Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View
Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Video: Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Video: Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View
Video: Earth Has Another Magnetic Field 2024, September

Do you know why one thing attracts another? What affects them besides love? Carried away by physics since childhood, I heard back in the Soviet school that science does not know for certain what magnetism is, what electricity is, until now the same light is determined only theoretically. The only difference is that Newton was worried about this, feeling his inferiority as a scientist, and modern koloboks - not a second. Now I will clearly show you what a funny excursion I made into the question of magnetism without leaving Vykipedia. The principle is simple: I start with "magnetism" and then poke in a row at the concept that defines the current one. Here's a look at what I got:

Magnetism is a form of interaction of moving electric charges, carried out at a distance by means of a magnetic field

Magnetic field - a force field acting on moving electric charges and on bodies with a magnetic moment

Magnetic moment, magnetic dipole moment - the main quantity characterizing the magnetic properties of a substance (the source of magnetism, according to the classical theory of electromagnetic phenomena, are electrical macro- and microcurrents; an elementary source of magnetism is a closed current)

Electric current - directed (ordered) movement of particles or quasiparticles - carriers of an electric charge

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Electric charge (the amount of electricity) is a physical scalar quantity that determines the ability of bodies to be a source of electromagnetic fields and take part in electromagnetic interaction.

If you suddenly thought that the answer is hidden in the mysterious word "scalar", then here is its definition:

A scalar quantity (from the Latin. Scalaris - stepwise) in physics is a quantity, each value of which can be expressed by one real number.

So, you understand what attracts the compass needle, why does a magnet magnetise and how electricity lights your light bulb and keeps your phone charged?


This picture reminded you and me of another, and I thought that perhaps magnetism and electricity are called the belief of particles in something light … or dark. Once upon a time, I edited such an unpleasant video …