. Indeed, many scientists give the Volga hydroelectric power station no more than 20 years of life. The Volga, according to some scientists, has been gone for 55 years. Since the cascade of hydroelectric power plants appeared on it - a kind of ladder of steps-baths. The upper one is in the Tver region, the lower one is in Volgograd. With the appearance of this "ladder", the Volga really began to flow from afar and for a long time, scientists say: free, it spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now it is a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "For example, if climate change is serious and for a long time, it means that eight hydroelectric power plants located along the Volga from Tver to Volgograd must stop. Indeed, many scientists give the Volga hydroelectric power station no more than 20 years of life. The Volga, according to some scientists, has been gone for 55 years. Since the cascade of hydroelectric power plants appeared on it - a kind of ladder of steps-baths. The upper one is in the Tver region, the lower one is in Volgograd. With the appearance of this "ladder", the Volga really began to flow from afar and for a long time, scientists say: free, it spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now it is a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "For example, if climate change is serious and for a long time, it means that eight hydroelectric power plants located along the Volga from Tver to Volgograd must stop. Indeed, many scientists give the Volga hydroelectric power station no more than 20 years of life. The Volga, according to some scientists, has been gone for 55 years. Since the cascade of hydroelectric power plants appeared on it - a kind of ladder of steps-baths. The upper one is in the Tver region, the lower one is in Volgograd. With the appearance of this “ladder”, the Volga really began to flow from afar and for a long time, scientists say: free, it spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now it takes a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "Indeed, many scientists give the Volga hydroelectric power station no more than 20 years of life. The Volga, according to some scientists, has been gone for 55 years. Since the cascade of hydroelectric power plants appeared on it - a kind of ladder of steps-baths. The upper one is in the Tver region, the lower one is in Volgograd. With the appearance of this “ladder”, the Volga really began to flow from afar and for a long time, scientists say: free, it spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now it takes a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "Indeed, many scientists give the Volga hydroelectric power station no more than 20 years of life. The Volga, according to some scientists, has been gone for 55 years. Since the cascade of hydroelectric power plants appeared on it - a kind of ladder of steps-baths. The upper one is in the Tver region, the lower one is in Volgograd. With the appearance of this “ladder”, the Volga really began to flow from afar and for a long time, scientists say: free, it spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now it takes a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "she spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now - a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life. "she spent only 45 days on the way to the Caspian, and now - a year and a half. Everything would be fine, only stagnant water loses its ability to heal itself, or, more simply, to life."

(Here, by the way, the uninitiated do not understand that, according to Bernouli's law, the Aliens specially set up dams along the Volga, otherwise, due to the catastrophic loss of water, the Volga would have been unnavigable for a long time. Only due to a sharp deceleration of the water speed, level B The Volga is still generally supported. If all the dams are now removed, then besides that there will be no electricity - the Volga will become a stream - the water will slip quickly, and there is no more of it to fill the channel! The Volga was already quite shallow at the end of the 19th century in some places that wiring by barge haulers was required!

Don't you remember how dirty the Moskva River was 100 years ago? “The Moscow River! Where have you flowed. The Moskva River has an opposite story. The BAALsheviks shunted the Volga water into it. And 100 years ago the Moscow River was ALREADY a dirty stream. As you understand, it was impossible to build a capital on a dirty stream - they robbed the Volga in favor of the Moscow River.)

The Volga can turn into a “great Russian swamp”? “Kazan, November 11 (New Region, Alexey Usov) - The Volga region is threatened by an ecological catastrophe,” ecologists say. The first to sound the alarm in Tatarstan, noticing that the Volga River after the summer drought began to rapidly grow shallow. But that's not what we're talking about now. For example, in Tatarstan, due to a drop in the water level, the work of several ship routes was suspended (and this affected both freight and passenger transport) and individual marinas were closed. The level of the Kuibyshev reservoir drops sharply, and this threatens the death of 80% of the fish. Residents of Samara, Saratov, Voronezh and Bashkiria noticed the beginning problems with the supply of drinking water. In some areas along the Volga, problems began with shipping. The river itself turns into a chemical swamp:due to shallowing in water, the concentration of toxic substances has increased tenfold."

