The Story Of The Possessed Eleanor Zugan - Alternative View

The Story Of The Possessed Eleanor Zugan - Alternative View
The Story Of The Possessed Eleanor Zugan - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Possessed Eleanor Zugan - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Possessed Eleanor Zugan - Alternative View
Video: THE 8 CHILD MASSACRE 2024, September

Several centuries ago, people believed in the existence of the devil. In the Middle Ages, it was generally accepted that Lucifer existed in reality, was called the King of Darkness and had a whole army of helper spirits whose purpose was to destroy everything created by the Lord. Christ called them demons and healed those in whom the demons settled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Apostle Paul warned people that the struggle between Christians and the "supernatural forces of evil" is just beginning. Belief in the existence of "forces of evil" is inherent not only in the Christian faith, it also takes place in other religions of the world. Islam claims that such demons, or, as they call them, genies, existed on earth long before the appearance of man and that they will remain after the death of humanity. The Jewish teaching of Kabbalah is one of the variants of demonology. Hindu and Buddhist texts tell of similar concepts that tormented their victims as did the early writings of the Hellenistic and Mesopotamian cultures.

Modern society considers itself too developed to believe in such "fairy tales".

And although people's faith in the "forces of evil" has faded, they do not seem to be going to give up. As incredible as it may seem, over the past hundred years there have been many strange incidents that cannot be explained by anything other than the tricks of the devil.

In February 1925, Eleanor Zugan, a 12-year-old rural girl living in the Romanian gypsy village of Talpa, became the target of a force that her grandmother was quick to recognize as a devil. In the presence of Eleanor, small objects began to jump, twirl and fall; stones rained down on the roof of the house; they flew into the windows opening by themselves, and the air in the room where the girl was, suddenly became icy.


When her parents took her to the priest, so that he "expelled the evil spirits from her," this did not help and the strange phenomena did not stop. Eyewitnesses observed how even furniture began to move in her presence, and the wind blew over their heads. But most of all, the invisible tormentor brought suffering to the girl herself. Scratches and bruises appeared on her face, arms and neck, as if she had been beaten.

One day, twenty-five bites appeared on her arms. The parents were in despair and did not know what to do. Finally, Eleanor was sent to a local monastery. But when these strange things continued to happen there, she was declared insane and sent to an insane asylum.

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The doctors considered that the girl had done herself with scratches and abrasions. The rumor about supernatural things happening to her was retold by one of the newspapers, and gradually scientists studying anomalous phenomena became interested in this.

In the fall of 1925, Harry Price, an English psychologist, took a little gypsy under supervision. After the very first meetings with the girl in Vienna, Price announced that a certain evil spirit had indeed settled in her.

"In the first few minutes of our acquaintance, Eleanor suddenly cried out in pain, and a crimson bite mark appeared on her hand, just above the wrist … If the reader bites himself on the hand, he will see exactly the same imprint of teeth that appeared on the girl's hand," - this is from the notes of a psychologist.


Another scientist visited Eleanor Zugan. It was Colonel W. W. Hardwick, who wrote in his notes: “Eleanor was engaged in trying to open the box, when she suddenly screamed and grabbed her left wrist with her right hand - distinct teeth marks appeared on her hand, then purple scratches appeared on her forehead, right hand and cheeks. Then a bruise appeared on my left hand, the hand swelled a little, and after three or four minutes the bruise slowly began to disappear. The girl was with us and could not do it herself”.

Thanks to her unexpected intercessors, the gypsy girl was released from the hospital and, accompanied by a Viennese countess named Zo Vassalko-Seretski, who provided her with all kinds of help and support, traveled to European cities, visited London, Paris and Munich, where scientists followed this a phenomenon. All of them were convinced that the injuries that appear from time to time in the girl could not be inflicted by herself in any way.

With the exception of some skeptics, everyone else who knew the young gypsy woman was sure that the bites, bruises and abrasions on her body could be inflicted by some supernatural force. Some speculated that she might have been attacked by the ghost of her own aura, but others suggested that only the devil could behave so cruelly.

Today, many parapsychologists believe that the emotional disorder of her subconscious is to be blamed for incomprehensible attacks on a girl. This version is really interesting, since the strange lesions on her body stopped appearing in 1926, when the girl first began to menstruate.

Whatever the truth, the example of Eleanor Zugan remains one of the most compelling evidence of anomalous outbreaks taking place in our century.