Shallowing of the Volga (Photo of the Volga level in Saratov) According to local fishermen, “there is no fish in the Volga”. “Before, everything was different, but now we have practically stopped installing networks. And not because we are afraid of fish inspection, there is simply no point. On 10 m of the net, there are about a dozen fish, and that's all. So I feel that at this rate our grandchildren will only listen to stories about fishing. This is not to mention the sterlet or sturgeon, which even we ourselves remember only from stories. Once a couple of years ago, a friend and I caught a sterlet that accidentally swam in the vicinity of Saratov. I still show a photo of this fish to my friends. And the Volga sandy beaches are overgrown with grass and slowly turn into a swamp. It's a pity. Where earlier it was possible to go not only on a boat - on a ship, you can hardly go on a rowing boat - the keel scratches along the bottom,”complains Alexander Sergeev,fisherman with 20 years of experience. Indeed, this year the spit stretching for tens and hundreds of meters, littered with heaps of algae and other “river riches”, have become a familiar sight for the Volga shores”.


A significant drop in the water level in the Volga threatens the fish stocks of the region. “The fish managed to spawn before the water recession, there are many juveniles - on average, up to 1 million fry per hectare. But they risk turning into fish soup,”says Vladimir Ermolin, a leading researcher at the Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries.

“For a month now, the traditional Omiks have not been walking along the Volga - because of the shallowing of the river, they cannot moor to the piers. Instead, Kazan scientists propose to launch a new type of water transport. KAI has developed a model of an ekranoplan - a hybrid of a boat and an airplane.

“Scientists are sounding the alarm: these changes can radically change life within the Volga water area. And not only in one region - catastrophic shallowing has become a problem for many Volga cities. From the trees tilted by a landslide to the edge of the bank, which the river erodes every year in high water, is now about a hundred meters. Wooden supports of the old quay of the fish factory protrude from the raw sand - it was built even before the reservoir was formed. The pipe, through which the enterprise used to receive water from the Volga, is now almost completely out. “You see, before they even thought that the river could become so shallow,” says Dmitry Semenov, associate professor of the Department of Biology and Bioecology at Ulyanovsk State University.

“The view of the shallow Volga in the Ulyanovsk region reminds of the old days. Once upon a time, in the place of the familiar to us continuous water mirror, one could observe numerous islands and river channels - Volozhki. The root Volga was no wider than Sviyaga in the area of the Sviyazhsky beach. The wooded and meadow floodplain, the Volga Islands were full of animals and birds, and the Volga and Volozhki - fish of all kinds, up to the most valuable - sturgeon and beluga. Today, only one of the islands is Paltsinsky. But during the period of water recession, sandbanks are exposed in the middle of the reservoir. One of them, according to the stories of old-timers, was once called the Shameless Island: they swam there naked. Sandbanks in the middle of the reservoir appeared this fall as well. If this continues, then in the foreseeable future we will see that very original Volga - with Shameless Island,but without fish and with a very foul smell."

This is a PHOTO on the topic.

This Video.

I draw your attention to the fact that it was only about the Volga, and only about the Middle and Lower Volga. And the fact that there is nothing to be done on the Upper Volga and its tributaries is generally in the literal sense of the word: "put out the light - drain the water!"

Reader's letter: “Regarding the water disaster, if infa is still going to, I can take cool pictures of a place called Korablikha in the spring, as the name implies, ships used to approach the village, and now from the village level to the water (the Vetluga river in the Kostroma region, flows into Volga) 16 meters in height, and in this dry summer the river was generally shallowed by half and the water in it became rotten. Where 15 years ago I swam and the depth was 4 meters, now you can wade the river, that is, the changes are global and all this happens very quickly."

- Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -
